26 September 2008


Gracie girl is here!!!!!!!!!!

My sister Kristi called me last night and told me she was having pretty bad contractions. I told her to lay down, relax, make Matt do everything and see if they stop. Well they did for a little bit until she got up at 4am to go to the bathroom. She said they were coming every 4 minutes! Sadly, her doctor is on vacation this week (she already knew that she would be, that's why her c/s was scheduled for next week.) So she called the office and they told her to go to L&D right away.

Kristi called me at 5am crying hysterical ("this wasn't suppose to happen" / "my doctors on vacation" / "I didn't pack bags yet" etc.) She was throwing stuff in a bag and my dad was on his way to her house to pick up Ben. When they got to the hospital, Matt (my BIL) called me and said that she is 4cm dilated and 100% effaced so she was most definitely in labor and that he would keep us posted.

Fast forward to 8:30am this morning when I got the following text:

Grace Morgan Z.
September 26, 2008 at 8:20am
9lbs 12oz
22 in

I can't believe she's here! Her labor was progressing so fast, that they had to do the c-section right away. Mom and baby are doing well, thankfully! I'm at work now, but my little sister and I (we work a block from each other and commute together into Philly everyday) will be leaving work shortly after a meeting that I have.

I can't sit still.

A little fun, family, fact before I go and take an obscene amount of pictures:
-Ben, my nephew and Kristi's first baby, was born on Matt's birthday (March 30th)
-Grace, my new NIECE and Kristi's second baby, was born today (Sept. 26th.) My sister's birthday is tomorrow (the 27th.) Crazy, right?


Anonymous said...

Congrats Aunt Jenni!! Can't wait to see lots of pics.

Oh, and I love the blog-lift. ;)

Jeannie said...

Congrats to you and your family! I'm glad to hear that mom and baby are well and can't wait to see pics!

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