Wow, I'm a blog whore today. Anyway, Carter and I got our very first Christmas gifts in the mail last night from our Secret Santa(s) Michelle and Brock. We were so excited and we couldn't wait to open them!
I got some wine stuff... what a perfect gift!

Of course, I immediately had to try everything out to make sure it worked ;)

Yum.... (And, yes, I realize that I have white wine in a red wine glass, but frankly, their bigger. Oh, don't judge.)

Carter loved his gift from his little friend, Brock, as well! Socks that look like Santa's boots... how cute are these!?!

Apparently they taste good too! "Thanks Brockli!!"

Below are just a few more shots of Carter that I got last night. They were too cute not to post :)

you can see that carter gets his looks from me.
He is so darn cute! I just bought Luke that onesie from target :-)
um, i only drink wine in red glasses... does that make me a lush?
Bri- of course he does :)
Tiff- that's where we got it. I love it!
Trin- no, that makes you very smart!
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