08 January 2009

My Jumping Bean

Carter has been enjoying his Rainforest Jumperoo for quite some time now, but mostly just for the lights, music, and overall amusement that it provides. However, recently he has discovered what the Jumperoo can really allow him to do- jump {who knew?}

I apologize in advance for the shaky video... watching his feet move really made Bob and I laugh {and I've cracked up every time I've watched it so far.}

And with his socks off...for optimal jumping.

Ain't he cute? ;)


Anonymous said...

SO CUTE! Okay - I'll admit it - I've watched both videos twice already! and the day is still young! Carter is the best jumperoo jumper ever!

~Mrs. JMS~ said...

Aww Kai wanted part of the action too! What a cutie! I cant wait till my little man figures that out.

Anonymous said...

Okay - I am now on my 6th time watching his jumping video! I just love your Flip thingie that tapes him!!!!!!!!!!!

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