When we got there, we were taken right back. It was so wonderful to just lay there and stare at the baby bouncing around in there. The ultrasound tech had the hardest time trying to get the measurements that she needed because it would not stay still! Luckily she got what she needed, let me go to the bathroom {thankfully!!!} then laid me back down to show us everything, including the sex. It was, most definitely, a boy and he was not afraid to show us the goods. We were so excited that she was able to determine the sex {we couldn't wait to find out} but we were even more happy that everything was perfectly healthy in there. Thank God!
After our appointment, we sat in the parking lot and called each of our parents and my sisters. We couldn't even drive until we got off the phone with everyone b/c we were crying. {I know, I know.} After we finally settled down, we went out to lunch to celebrate. We then headed over to Babies R Us to start our registry. Of course we couldn't leave empty handed :)
I know many people think that it ruins "one of the last great surprises in life" by finding out the sex early. I don't see it that way. Bob and I were very surprised when we found out and we spent the day together doing things for the baby knowing what he was going to be. I wouldn't trade that day for anything. It's a day that I wouldn't have had if we had waited. And finding out the sex certainly didn't make the birth of our son any less special. I feel like I had two days dedicated solely to him and 2/22 was one of them.
Here are a few pics from that very special day.

I clearly wore the wrong color ;)

It wasn't until the ride home that we decided on a name. Carter was on our list, of course.... but Ethan was the front runner. There were also a few others on the list as well.
While driving home from BRU, I looked over at Bob and said "Honey...he looked like a Carter to me." Bob glanced back at me and said "I couldn't agree more."
Aw...that was such a sweet story. You are so good about documenting all your precious moments...Carter will definitely appreciate that :).
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