I had a wonderful weekend, but it was so busy! I'm tellin' ya... I literally did not sit down the entire time.
Friday night I hung out with Bob and Carter for awhile, then headed out to Babies R Us and to meet some friends for drinks at Cheeseburger in Paradise. Good times :)
I woke up early on Saturday morning to get everything together for Maureen's bridal shower. Kacy and I drove around like crazy, picking stuff up before heading to Filomena Lakeview where the shower was being held. We thought we were making good time until we went to pick up our balloon order. Boy, were we wrong. It wasn't ready. We then proceeded to sit in the store for 45 minutes while the one girl working there completed our order while also helping everyone else that came into the store. No, not her fault. But honestly, we placed and paid for the order like a week before. Have the damn thing ready. Grrr.
Friday night I hung out with Bob and Carter for awhile, then headed out to Babies R Us and to meet some friends for drinks at Cheeseburger in Paradise. Good times :)
I woke up early on Saturday morning to get everything together for Maureen's bridal shower. Kacy and I drove around like crazy, picking stuff up before heading to Filomena Lakeview where the shower was being held. We thought we were making good time until we went to pick up our balloon order. Boy, were we wrong. It wasn't ready. We then proceeded to sit in the store for 45 minutes while the one girl working there completed our order while also helping everyone else that came into the store. No, not her fault. But honestly, we placed and paid for the order like a week before. Have the damn thing ready. Grrr.
Anyway, we had everything for the shower in our car, so no one could set anything up until we got there. Meanwhile, Kacy was waiting for the balloons in the store while I was out in the parking lot putting the little cards that I made on one of the favors. Good times.
Thankfully we were only a little late to the restaurant and we were able to set everything up just before most of the guests arrived. All in all, the shower went beautifully and we had such a wonderful time!
Kacy and her "what can you do...we're going to be really late" attitude.
All the balloons in the back of the SUV. Annoying but pretty...

The chocolates {my mom made them!} that I was putting the tags on in the parking lot. I had no place to put the finished ones, so I threw them in the glove compartment. Niiice.

See, there were a lot of them!

The room looked great and the food was delish!


Lots of presents...


Abbie's beautiful wrap job :)

The girls!! {Mom, me, Kristi, and Kacy}

Reen and the BM's {Sam, me, Reen, Nina, Jax, Kacy, & Meg}

Kacy, Maureen, and I

Christopher and I {i.e. the groom :)}

I also wanted to show you pics of Reenie's bridal shower invites that I designed and made for her :)
Hot pink envelope. Gotta love it :)

I had to find a font so that the "m" didn't look like an "M&M" in the circle ;) But I loved how they turned out!

After the shower, we headed back to Chris and Maureen's for a small get together before heading over to yet another party!! Kacy and I went to her in-laws house for their annual Fur Rendezvous winter BBQ block party. It was great... but staying in our cute dresses from the shower while standing outside in 20 degree weather was definitely a bad choice. Oh well... it was still fun :)
On Sunday, Carter and I headed out to do some shopping with my mom, sisters, niece {Gracie girl} and nephew {Benjamin}. It was fun, but very time consuming, lol. Luckily we found a dress for Grace for her baptism next weekend, among a few other things. We then picked up my dad and Bob and headed out to Hibatchi for dinner. YUM.
I got home at about 8:30pm, cut my dad's hair for him, got Carter ready for bed, then finally sat down at about 9pm. Needless to say, I was asleep before 10 {I think}.
Great {but crazy} weekend.
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