02 March 2009

It's snowing. In March.

Yep, that's right. Just when we thought the snow was over for the season, we get hit with 10 inches. Ugh. I work at a University in Philly and it didn't close today. It never closes. So I decided to call out sick and spend the day with Bob and Carter :)

Carter was very interested in all the snow today, though I won't take him out it in. It's super windy and the snow is just blowing in every direction. So he's been sitting on the couch in front of the living room window just watching it.
Whoaaaaa, did you see this stuff?

It is really cool.

Giving the snow raspberries for mommy.
Can you please hurry up so I can look at the snow again?

Just before "round II" started...

And probably two of my favorite pictures :)


Trinity said...

absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures of him looking out the window.

Anonymous said...

You take the most beautiful pictures of Carter!! I love reading his blog. He's 3 days older than our little guy.

Larissa: said...

I'm so jealous! You take the BEST pictures :-) I love the last 2!! Glad you guys got to enjoy a snow-day together!

Mary said...

So cute! Michael is like his mommy - not interested in snow at all :)

Kimberly said...

Such a cutie! I love the upside-down one with his finger hooked in his mouth... James does that all the time too... teething! He's getting so big, so sweet!

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