First we ate and played video games...

Carter found his car {b/c it matched his stroller!}

And Ben found two cars that he loved!

After the car show, we headed over to get some ice cream.

Carter loved the vanilla milkshake...

Love this pic... Carter kept pulling Kacy's hair!
Kacy's all ready!! 

On Saturday, I had to work our University graduation. We had a brunch in our garden for all of our students before their noon ceremony. I then went out to lunch with my family and headed over to Kacy's graduation ceremony at 4 {The University has 4 graduation ceremonies b/c there are so many students.}
Kacy's all ready!!

The line to get in wrapped around 2 city blocks. I'm not kidding. Can you see the people on the other side of the volley ball court??

Whew... finally in the a/c! Almost time to start. Ryan and I got bored really fast so we were taking pictures of ourselves and playing games on the iPhone. Oh, and texting Kacy b/c she was bored too and couldn't sit with us, hehe.

Blurry pic of Kacy on the big screen walking across the stage!

After {sneaking out of} graduation, we took some pics in the garden outside of my office building which happens to be right next to where they held the ceremony...

Kacy made me get this pic when I graduated with my MS degree...

After graduation, we headed over for dinner and drinks at Maggiano's. YUM!

We had about 2 hours to kill before our reservations...

At first it was just Kacy, Ryan, and I...

But then everyone else came. There were 15 people for dinner =)

Who doesn't love that little blue box???

The mesh ring!

I didn't see Carter at all on Saturday, which was the only downside to such a wonderfully, busy day.
On Sunday, I made sure to hug on Carter a lot. We relaxed in the morning, then went to my parents house for lunch and out shopping afterwords. {We priced some stuff at Home Depot to fix the family room!!!} It was nice to just relax on Sunday after the busy weekend.
Congrats to Kacy. :)
And I love that blue dress, Jenni!
Sounds like so much fun!
BTW I ordered Oliver's invites and got them in the mail yesterday. I LOVE them!!! Thanks again!
Where did you get that dress? I love it!
Kristal- Thank you dear =)
Yay Bridget!! I'm glad you love them!
Annon.- It's by Tommmy Hilfiger. I bought it 50% off at Macy's last week! It was SUPER comfy! I love it!
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