I got a few very sweet comments and emails from readers talking about this year's design. However, I wanted to mention one email in particular. This email was from a person who works for the wonderful company that we order our t-shirts from year after year- Custom Ink. He said that his wife is a reader of my blog and showed him my "Y3W: Vacation Edition" post that included my design. He was impressed and couldn't believe that I made it myself! =) He then mentioned a contest that the website holds and encouraged me to enter.
As a reminder, here is my design...

If you like it, feel free to vote for me =) If you don't like it, please don't vote or I will come over there and kick you then that's fine too! All votes are encouraged and appreciated! You don't have to sign up... just click on the ink dots to vote... 5 = the best!
You can vote by clicking this link: Phamily-OBX 2009
Thanks so much =)
Voted! Good luck :-)
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