While designing my Christmas card this year, we had a very funny conversation that went a little something like this:
Kacy: "Wouldn't it be funny if I sent around a picture of Jake {their dog}on our Christmas card?"
Jenn: "I think it would be cute! What would it say?"
Kacy: "Our dog is cuter than your kid."
Jenn: :::dies laughing:::
So I went ahead and started designing said card, using a picture of Jakey Monster from last Christmas. He is just too cute. =)
Well, when Kacy told our mom this weekend about her card, my mom got upset and immediately said "you can't send that out, people will get offended!!" I, for one, think it's effing hilarious and I have kid{s}. But I understand that not everyone has a sense of humor like ours, so I pose the question to you, my readers.... would you be offended if you got this card in the mail??

Feel free to comment or answer the poll on the side. Thanks =)
That is awesome! yes send it!!! I would die laughing myself and proudly display it in front of every other card we get ;)
I'm laughing uncontrollably at work. I wouldn't be offended at all!
i guess i shouldn't vote on this one?
I think it's hilarious! I am sure some people would probably be offended, but I wouldn't send them a Christmas card anyway :)
Hilarious. I'd laugh my butt off if I got that card!
Anything is bound to offend someone! It's funny and cute (to me) though! :)
I think it is a cute card! Plus the only people getting the card would be friends or family of your sister and they should know her sense of humor! Let us know what she decides :)
I think it is great! Definitely would stand out among the happy holiday greetings that most people send out. I think it is super funny and I'd enjoy it. (I have a dog, and a baby on the way)
It's hilarious! I too have kids and would not be offended one bit. Maybe if it said something like "Our dog will bite your kid" then maybe I would be a little offended but this is just plain funny.
It's great! I also have kids and I would not be offended one bit. Maybe if it said "Our dog will bite your kid" then maybe I would be offended but this is just funny. I love it! Just don't send one to your mom.
haha tooo funny!!! love it!
Hysterical....If someone gets offended, that's ridiculous, it's funny!
Pre-kids, I sent our Christmas Card was a picture of Shadow our {late, sniff, sniff} Black Lab with Antler ears and everyone loved it!
He WAS our kid!
I think it's tacky
I wouldn't be offended, but I do think it is silly and not appropriate for a Christmas card. I would send the card without the saying (because I think dog Christmas cards are adorable). I mean, I don't put on my card that my kid is cuter than all your kids. I love doggies, but the saying is too much. My sister in law always says how her dog is cuter and we laugh. I just can't imagine sending it out on a card.
what's not cute about licking your own butt?!?! LOL. She should totally throw that line in there.
p.s. How in the world is her dog so well behaved to take a picture...my dog is worse than my kid sometimes.
Send it! I love it!
I think it's great! Send it out! :)
Thanks for your honest opinions everyone!
OK so, I personally am not offended, and I do have my own dog and a kid. HOWEVER, is it really necessary to send a potentially offensive message on a Christmas card? It is CHRISTMAS, after all, and the meaning of this season is not to be hurtful or snide, but to be loving, peaceful, and appreciative of all the blessings in our lives.
Why not just include the picture of Jake on the card because she's proud of what a handsome dog he is? Who cares if he's cuter than someone else's dog or kid? That's not what Christmas is about.
Actually after writing all of this, I kind of change my mind - it seems like a really rude and unnecessary sentiment for a Christmas card. If you think your dog is cuter than my kid, great! You're his 'mom', you're supposed to! But do you need to say it on a CHRISTMAS card? Seems hurtful. People who send Christmas cards with pictures of their families don't write at the bottom "We are better than you".
Julie- I was thinking about putting "we're better than you" on our card this year, but changed my mind ;)
Of course the intention of the card is just to make people laugh, which is why she wants to send it! =)
I think the decision has been made to send the card only to the people that have a good sense of humor!
Thanks again for your help everyone!
I say go for it. It's meant to be funny, not hurtful, and everybody that says it can be potentially offensive can promptly remove their stick from their ass before opening it :)
I personally don't love the idea, but it isn't my style either. I like that you came to a middle ground and will send it to the people who will truly "get it."
Also, on a side note, as a designer, i find the text slightly hard to read. I know you didn't ask, but i just wanted to let you know! I love the plaid background too. =)
Right on. I maintain that while I see the humor in it, it is an unnecessary sentiment. I hope she gets the reaction she's hoping for.
Thanks... it appeared blurry after I edited their name out of the card... it's much easier to read with the high res version!
Thanks again though!
I vote funny as hell!
It is hilarious!! I would not be offended at all, and I have a little one. Great idea Kacy!!
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