Weight Gain: I'll let you know after my next appointment! There's a reason why I don't own a scale ;)
Sleep: Still no problems sleeping, thankfully!
Gender: Can we discuss gender for a second? I keep having dreams that this baby is a girl. I've had like 3 dreams of her actually being born and another 2 or 3 of us being told "it's a girl!" at our big ultrasound. I've only had 1 dream of us being told "it's a boy!" at our big ultrasound.
When I was pregnant with Carter, I was 100% sure he was a boy, and every single pregnancy dream was about us having a boy. I never had a girl dream until I got PG with this baby.
I also have been mindlessly referring to the baby as "she" for the last 3 weeks. Hmmm.
So, now I'm only 95% sure that this baby is a boy and I will no longer be betting my house on it. ;)
8 more days til the big ultrasound!!!!!
Names: See this post. It will either be Brynn Sophia or "Noname" Joseph
Feeling: ...like this is the world's easiest pregnancy. For serious. Which makes me nervous.
Health: Just heart burn/acid reflux. I love you Zantac.
Movement: With me being sick, I haven't felt the baby a lot lately. But Saturday night she was really moving, so that was nice! {SEE!!! I just did it again!! I said "she"...}
Belly Button: It's starting to protrude now! Not fully out, but definitely not even any more!
Next Appointment: I'm in the midst of trying to reschedule my appointment for a THIRD time now. This week is just so crazy! I really have no time to go! Sigh. I'm shooting for the 21st though {17w2d.} We'll see.
My vote is girl!!! When Jacob was born I was sure it was a boy as soon as I saw the second line show up on the HPT. With Gracie I was sure she was a boy too and also started having girl dreams and sure enough she was a girl! When the tech said, "looks like you'll have one of each" I was so excited and in disbelief. I think it took the rest of my pregnancy for it to sink in. All I can say is hide your credit/debit cards because little girl clothes can make you go broke! Everything is so adorable!
you look so cute~
Hmmmm, I kind of want you to have a boy, though, Jenni! Don't leave me alone in this world with two boys and no one to share the crazy stories with! But seriously, you look so cute. Oh, and I'm emailing you about something this morning so check it.
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