Weight Gain: I'm up 5 pounds total.
Sleep: Doin' fine!
Gender: We'll find out TOMORROW!
Names: See this post. It will either be Brynn Sophia or "No first name because we can't decide on anything" Joseph
Feeling: GREAT! Very excited for the big ultrasound and Christmas Eve/Day. =)
Health: BP was pretty good yesterday- 129/85, still taking Zantac for Acid Reflux, and my weight gain is fine so far.
Movement: Well, let's just say this: the doc was trying to find the baby's HB on the dopplar yesterday and couldn't catch him/her! He/she kept moving around like crazy {just like Carter!} The doc said she would hear the baby's HB for a second then it would move again, lol.
Belly Button: It's OUT.
Next Appointment: I had an appointment yesterday afternoon at 17w2d and all was well with me and baby. HB was in the 130's which seemed a little low to me {Carter was ALWAYS in the 170's} but the doc said it sounded "beautiful" and that it was "nice and strong" so that's good! BP and weight gain were good and I didn't have any questions, so it literally lasted 3 minutes.
My next standard appointment is January 13th at 20w4d.
You look great - I love that sweater!
And a much lower HR than Carter? Sounds like you'll be seeing girl parts tomorrow. :)
Hmph, well, maybe it is a girl! Not much longer! I'm up 5 lbs too!
Seeee, I thought it was a boy b/c of the low HB! But Carter always had a "girl HB" so who knows. Maybe my kids are just really confused ;)
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