In second grade, my teacher decided to celebrate half birthday's. What a fabulous idea! February 9th became my second favorite day of the year! =) Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE having a summer birthday, and always have... but celebrating a birthday in school is something that every kid looks forward too, I think. It was the best of both worlds!
Well today is Carter's half birthday. My little man is 18 months old today. 18 whole months. Wow.
This picture {taken 1.18.09 at 6 months old} is one of my favorite pictures of Carter...

Every night we have this routine. Daddy takes Carter upstairs while mommy gets something to drink and gets ready for bed. When I come into the room, Carter crawls over to my side of the bed and helps me take my "medicine for baby sister" {prenatal vitamins} and then we both put chapstick on, clap and say "YAY", and then get ready to lay down and do some cuddling. Daddy gives us both kisses and we wave goodbye to him as he walks downstairs.
It's my favorite part of the day. I usually catch up on a DVR'd show and Carter is usually sleeping within 10 minutes of laying down. I then give him an extra hug and kiss and take him down to his own room. I think we BOTH look forward to that time together. Sigh.
I say it so often, but I truly can not believe how fast he is growing up. 18 months? That can't be right...
Happy half birthday Carter Man... we love you so much more than you could possibly imagine.
Aww! Happy 1/2 Birthday! What a cute bedtime routine :) I'm jealous because Brock is NOT a cuddler AT ALL! It makes me sad. But he loves to give kisses, so we'll take it! I can't even get him to lay in bed with me for more than 2 seconds.
He is just too cute! You can just see his personality shine through in his pictures. It's adorable!!
Happy half birthday Carter!
He is so adorable! We celebrate Landon's half birthdays too. I cannot believe that Carter is 18 months old. And Landon is right behind Carter! How is that possible?
He is so cute! What a big boy he is now!
I have a summer birthday and didn't get to celebrate at school and we didn't celebrate half birthdays either! Oh well....
Thanks for sharing my SITS day with me!
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