Also, I decided to share the HTML color codes that match the background as well. That's half the battle... finding text, etc. that's going to match your background. So here it is:
Just Breathe Background:

-Make sure that your blog layout is set to the standard Blogger "Minima" Template.
-Once that's changed, go back to the "Layout" section
-At the very bottom, click on "Add a Gadget"
-Select "HTML/Java Script"
- Copy code below {remove the ** before the word "style" at the beginning and end of the code!!} and paste it into that box:
<**style type="text/css">body {background-image:url(""); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; } <**/style>
-Click "Save"
Just Breathe HTML Color Codes:
You are able to change your colors in your blog to match everything. If you go to Dashboard > Layouts > Fonts and Colors you can choose from there, or enter your own HTML color code #'s for the perfect match. Here is exactly what colors I am using:
Page Background & Border Color: #ffffff (white)
Text, Blog Title, & Blog Description Color: #669999 (light blue)
Link, Post Title, & Visited Link Color: #F9A7B0 (light pink)
Sidebar Title & Sidebar Text Color: #827B60 (tan)
So there you have it! ENJOY!! Oh, and let me know if you use it... I want to seeeeee =)
lurrrve the new layout!!!
What's Y3W?
@ Moreno- Thanks lady!!!
@ Alyssa- Your 3 Words... it's a thing I started about 2 years ago (I got it from Good Morning America) where you sum up your week in just 3 words. I LOVE IT! It's fun ;)
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