Every day, babies are born even earlier and, unlike Ethan, some spend many months in the hospital. Sadly, some babies never make it home to their loving families. Too many parents know the heartbreak of having a baby born fighting to survive.
Please help Carter and I raise money to support the March of Dimes as we walk {er, as Carter rides in his stroller while watching his- then 8.5 month pregnant- mommy walk} 3 miles for Team Ethang. You can help by donating today and clicking on the March of Dimes button on the right side of my blog. {It's a safe & secure site.} Please remember that every dollar helps!
Also, if you are in the Philadelphia Area and would like to walk with us, please email me by clicking the link in the top right corner of my blog {under my header} and I will give you more information. We will also be holding a Beef & Beer fundraiser in the King of Prussia area in March and would love to have everyone come and have fun! All proceeds will be donated to the March of Dimes.
One day... all babies will be born healthy.
Aww, that's so great that you're doing that! I'm so glad to hear your friend's son was okay!
Hi there! I'm Friday following!
Thanks for spreading the word!
Happy Friday Following! So glad I founf your blog! It's great!
I'm one of those lurkers on blogs including yours. Just wanted to say thank you so much for a post like this. My babies were born 6 weeks (4lbs 6oz) and 12 weeks (1lb 5oz) early. My littlest guy was not due January 1st, but showed up October 8 of last year. He fought so hard to be here today and is a hefty 6lbs at this point! March of dimes is near and dear to my heart and a great support. Just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to do that for preemie babies.
@ anonymous- I am SO glad that your babies are doing well! I can not imagine going through something like that. I have a few friends that have done it and it's just awful waiting and praying and hoping and watching their precious babies fight to survive. It breaks my heart. This is the LEAST I could do.
Thinking of you and your babies!
I do this every year and am so glad that you posted it!!!
Hello there. I am a new follow from the FF list. Sorry I am late, but better late than never right? I look forward to following your blog and getting to know you better. Hope you enjoy my blog and the fun giveaways I am doing. Have a good week. Juliana with A Blonde Walks Into A Blog
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