"Your blog is boring me. You have written about nothing but belly pics and strollers for the last few months. The only thing that was of interest to me was the picture of the OBX house. What is going on?!?"... I figured it was time to talk about something else for a change.
Soooo....with a vacation looming just 3 short months after the birth of baby girl, I need to look for a bathing suit. It kind of hurts my heart to think about getting my fat ass into a bathing suit, but what's the alternative? I need one.
But where do I start? Where does one look for a bathing suit?
I'm not looking for a bikini {just stating the obvious here} but I do need something cute. Something that is long enough to cover my torso. Something that will cover my butt {yes, the whole thing.} Something that will hide all my flaws. And then I reached my first conclusion...
I need a bathing suit that actually performs miracles.
That being said, I went to the first website that came to mind: Spanx.
I was delighted to find out that they actually sell bathing suits {yay!} but they're a bit pricey {what the hell?} But ya know what? I think I might have to buckle down and save for one because the second conclusion that I've reached since beginning my bathing suit search is this...
{Bob, please do not read beyond this point. I need time to hide the price tags & receipts before you see them.}
Miracle Suit #1:
This suit is actually a one piece but it's made to look like a tankini. Just what I need... something to hide my belly! The back is open and the straps tie up around your neck.
Miracle Suit #2:
Top $128 | Bottom $98 for a grand total of $226 {yikes}
This oneprobably is my favorite. So adorable. It's a 2 piece tankini and I love everything about it. The straps can be tied, crisscrossed, or completely removed. LOVE.
Alternative Option for Miracle Suit #2:
Bottoms $98 {w/ Top above $128} for a total of $226 {let's say it again... yikes.}
Instead of getting aqua bathing suit bottoms, I could get brown to match option #2 above. I think with brown bottoms, I may be able to find a few other {cheaper!!!} tankini tops elsewhere to match brown {which would be easier then finding tops to match the aqua bottoms.}
Miracle Suit #3:
Like #1, this bathing suit is a one piece, but made to look like a tankini. The straps are hot pink and crisscross in the back.
Miracle Suit #4: "El Cheapo Option"
Bottoms $98 {So sad that $98 is considered "cheap"}
I know technically this isn't a "suit" but another option I have is to just suck it up and buy plain black Spanx bottoms that will cover my butt and hide my postpartum tummy, and then buy bathing suit tops elsewhere.
I do already own this tankini that I bought last year from Lands End, and I can certainly wear the black and white top with the black Spanx bottoms above...
Lands End also has a few other tankini tops that are adorable as well, so this is definetly my cheapest option and I would look like I have more bathing suits by just wearing the same bottoms but changing the tankini tops.
What do you think?? Does anyone own a Spanx bathing suit and could give a real review? Does anyone else have suggestions on where I can find a bathing suit to wear 3 months postpartum?? I'm looking for a miracle people.
I put a poll on the side for my shy readers =)
And my final thought... why is it that not one of these models actually NEEDS a Spanx bathing suit?? Sigh.
Thank you so much for all of your comments and votes! Whew, over 200 people picked Miracle Suit #2. {I knew I loved you guys =} Well, I am happy to report that my sweet mother-in-law bought me that exact bathing suit as a baby shower present! How awesome is that!?!
So, because I had some extra funds {okay not extra, but I was planning on spending a lot on a bathing suit and now I don't have too} I decided to purchase the "el cheapo option" as well and use the plain black bottoms, along with some tankini tops that I already have, which will give me even more miracle suit combos! HOLLA!
Thanks again everyone!
That being said, I went to the first website that came to mind: Spanx.
I was delighted to find out that they actually sell bathing suits {yay!} but they're a bit pricey {what the hell?} But ya know what? I think I might have to buckle down and save for one because the second conclusion that I've reached since beginning my bathing suit search is this...
Miracles are expensive.
{Bob, please do not read beyond this point. I need time to hide the price tags & receipts before you see them.}
Miracle Suit #1:
This suit is actually a one piece but it's made to look like a tankini. Just what I need... something to hide my belly! The back is open and the straps tie up around your neck.

Top $128 | Bottom $98 for a grand total of $226 {yikes}
This one

Bottoms $98 {w/ Top above $128} for a total of $226 {let's say it again... yikes.}
Instead of getting aqua bathing suit bottoms, I could get brown to match option #2 above. I think with brown bottoms, I may be able to find a few other {cheaper!!!} tankini tops elsewhere to match brown {which would be easier then finding tops to match the aqua bottoms.}

Like #1, this bathing suit is a one piece, but made to look like a tankini. The straps are hot pink and crisscross in the back.

Bottoms $98 {So sad that $98 is considered "cheap"}
I know technically this isn't a "suit" but another option I have is to just suck it up and buy plain black Spanx bottoms that will cover my butt and hide my postpartum tummy, and then buy bathing suit tops elsewhere.

What do you think?? Does anyone own a Spanx bathing suit and could give a real review? Does anyone else have suggestions on where I can find a bathing suit to wear 3 months postpartum?? I'm looking for a miracle people.
I put a poll on the side for my shy readers =)
And my final thought... why is it that not one of these models actually NEEDS a Spanx bathing suit?? Sigh.
Thank you so much for all of your comments and votes! Whew, over 200 people picked Miracle Suit #2. {I knew I loved you guys =} Well, I am happy to report that my sweet mother-in-law bought me that exact bathing suit as a baby shower present! How awesome is that!?!
So, because I had some extra funds {okay not extra, but I was planning on spending a lot on a bathing suit and now I don't have too} I decided to purchase the "el cheapo option" as well and use the plain black bottoms, along with some tankini tops that I already have, which will give me even more miracle suit combos! HOLLA!
Thanks again everyone!
I love the black and white suit. So if you get the black spanxs bottoms you can wear that top or find another cute top. Victoria secret and target usually has some cute ones too!
I really like the blue and brown tops with the brown bottoms. Gorgeous!
I would have to agree that the suit #2 is my fav as well. So cute!
I love LOVE #2!
I wore my maternity bathing suit from Motherhood last year after having Jack. I think it cost $30 and it covered my butt and gave me room in the belly area.
Also, I have a similar suit as pictured above from Lands End - it looks like a tankini, but it's a 1 piece. And it is very flattering. Similar to this one:
Ok, here are my thoughts. I love suit number two but would the brown belt thingy accentuate the belly even more? I'm only saying that b/c I know on me (I guess I can't talk now) but if I buy anything like that postpartum it makes me look bigger then I am... but I love the colors. Also, I buy all my bathing suits from Lands End and love them. They cover my tush and I feel like they give me a slender look on top with their straps. Am I making sense?
Maybe you could go to Deptford Mall and try some on...
If you find a full body Spanx bathing suit let me know, b/c I'll need one after giving birth in July! ;)
Ya know, I am kinda sad that I will be trying to lose the baby weight during prime swimming months. I'm glad that my parents have a pool that is private because I think I would be too insecure to show off my wonderful ass and thigh dimples :)
As for your choices, I think I would go for a one piece. The tankinis never seem to fit right now matter how much plucking and pulling you do.
LOVE the blue and brown one - how friggin cute is that!
It's okay Bob - she's worth it!!
While I think option #2, the aqua top with brown bottoms, is adorable I vote for #4 - the black bottoms. For one, I am cheap :)but two I like that you would be able to wear different tops - a girl has got to have options! Good luck and let us know what you decide. BTW - I have a Carter and we call him Carter Man too! :)
This magic suit is on clearance at VS $50 is a lot better than $150!
Cati- I just went through and deleted your extra posts. Don't worry about it ;) Thanks so much for the link to that sale... it's adorable!
goodness! sorry about all that!
I voted for the "El Cheapo" option since you'll be able to get a lot of use out of that with mixing and matching. I also have some suits from Lands End, and I love them. I really feel like they do a great job of sucking in the parts that need it. After reading this post I went to their website and found out that for today only they have 25% off all suits. Something you might check out as well.
Thinking about bathing suits makes me cry a little on the inside. I need a huge miracle! I didn't even know there was such a thing as a Spanx bathing suit!! I'm googling it as soon as I finish this comment haha. I'm thinking a wetsuit would be great for me. :)
Anyway... stopping by from Friday Follow. Glad I found your blog!
I love the black spanx option since it'll give you more suits to wear. And who knew that spanx made suits? I wonder how hot it would be though?
I love that black and white lands end suit. LE has been my go to place since having Aidan. They've got so many styles that work to cover my belly!
I cant justify the spanx! OMG!!!
But I did get 2 suits from Lands End for last summer when I was pp. I loved them, and I got a bottom else where. I made sure they matched black. So maybe getting the black spanx if you wanted the getting the tops elsewhere. Gl.....I hate bathing suit season!
I cant justify the spanx! OMG!!!
But I did get 2 suits from Lands End for last summer when I was pp. I loved them, and I got a bottom else where. I made sure they matched black. So maybe getting the black spanx if you wanted the getting the tops elsewhere. Gl.....I hate bathing suit season!
I cant justify the spanx! OMG!!!
But I did get 2 suits from Lands End for last summer when I was pp. I loved them, and I got a bottom else where. I made sure they matched black. So maybe getting the black spanx if you wanted the getting the tops elsewhere. Gl.....I hate bathing suit season!
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