With that being said, if writing a birth plan was mandatory, here's what mine would look like:
1. Get an epidural as soon as humanly possible. {Do they have a delivery service for anesthesiologists? No? They should.}
2. Deliver a healthy baby.
That's it.
Or, wait. Maybe it would look like this...
I'll go into labor naturally, after 37 weeks, and deliver my healthy baby girl on a sunny Friday afternoon in May. My doctor will deliver her in our hospital. There will be no tearing and very little pain. I will push for 10 minutes. Baby girl will be 8lbs 2oz and 21 inches. Carter will be able to visit his sister in the hospital and will not try to push her off our laps or throw a ball, train, or block at her. Our family and friends will be able to visit throughout the weekend. We will go home on Sunday afternoon and have a big dinner and a
Okay, I changed my mind. That's my birth plan. I'm sure I won't be disappointed at all...
Sounds good to me!
Is it bad to say that I'm looking forward to a bottle of wine after I deliver too? ;)
you're hilarious!
People at our prenatal class laughed last week when I said "my plan is to stay as calm as possible - that's the only positive thing I can do for my baby at that point."
Yah, I'd like to use music, massage, meditation, the birthing ball - but ultimately, the goal and plan is to have a baby by the safest possible method for him.
And I want a bellini post-haste!
Lol!! Well, you know I'm all about a birth plan even if mine did get shot to hell during delivery. It's my OCD nature. :) but I think your birth plan sounds fab!
Your birth plan sounds like mine! Especially the bottle of wine ;). I take it your doctor is OK with VBACs? I was going to ask if you were going to have to schedule a c-section or not.
Sounds good to me!
When I admitted to the hospital to be induced with Colin the nurse asked if I had a birth plan. I told her "Yes, to have a healthy baby.". She said "Perfect".
People get way too uptight with detailed, intricate birthing plans. Sorry, but you can't plan everything.
@ Shan- great plan!
@ Kristal- I get it!
@ Vronko- I was induced with Carter and didn't need a c-section. So there's no VBAC necessary this time =) I sure hope it doesn't end in a c/s this time either, but what can ya do...
I just about fell off my chair laughing....
I like the bottle of wine part best. :)
Amen! I don't get the birth plan thing either. My plan? Hospital. Drugs. Healthy Baby. Hopefully in that order. If it goes Healthy Baby first before Hospital and Drugs, so be it, I guess.
Pretty darn close to my "birth plan" except my family will be staying with us since they will be traveling out of state to be here.
Hahaha, did I inspire this post? I promise all I really want is the healthy baby. But the no tearing, push for 10 minutes, sunny day, and bottle of wine sound good too ;)
For me, the birth plan wasn't so much about the actual birth as just after birth--namely that if baby was healthy, I wanted to breastfeed ASAP...because that wasn't a given at my hospital!
Perfect birth plan! Perfect!!
@ Molly- Yeah, kinda! I've been wanting to post about my birth plan and since I lost my camera charger and couldn't upload my pictures for the post I wanted to write today, this was Plan B. =)
This is AWESOME! I love it! :)
Amen Jenni. I'm laughing out loud right now because seriously...God allowed science to develop drugs for a reason. I'll all about the epidural and anything else they'd like to give me (and I may even tell them after I get my epi. that I still feel pain so I can get a little buzz!)
I never understood the birth plan thing either. My entire birth plan was "get baby out, as quickly and painlessly as possible"
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