17 March 2010

Rockin' a fake.

Well.... my wedding rings are officially retired. My fingers started swelling at about 28 weeks and my rings starting getting tight and uncomfortable. I had a little ceremony as I placed them into my jewelry box, not knowing when I'll be able to fit my sausage fingers into them again. :::tear:::

But my finger is not nekkid. Oh, no. I bought a fake set.

I know that there are plenty of pregnant women out there that can walk around ring less and be perfectly comfortable with it.

I'm not one of them.

Now, I think the main reason for this is the fact that I work at a university. It's almost like being pregnant and walking around on campus is equivalent to having the plague. Pregnancy is not contagious, people.

If it's not that, then it's the blatant stares and whispers from the college kids. Like, "Oh, that poor slut whore girl... I wonder if the father's still in the picture?"

So, my wedding rings {in all their fake glory} show that I did not get knocked up at the local frat house.

Oh, and here's a pic... {added just for you Kris!}
I have been getting a lot of compliments on it, but I can't pretend that it's real. So, as soon as someone says:

"OMG, your ring is gorgeous"

I immediately reply:

"Kohl's. $10."

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Kristen L. said...

So let's see the new rock!

jenni from the blog said...

@ Kris- I added it just for you my dear =)

Heather said...

I think that's great! I've never been married or pregnant, but I never would have thought of that.

mrs.messi said...

Love the rings! LOL - I will definitely go fake when mine don't fit anymore. Hope my DH doesn't mind if I get something huge and gawdy!

Megan said...

I was reluctantly looking at fakes online the other day. I think I'll just get a fake eternity band that looks like my wedding ring. I'll be so sad when I have to take mine off.

Shan said...

you = awesome

The Vronko Family! said...

I need to get a fake set. I am taking a few classes at a university right now and I feel so odd with my big 'ol belly hanging out. I'm always worried people think I got knocked up by some random guy when I don't have my rings on.

Coupon Clippin Mommy said...

That's too funny! I almost got a fake one when I was pregnant.

brooke said...

I got a fakie too. But it already lost all the silver paint. *lol* So now it looks fake and totally cheap.

Kristen L. said...

Love it!!

christine52078 said...

I did the same thing when I was pregnant~right down to when someone would compliment how beautiful it was, I felt the need to explain it wasn't real and that I only paid $40 for the set! I work in an upscale salon and so many clients have these huge rocks and I was so afraid they'd be thinking "who is this girl sporting the fake rock?!" so I felt like I had to explain why I had this ring that looked like it was close to 3 carats

Larissa: said...

LOL you are too funny! It is very pretty! I had to take mine off with my 1st pregnancy. Somehow I was able to wear them the entire 2nd pregnancy :-)

~e said...

I've got mine on a chain around my neck.... whatever works, right :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I never had to do this. My fingers got fat but I never took my ring off even during delivery! But this kind of makes me want to go get a fake "upgrade", lol.

Anonymous said...

I guess i don't understand if you need to explain the fakeness of the $10 Kohl's ring, why you need to explain anything at all? Marriage and having a family isn't about the ring.

Beckie @ Wishuponastardesign said...

Oh Anonymous... Some people just do not get it! Rock on Jenni!

jenni said...

@ anonymous- thank you for your words of wisdom... I had no idea that marriage wasn't about the ring.

Mindy said...

I TRIED to rock some fake bling when my fingers were swollen, but sadly the fake bling made my fingers break out. :( I ended up wearing my rings on a necklace around my neck...

Jenny said...

Found your blog from your Top 2 post, and I love your blog - so cute! And, I got a fake set from Kohl's when I was pregnant, too! I worked there when I was in college and we had women come in all the time to get a fake set for when they traveled, so I decided to when I was preggo! Congrats on the baby!

Lovely Little Nest said...

haha, that is too funny! Such a good idea to get some "for now" rings ~ though the potential gossip sounds pretty funny! :p

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