That's when our lives changed forever.
And it seems like you've gone from this...

Today is your 2nd birthday, Carter Man. You are doing so many wonderful things... saying "cheers!" every time you drink your juice, saying "thank you" and "bless you" and "puh, puh, please" at the correct times, giving the best hugs and kisses EVER, dancing and singing up a storm {especially to the NBC 10 commercial} helping mommy and daddy with your little sister, giving her lots of hugs and kisses in the sweetest, most caring way, and so much more. I could go on for days about all the things you are doing.
UP and Toy Story are your favorite movies {you even chant "Toy Story 2" when you want to watch it!} chicken nuggets {especially from Wendy's} is your favorite food, Chuggington and Yo Gabba Gabba are your favorite cartoons, "Good Night Moon" is your favorite book... except that you think the moon is a "baseball" =)
You love to play soccer and baseball and you yell "GOALLLLL" every time we watch the games. You love the pool and you like to sneek up and splash everyone when you're in there. You love to cuddle and when you get sleepy at night, you even tell us that you want to go "upstairs to cuddle"... sigh, we love it.
How you have changed our lives, you will never know. We've watched you grow from a beautiful baby to a beautiful little boy. While you're daddy and I are sad that you are growing up so fast, we look forward to watching you grow through each stage of your life. Going to your games, your school plays... anything that you want to do. The sky's the limit for you, sweet boy.
We will always be here for you.
We're your biggest fans.
We love you so much, Carter Man.
Happy Birthday.
Happy 2nd Birthday Carter!! Grammy & P-Pop love you soooooo much and, without a doubt, you certainly have enriched our lives and our hearts!
(p.s.- Mommy: this is a wonderful message and beautifully written! you are the BEST mommy in the entire world and thank YOU for that and thank you for blessing us with two beautiful grandbabies!!)
happy birthday carter! Hope u have an awesome day and get to eats lots of junk :)
Hey mom--->like seriously, whats with all the 2yr olds liking yo gabba gabba. Mine turned 2 in April and wow, he's addicted! lol
Happy birthday Carter! It is crazy how time flies when you have kids!! Have fun at your bday party!!
Such a beautiful post! Happy Birthday Carter Man!
It's amazing how fast the time flies! What a handsome boy you have there, Jenni!
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