I never get sick. And, if I do, it's usually allergy/sinus related. Not this time. I got that stomach bug that's been going around. And let me just tell you... it is the worst thing EVER. The stomach spasms alone want to make you shoot yourself. On Wednesday night, I was getting them once a minute all. night. long. I couldn't sleep at all. {It was worse then labor! Labor, people!} I ended up pacing around the living room and kitchen for a few hours, puking my guts out, and "sleeping" on the glider in Brynn's room because it's next to the bathroom.
I want to thank my mom for watching the kids yesterday because I never would have made it. I ended up staying in bed from 8am-3pm trying to catch up on sleep. I haven't eaten a thing in 2 days {except for saltines... ya think this will help my diet?} I really just want to feel better!
Now, back to the streak I mentioned earlier. I am some sort of machine and I haven't thrown up since I was 10 years old. TEN. I'm not kidding. I never ever throw up. Well, this stomach bug must of been some kind of awful {oh, it was} because I threw up for the first time in 21 years. Yuck.
I'm feeling a little better today, but I'm still getting those stomach spasms. Sigh. Let's hope this is a 48 hour bug...
Awwww, that stinks! Feel better soon, Jenni!
Did you a black and white cookie? =)
Feel better soon!!!!
or, ya know, EAT a black and white cookie? Seinfeld fail lol
Ashley- that's exactly what I think of every time I talk about my no-puke streak, lol! I LOVE Seinfeld!
Ugh, yucky. I'm glad you're doing better, girl.
Me too!! Emily has started losing her hair on top, but it's still long in the back. We call her lil Costanza lol
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