You are 6 months old today. Can you believe it? I sure can't. Whew... and I thought it went fast with Carter.
You are doing so many wonderful things. You sit up so well, you love to jump around in your Jumperoo, you just love to look at yourself in the mirror {and I think anyone could understand why, pretty girl!} and you just jibber jab away to yourself. You said your first word this month {"dada" of course} and we are so looking forward to all the new words that you will learn now.
You are such an angel. I've only dreamed of having a baby as good as you are, sweet girl.
This month, you also had your pictures taken. You are so beautiful. And I'm not just saying that because I'm your mom. =) You make my heart melt.

We had a doctor's appointment for you today and you were described as "perfect" yet again. I'm also happy to report that you are ON the growth chart now! I think you may have put yourself on a little diet this month {or maybe it's from all that jumping} but you only gained a little over a pound since your last appointment. Here were your 6 month stats from this morning:
Weight: 21lbs 12oz {97%} - seeeee, you're now ON the charts!
Height: 27in {95%}
Head: 45cm {97% }
Let's take a look and see how much you've grown this month:

Happy Half-Birthday, Sweet Pea. We love you!

Thank you for voting daily to help get me back to the top 25!
How adorable is she?! I love the monthly photos, she has changed so much!
I hope you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving!
I just did the half birthday, with my son yesterday! He was born May 23, 2006. For me the count down to his birthday started yesterday! I'll start the planning in Jan.
Holy moly! SIX MONTHS?! Already? No way! I feel like you were hugely pregnant like... yesterday.
Happy half birthday, pretty girl!!!
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