And I expected it.
You have grown so much this month Brynnie Girl. You are now starting to lose some of your baby fat {boooo!} and you seem to be getting so much taller lately. Mommy still needs to schedule your 9 month well visit {oops!} but I can't wait to hear your stats and see how much you've grown.
I think the biggest milestone that you've hit since the 8 month post, is that you have increased your tooth population by 200%! =) That's right sweet pea, you now have not one {which I excitedly bragged about here} but TWO teeth. Both are at the bottom and you just look so adorable when you smile.
Another thing that you have been doing lately is "sweet dreams" {part of the naptime routine at my mom's house is everyone does "sweet dreams" and they put their pointer fingers together... I LOVE IT.} We do it all the time now before naps and bedtime.
My next favorite thing is that you're giving high-fives to anyone who asks for one!
You make the best faces too! You are so funny with your "ut oh's" and your happy screams... and that tongue of yours that is out of your mouth more than it's in...
You're still not crawling or pulling yourself up yet, but you practice all the time! It doesn't seem to phase you much, because you can certainly get around the room just fine. We know you will crawl when you're good a ready! Your favorite word is, by far, "dada" and you must say it a million times a day! But you just love to talk and sing, and I think dancing is your favorite...
While taking your official 9 month pictures last night, you found it hysterical that daddy was hiding behind mommy. I just love this sequence...
Okay, it's time to see how much you've grown this month Brynnie:

We love you more than you can possibly imagine, Brynn and we are so lucky to have you.
So precious!
It's just not possible that she's losing her rolls! No! No! No!
And in that one picture of her on her chair, I see so much of Carter!
Happy 9 Months Brynn!
wow - 9 months! I can't believe it. I wish they would never lose the rolls! Jack still has some in his legs, but other than that he's pretty lean :(
So so precious. She is growing so fast and yes, it does look like the rolls are lessening a bit.
Kiss them and squeeze them while you can, mama :)
Happy 9 month Birthday Brynn! You sure are a cutey!!! And getting to be such a big girl!
How is she 9 months already?!
I hope she doesn't lose the rolls too fast. I'm living through hers since Pie has leaned out like crazy lately.
Happy 9 months gorgeous!
Such a great post... She is such a little doll :)
i recently discovered your blog and wanted to stop by and let you know i have an award for you! :)
Brynn is simply precious - I especially love your pics of those 2 itty bitty teeth! *sigh* Makes me sentimental for those long lost gummy grins of my own 3 kiddos... ;)
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