Just look at my little cutie pie...

Did you see it? No?
Take a closer look...

Brynn got her very first tooth yesterday!!!!! And by the looks of it, 1 or 2 more aren't very far behind. Brynnie says "bring on the cheese burgers!" {Would you settle for puffies, Brynn? Let's hope so.}
Let's see what else she started doing this weekend:
Drinking from a sippy cup {and by "drinking" I mean getting water everywhere but in her mouth.}

Sending emails to mommy {or just looking at her pretty little face on my desktop and talking to herself, but whatever.}

Trying to crawl {but her pesky leg keeps getting in the way... why, oh why, do we have to have two of them???}

And dumping out the leggos and saying "UT OH!!!"

...something she learned from her brother...

PS- I think we've given up on picking up the leggos.
While trying to get a picture of Brynn's tooth yesterday, Carter stepped in front of the camera for this shot...

I just love that Brynn leaned over and is still smiling in the background. =) Bob also got this one, which I love...

I hope everyone had a good weekend and congrats to all the Packers fans out there!

Congratulations to Brynn! Such a big weekend in her little life!
Those amazing blue eyes... How will you ever say 'No' to those :)
I hope you had a great girls night out~
YAH for Brynn! It's Puffie time!
Getting so big!
She is such a cutie!!!
She is too freaking cute! And so is Carter. Love how he tries to steal the spot light and Brynn won't let him!
Wow! Hitting big milestones this weekend! Congrats Brynn!!
yay!! Go Brynnie!!!
I seriously can't stand how much I want to squish those cheeks!
Look at that chomper! And those eyes are killer! So crystal clear! Cute pics all around :)
Oh and I was telling my husband about Carter's I poopin! the other day and we were both cracking up. I think it might catch on in our house...from the adults.
i'm just proud she is using a mac.
That last picture is just precious!!!
Congrats! She is such a little cutie!
Oh My Gosh! Brynne is such a cutie pie! You make gorgeous babies!
So SO cute! Love the pic of the tooth in the mouth! What a milestone. They grow so fast!
Visiting from Welcome Wednesday! Darling Daughter. :)
Adorable baby!!
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Have a blessed rest of your week!!
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