First up, is a great giveaway from one of my sponsors... it's a free blog makeover!!!!

The winner will receive "The Whole She Bang" Blog Makeover valued at $50!
"The Whole Shebang" includes:
- Header
- Background
- Button
- Signature
- Sidebars
- Menu Bar
- Favicon
- Custom Post Divider
Mandatory Entry:
(1) Visit A Grande Life's Facebook Fan Page and "Like" it! Then come back and leave a comment telling me that you're now a fan! {Don't forget to leave your email address so we can contact you if you win!!}
Optional Entries: {leave a separate comment for each thing that you do!}
(2) Become a Facebook fan of jenni from the blog by clicking "Like"! - don't forget to come back and comment that you're now a FB fan!!
(3) Become a Twitter follower of @mrsgloves - don't forget to come back and comment that you're now a follower!!
(4) Become a Twitter follower of @jennifrmtheblog - don't forget to come back and comment that you're now a follower!!
(5) Tweet "I just participated in @jennifrmtheblog 's Giveaway Day! Check it out here: http://www.jennifromtheblog.com/" - don't forget to come back and comment that you Tweeted the giveaway and leave your @ name!!
(6) If {and only if} you think we deserve it, you can vote for the blog on Top Baby Blogs by clicking here ->

(7) Become a public Google Friend Connect follower of the blog and leave a comment saying that you're my newest follower! If you already follow, just comment saying that you've been around for awhile =)
All entries in the "Giveaway Day" will end on Monday, February 14th at 11pm EST and the winners will be announced on Tuesday, February 15th.
I am a follower of your blog!
I am a follower of yours on FB!
I voted for you! You are in 13th!
I liked a grande life's FB page!
I am now a fan of A Grande Life on FB!
I follow you on twitter!
I tweeted about your giveaway!
I'm also a fan of your FB page!
I tweeted!
I'm a fan of "A grande life" fb page & my email address is oriana.Ocampo@gmail.com
I'm a fan of your fb page.
I'm a fan of a Grande Life on FB!
I'm a fan of yours on FB.
I like on FB! Ourgrowinggarden@gmail.com
Follow mrsgloves on Twitter. @tonilb16
Follow you on Twitter. @tonilb16
I follow you on twitter.
tweeted @tonilb16
I've been following your blog for a while now.
I'm a follower!
I like Jenni on fb! ourgrowinggarden@gmail.com
I follow you via GFC! ourgrowinggarden@gmail.com
Voted! Ourgrowinggarden@gmail.com
I follow you on twitter Jen. @Ourgrowgarden
I follow mrs.gloves on twitter. @Ourgrowgarden Ourgrowinggarden@gmail.com
I'm a fan of a Grande Life on FB!
i like a grande life on fb
I'm a fan of Jenni from the blog on FB.
i follow your blog
I am following your blog!
i like your fb page
voted for you in top baby blogs
Fan of A Grande Life on FB.
Fan of Jenni on FB.
Following Jenni on Twitter.
Voted you Top Mommy blog because I do think that you deserve it.
already a fan of A Grande Life's Facebook Page :)
already a fan of your fan page :)
already following mrsgloves on twitter
already following you on twitter and RT'ed! :)
already a google follower :)
And OF COURSE I think you deserve it! You're one of my favorite blogs to read! #14
I'm now a Grande Life "liker" on facebook.
I'm a Jenni from the blog "liker" as well :)
I've been a @mrsgloves follower as well (@amysarahm)
And..I follow @jennifromtheblog as well (@amysarahm)
I voted!!
I've also been a GFC follower for a while :)
I just tweeted the giveaway
I am a follower of your blog!
I voted for you on top baby blogs this morning after your first post. You were #14 at the time, but you've since moved up!
a.robinson123@gmaildotcom is the 38th fan of 'A Grand Life' on fb!
Fan #14 of 'Jenni from the blog' on fb!
I liked A Grande Life on FB!
I liked you on FB!
I voted for your blog! (14th place!)
Liked you on FB!
Liked A Grande Life on FB!
I am a follower of your blog!
Following on Twitter - Mrs. Gloves
Tweeted the giveaway and follow you jennifrmtheblog.
Voted for you on Top blogs! #14!!
I became of fan of "A grande life" fb page (eaporter@gmail.com).
I'm already a fan of you on fb (eaporter@gmail.com).
I've been following you on google for a while (eaporter@gmail.com)
I liked A Grande Life on FB!
I voted for you on top baby blogs (because you're awesome). You're #14. eaporter@gmail.com.
I liked your blog on FB!
I'm now a follower. :)
I voted for you on Top Baby Blogs.
i liked a grande life on fb!
voted for your blog on top baby blogs! lets go from #14 on up!
i am a follower of your blog...have been a secret stalker for awhile now! =)
I apparently never remember to leave my email *doh*
I liked a grande life on fb :)
I liked you on fb :)
I am a follower :)
I voted :)
I "liked" A Grande Life's FB page!
kewthompson at gmail dot com
I liked jenni from the blog on FB! (same email as Kenneth's, I accidentally logged on under his name!)
I'm now a mrsgloves follower.
i'm a jenni from the blog follower on twitter!
i voted!
i've been a google blog follower for a while now. :)
love your blog - love your life.
I Liked :)
All of them!
I like A Grande Life's Facebook Fan Page I'm a fan!
I'm a Twitter follower of @mrsgloves.
I'm a Twitter follower of @jennifrmtheblog.
I "liked" a grande life's facebook page!
I also "like" you on FB :)
I'm a twitter follower of yours! @mlkeith9
I'm a google follower :)
I "liked" A Grande Life's Facebook page.
becsunshine at hotmail dot com
I "liked" your Facebook page.
I voted for you on Top Baby Blogs. You are #12.
I've been a long time public follower of your blog.
I'm a facebook fan of A Grande Life - aclillpop@gmail.com
I'm a facebook fan of yours too :)
liked on facebook!
liked a grande life
voted on tbb
longtime follower of your blog
I liked them on Facebook!
clovecg at gmail dot com
I liked your fan page as well!
clovecg at gmail dot com
I follow Mrsgloves on twitter {LittleBGCG}
clovecg at gmail dot com
I follow jennifromtheblog on twitte {LittleBGCG}
clovecg at gmail dot com
I voted on TBB because you deserve it :)
clovecg at gmail dot com
New Follower!
clovecg at gmail dot com
I liked a grande life on FB!!
kpelham8 at yahoo dot com
I liked you on FB
kpelham8 at yahoo dot com
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