09 February 2011

"That don't mean you know me."

{And if you think you do, check out #10.}

Random facts about Jenni: Take I.

1. I like to quote movies/shows. A lot. {See post title. And big props to the person that can name the movie.}

2. I'm slightly obsessed with cereal. And Tositios. If I have a fully stocked cabinet of each, than all is right in the world. {Hmm, why can't I lose weight? See #9}

3. I hated wine until I worked at Olive Garden my senior year of college. During training, they make you pair their food with a wine and you have to taste everything. Best day of "work" I've ever had.

4. My 2 sisters, mom and I have always wanted to go to Napa Valley, CA together. We hope to go for my mother's 60th birthday in 2 years er, I mean like 20 years from now because she's only 39 {ain't that right, Mom!?! By the way, you look great for having 33, 31, and 28 year old daughters!}

5. I miss playing soccer. I really miss it. I played from the age of 4, up until and including college, and even played indoor soccer on a co-ed team until I got pregnant with Carter. I can't wait to watch my kids play {hopefully they like it!}

6. Bad mom/wife alert: So, our mothers watch the bambinos while Bob and I are at work... MIL has them Monday's and my mom has them T-F {you guys know that, I've talked about it before}... here's the loser alert part: our mom's also cook dinner for us and have it ready when we pick up the kids. There, I said it. And wow, I am a big loser. {I seem like a complete failure as a mother and wife, don't I???} The thing is... I love that our mom's do this for us. They are amazing woman. Amazing mothers. And amazing cooks. We'd be idiots not to stay. Besides that, I love spending time with our families. We are so lucky.

7. I'm slightly obsessed with The Bachelor/ette. Anyone watching it right now? {And please, no spoilers... I'm staying away from all the blogs about it!} Personally, I think Michelle is crazy {but... and I hate to admit this... she's growing on me} and I think Emily is totally going to win. I love her! Thoughts???

8. I haven't read a single book since I had Carter {insert the "loser" sneeze here.} I miss it so much, but I just don't have time. Even my DVR is backed up with shows because I usually fall asleep while trying to get my kids to bed. And believe me, I've tried to pick it up again... I buy them, put them in my night stand, bring them on vacation and/or work trips and... nothing. It's just not working out for me. Hopefully soon though!

9. My mom, sister Kacy, and I are thinking about starting Weight Watchers again. I need to do something with myself.

And the one that always gets the most interest...
10. Bob and I created our own last name together after we got engaged. That's right... we made it up {it's a long story, but involves dropping the adopted last name of a man that he despised and his mother is no longer married too.} Bob legally changed his last name in September of 2005 and we were married in November, 2006. I love that about us. Love it. {And yes, our last name has family meaning... we didn't just go with something random!}

Questions? ;)

PS- Don't forget to enter the Thirty One Giveaway, it ends tonight at 11pm EST!!!
PSS- I have decided to do something really exciting... and it directly involves you. So stay tuned for Y3W this Friday!!!!!
PSSS- Today's my half birthday! {An extremely important day to my elementary school self and likely anyone who had a summer birthday. Today was my cupcake and crown day in school.} I just thought I'd throw that out there in case anyone felt like sending me presents.

#15!!!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!
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Steph said...

This list is so you! And I'll be sending you your crown and cupcake shortly! Happy half Birthday!

Katie said...

A few things!

Happy 1/2 birthday! I'm a summer baby (my 1/2 birthday is the 26th of this month) so I know exactly what you mean :)

I'm jealous that you never have to cook dinner during the wk. lol. We go to my MIL's every Thursday and I love that it's one night I don't have to worry about what to make!

And how did you never mention the last name thing before?! (Although I was a little confused because you wrote our last night ;)) I think that is so awesome that you got to be a part of that and decide your new last name together. What a neat story :)

Sara said...

A big Wow! to #10. I have been following you since our July Sparklers days back in 2008 and had no clue and this shocks me seeing as I have seen many "GTKY" and "random facts about me" posts by you.

Happy half birthday! Two of my three kids are going to have July birthdays and it saddens me that they will not have birthdays during the school year. I don't even know if they acknowledge Summer birthdays these days. I actually vowed not to ever have a baby during the Summer months, but apparently my body had other plans.

9 Designs said...
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Amanda said...

I think I just became more of an addict to your blog! That is sooo cool, ALL of it,not one thing in particular!

Had tears running down my face from laughing so hard!

jenni from the blog said...

@ Steph- Thanks mama ;)

@ Katie & Sara- I fixed it, lol! I think I was nervous to put it on here b/c I didn't want to offend anyone (like MIL or my husband) but also b/c I guess I wasn't ready/comfortable to share it.

Now I am!! =)

PS- Sara, having a summer birthday is AWESOME now.

@ Mrs Dully- Thank you!! That means a lot!

Amy said...

Jenni D....I've found your blog...and I'm addicted. : ) I swear everytime I see an Adam Sandler movie I think of you and Cheryl!! Some things never change!

Didn't your hubby use that same last name for my wedding RSVP? HOw I remember that....I do not know...and well maybe my memory has failed me!!

Totally jealous of your premade dinners...here I was thinking you were super mom...actually you still are...I just don't feel like as much of a failure of a mom!! :) Now tonight when we fix Tacos or Pigs in a Blanket (seriously, hot dogs wrapped in cresent rolls) I won't feel like such a failure!! We have such simple dinners since we are later getting home...if we seriously cooked, we wouldn't eat until 8pm! (At least that's my excuse).

I wish we were closer so our boys and Brynn's could play together and we could show them some moves on the soccer field....well you could, I could show them the best way to fill up the water bottles...w/quality H20!

Danyiel said...

Wow, the last name thing is really cool. I know you can't put it all on here but I would love to know what you came up with and what it means, family wise. Pretty sweet.

-I suck at movie quotes.
-I hated wine until I was like 26.
-I tried out for soccer in grade school, got the chicken pox and couldn't play, kids made fun of me and said I was too scared to play. Never tried out again.
-I would love to have someone make dinner for us...you lucky duck. I mean seriously how freakin great is that. It certainly doesn't make you a bad mom.

kacy said...

SAVE THE LAST DANCE- HOLLA! What do I win, what do I win? And don't think for one second I didn't see the "loser sneeze" quote from Bring It On. I got the door Tor...

I might be a bigger loser then you. Yup, I am.

jenni from the blog said...

Kac, I was just WAITING for you to catch both references.

Reenie said...

I was just going to say the name of the movie!! Damn you kacy and your quick cat like reflexes!

Victoria said...

We have #10 in common!

Megan said...

I love Emily also, but I don't think she will win. (I don't know any spoilers, don't worry!) She's so sweet and beautiful, but it doesn't seem like they have chemistry so... I don't know. :(

Just out of curiosity, how did your parents/inlaws react to you guys changing your last name?

Toni said...

Interesting! I miss soccer, too. I played in a social/rec league when I lived in PA, but nothing since. Once we're done having kids, we should look for something!

Um..I'm jealous that you had 1/2 bdays in school. We only had a day at the end of the year where the summer bdays could bring cupcakes in. At least that's what I think happened!

Anonymous said...

#10 is cool!! Random fact about me: I hated my maiden name because it also involved my despised adopted father who my mom is no longer married too. I was thrilled to give that sucker the boot. :)

sara said...

Happy 1/2 bday! I'm a June baby...so I feel ya on the summer birthday suck when you're in school.

I played competitive soccer for years and years, until the 3rd time I broke my left ankle. Dr said no more soccer for you!

Can I get in on that having dinner made for you deal. Only catch is I'm a vegetarian...

And I really want to hear the rest of the #10 story!

Amanda said...

I"m sorry, I'm such a stalker right now, but I am sitting here at work, thinking about your mom and mother in law cooking dinner for you every night, and all I keep thinking is will I ever be that wonderful of a mother? Do I have it in me?
You are very blessed and loved - I am sure you already know that though.

I swear...I'm done. :) Sorry.

Kimberly said...

Haha what a cool post!
Napa - Sonoma Valleys are amazing, you will LOVE it. I try to go a couple times a year (I'm only about a 3 hour drive away.) Let me know if you plan a trip and I'll tell you the MUST-SEE wineries! :)

My parents also watch my boys and I eat dinner there most nights when I pick them up... in fairness, I don't have a husband to go home and cook for anymore... but that's beside the point. If you have an awesome family and a mom who's a cook like yours and mine, why not??? It doesn't make you a loser, it makes you very blessed to have a family like that. ;)

And, how very cool about your last name. :)

mel said...

I know I’m “late” but Save the Last Dance is a great movie.

6- my mom does this when she has Lexie on tues (and my MIL on sat)
my mom also does laundry and dishes {its my 10hr day so I couldn’t be more appreciative!}

9- I LOVE the new points plus program!!!!!

10-hmmm that is interesting! I had a HS friend whose parents did something similar!

PSS I forgot my Lexie Lou was born on your birthday!!!!!! Happy ½ Birthday!!!!!

BTW Have I told you (lately) how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog music!?

(and I’m redoing my 31 order now lol)

ashley said...

"Quit it Nikki!" ;)

mommatojoa said...

You are the first person I have heard of making their own last name! That is so awesome! :)

Audrey said...

Enjoy Napa...I went pre-babies with my fam and it's a really neat place. We stayed in a really cute little cottage-like hotel that was perfect.
Love the post!

Valarie said...

I def caught both movie references...and was excited to catch them! Haha

I think you're brave an awesome for sharing so much of your personal life with the world.

Anonymous said...

Love the quote, love No. 10. I, too, have yet to read anything since my baby was born . . . and this is particularly painful since I was an English major in undergrad. Sad.

Crystal said...

How cool! You chose your last name!!

And you are SO lucky to have nice homemade dinners by your moms every night! Wow.

jenni from the blog said...

I've been trying to find time to comment all day! Thank you all for your wonderful comments... I promise to tell the story of how we picked our last name ASAP!

@ Ashley- Your comment literally made me laugh out loud. Just wanted to let you know that.

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