For the most part, the results were as expected... and I want to share them with you:

For the one reader out there that doesn't want kids... thanks for being honest. And thanks for not finding my utterly annoying by continually posting pictures of my kids. =)
The next 2 questions really made me smile and I'm so excited that you have been following my journey for so long and that you continue to come back...

But for this question, I got a lot of feedback {which I asked for!} On one hand, I got a lot of "they're so great, thank you!" and "you've had a lot of wonderful things that moms appreciate and can really use!" and "Do more! Do more!" However, in between those comments I would see "their annoying" and "they're okay, but they're not why I read your blog."
Totally understandable. They're not why I write my blog either.
Here's how I feel about giveaways... for the right product, I think they're great. But I do not, by any means, want them taking over my blog. This blog is for me. It's my little place on the internet for me to talk about my life and my family. It will always be that. This, I promise.
So, that brings me to the very last question on the survey. The open field box that allowed you to write whatever the heck you wanted too. 70 of you chose to do that and I truly appreciate it... good or bad.
I'd say 99% of those comments were either questions for me {which I will be answering for you!} or extremely positive comments about me and the blog. {Thank you!} I think most people continue to come back because they find me "relatable" and "hilarious" {that's debatable} and because I have "the most adorable babies ever." But I think my favorite comment of the day was this: "I am pretty sure your loins are gold-plated. How could they not be? Look at those precious kids" {Was that you Kelly??}
But of course, not all the comments were positive. I got everything from "It used to be a lot better before it became so much of a business" to "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too commercial lately ... where exactly are you taking this thing? It's rapidly losing it's appeal."
While I'm not trying to lose any readers with the direction my blog has taken these past few months, I also realize that I can not please everyone.
As evident by this survey, people come here for different reasons; whether it be to hear about my life/my babies, to just scroll through pictures, or to break up the monotony of their work day, they continue to come back. I appreciate that more than I can even express to you and I only hope that I can provide those things for you.
But as I've mentioned a multitude of times on here: I blog for me. Where this blog is going, I have no idea. But I like it. And that's all that matters. As a middle child, I've tried to please everyone. It doesn't work. Believe me, it doesn't. So this has to be for me.
Thank you again for taking my survey. I appreciate and have read every word that you wrote to me. If you have any questions, please let me know... I hope to do a Q&A post next week.
You guys are AWESOME.
Grab a button and join the fun!!

And for those of you that come here for cute pictures... this should melt your heart too.
I was hoping you'd post the results, that was really interesting to read!
I'm on the "I like giveaways as long as they don't take over the blog' category. I only do a giveaway every month to every other month because of this. I always miss reading about people's actual families when the giveaways take over!
That is fun to see the survey results. So funny that it is 100% female, not surprising I guess.
I love your blog, you are so creative and your kiddos are adorable.
How is Carter? His ears?
Happy Friday!!
Heart = melted.
Really interesting results. I wonder what people would tell me...
I like the give aways, but would be so upset if that is all the blog turned in to. That being said, you are still hysterical in your give aways and the tile thingy mo bobber was freaking AWESOME. Still praying every night I win that!
Your kids are adorble, your blog is addicting with or without giveaways and you crack me up.
Have a great weekend.
FYI, my loins are platinum plated (obviously!). I know a guy if you want to upgrade before the next kid. ;)
LOL, thanks Kel, I'll get his contact info shortly ;)
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