22 March 2011

I almost can't stand the cuteness.

When Carter was a baby, there was nothing he loved more than watching Mickey Mouse walk over that hill in the very beginning of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the Disney Channel. His face would light up and then my heart would just melt from the cuteness. When I finally caught it on video, I was so excited and made it my Y3W post for the week. Carter was only 7 months old.

Well, last week when the show came on TV, Brynn did almost the exact same thing... she screamed with excitement, her "motorcycle hands" were going {you'll see in the video... Carter had them too =} and she would just laugh away at Mickey Mouse.

Sunday? I taped it.

Sigh. I just love when she looks at the camera. My sweet little Brynnie Girl.

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Sarah said...

Oh my goodness the cuteness is overflowing! Gotta love sibling similarities.

Jenna said...

Love it! So precious! And I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only mommy that relies on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for entertainment. ;-) It's the perfect distraction in the morning for the kiddo!

Toni said...

Adorable!! I love the motorcycle hands. J loves this show, too. I love when he starts to recognize the mouskatools.

Unknown said...

So cute! Jude does the motorcycle hands too!! So funny to watch. His favorite part is the Hot Dog Dance! ;)
Thanks for sharinG!!!

sara said...

The cuteness is. too. much!

Oh how I want to squish them both!! And I love the motorcycle hands, Pie used to do that too and it always made me laugh.

Unknown said...

Too cute!


Greta said...

SOO cute...and I love that you have video of them both doing the exact same thing! So sweet.

Anonymous said...

So cute! This is totally off-topic- but how are you liking your City Mini double stroller? Are there any real cons to using it (can you really fit it thru aisles in stores??)? I currently have a Graco double. My oldest is 2 yrs old and a peanut at 22lbs and yet still is so uncomfortable in the front seat of the stroller-(the seat is small, doesn't recline much, sun shade too small). My baby is 11 months and is a chunky monkey. I was looking at the City Mini Double, as I know they get great reviews. Just wanted a real Mom's honest opnion before I spend the $. Thanks Jenni!!! P.S. Sorry for the long post- I didn't know where else to ask this!

Olivia's Mommy said...

I love the motorcycle hands....they are so cute...she get's so excited....

Laura said...

I can't stand the motorcycle hands. How cute!!

Anonymous said...

Isaac has motorcycle hands too. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Hi, someone sent me the link to your blog for this entry because I was asking about the motorcycle hand thing. My son does it a lot and more when he gets excited or upset. I was wondering if there was something wrong as you hear so much about arm flapping and autism. I am glad to see my son isn't the only one who does it as I don't know anyone else who does. Very cute kids you have there.

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