Well, Brynnie Girl, the count down is officially on for your first birthday. I can't believe you're going to be ONE in less than a month.
Your invitations went out, the tent & moon bounce was ordered, we're making a food list, ordering your cake and party favors, and the rest of the planning is well under way. Ahhhh {post to come about this!!!}

Oh my sweet girl, you are doing so many wonderful things. You're pulling yourself up to stand now and you're actually getting brave and trying to let go! You're crawling so fast that we can hardly catch you and you're totally Miss Independent.

Daddy and I try to just kiss and hug you all the time and all you want to do is play {mostly by yourself, since you find Carter to be extremely annoying ;}

Poor Carter Man!
You have exactly 4 teeth now, and those top 2 sure were hard on you. You were chewing on anything you could get your hands on! You sleep like an angel... I'm not sure if you woke up in the middle of the night at all this month. You just LOVE your blankie and you look so darn adorable when you hug and squeeze it against your chubby little cheeks.
I have a confession for you... I absolutely love that spring has arrived, just so I can see your adorable legs all the time. I just want to eat them up, they're just so darn cute! {And I do!}

You are really doing well with a sippy cup, and we'll likely start the transition to whole milk next week. You'll be a big girl like your brother! You absolutely LOVE bath time and Carter gets so excited that the two of you can actually take a bath together now in the new bathroom tub. We got you guys a bunch of bath toys to play with, which may or may not have been a huge mistake, because now we can't get you out of the tub!

Okay, it's time to see how much you've grown this month Brynnie:

The next time I do this post? You'll be one. And it's been one of the best years of my entire life. We're so lucky to have you, Brynnie Girl!

Thank you for voting for the blog!!

11 months already?! Holy smokes that went fast! I can't wait to hear more details of her fabulous party :)
Wow Brynnie, you should do grow up fast!
I can't believe she's 11 months old already!
I can not believe she will be one in a month {and I will have a newborn!}. And just look at those adorable curls.
It goes by so fast, doesn't it? Your little ones are so cute. My Nellie has those same hippo jammies :)
Just swinging by from Circle of Moms to say hi!
aww she's adorable :D
11 months?!?! Oh my goodness. I haven't been to your blog in awhile and I can't believe how much she's changed.
Wowza! She is growing up so fast. It's been fun watching her change on your blog this past year. James is 8 months so it's fun to see what's just a few months ahead by reading about Brynnie. You make gorgeous babies!
Adorable!!! I love all of the photos with her sitting in the chair! Such a great idea, I wish I would have done something like that with Bennett.
Awe Brynnie!
What a sweet, sweet baby!
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