So, Saturday I woke up with a bit of energy. For the first time in awhile, we had nothing on the agenda {read: no more excuses} so I figured with the bathroom completely finished {minus some touch-up paint... pics to come} it was time to tackle the kids rooms.
This was a huge undertaking- both rooms needed to be completely cleaned out: old clothes packed up, new clothes hung in the closets, toys cleaned out, dusted, vacuumed... you name it. And with Carter's room looking something like this...

...and Brynn's room looking something like this...

I knew it would take awhile.
So, after about 9 hours of cleaning, this is the result.

Now, you may be wondering why my almost 3 year old still has a crib in his room. The truth is...
it keeps him contained he likes it. He's never tried to climb out, and the fact that we have a ton of steps in our house, that's kind of a big deal. A big boy bed makes me nervous, but I also understand that it's inevitable so... he's getting one. This weekend. Cleaning out his room was the first step {which we couldn't do until the bathroom was done!} so now I think we're ready.
I don't want to do too much to his room because it will likely be the nursery for baby #3 {don't get any ideas... it ain't happening yet} so I'm looking for something that will match the colors we have in there now. Carter will be getting my old twin bed growing up {
awwwww} so we just need a new mattress and likely
this bedding:

I think that will match well with the colors in his room and we'll just hang some new art on the walls to match the theme. Of course I'm keeping track of everything on
Pinterest. =)
Yay for big boy beds! {And
super nervous but trying to put on a brave face mamas.}
After all that cleaning on Saturday, I jumped in the shower and headed downstairs to our {unclean & completely hopeless} family room to relax. I was so sore that I could barely muster up enough energy to sit on the couch. I laid on the floor and was immediately bombarded by snuggly babies in their PJ's...

Sneak attack...

Perhaps we should call this "Steppin' In Saturday"?
{linking up with
Harper's Happenings}
Shirt: DU {that I have 10 of in every color}
Shorts: Adidas {old soccer uniform shorts}
Don't try to steal my style.So, um, how cute is she?

On Father's Day, after some
relaxing at home, we headed to my parents house to go in the pool and spend some QT with the fam {and my dad, of course!}
All ready to go...

Disclaimer: Though I think Brynn looks adorable in that bathing suit and matching hat, it was a gift. I would never willingly purchase anything with a tutu for my daughter. I did, however, willingly dress her in it, which is a huge deal for me.
Baby steps, people.
Steppin' Out Sunday...

Dress {w/ pockets!!}: Target
Tankini: Lands End
Flops: Kohl's
Sunglasses: Coach
Sunday was Brynnie's first time in my parents pool! Last year she was just too little {but did go in the pool at our OBX house last August...kinda.} Anyway? She loved it.

It's really hard to take pictures of 4 kids.

Kacy and I...

Ben and Carter {can't you just hear them saying "cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese"?}

Love this one of Ben and Gracie. She's just straight up chillin'

And GG with all 4 of her grandbabies!

Me and my sweet girl...

Carter's in his own little world when he's in the pool.

The sweetness of this baby girl is almost unbearable...

She's like her brother... she almost fell asleep on the tube! {And if you haven't seen
this video yet? You should.}

After the pool, we hung out a bit while we waited for dinner.

Brynn, dancing with her glasses on...

Brynn and her Poppy!

If filet mignon, crab cakes, twice backed potatoes, salad, and corn on the cob aren't enough, there's always ice cream. {Which I totally skipped, thankyouverymuch.}

Yes, that's Kacy.

Ben was so happy. =)

So there you have it. A lot of randomness in a single weekend all wrapped up into one convenient post.

You guys? ROCK.
Thank you for every single one of your votes!
yyyeeeessss. goin out for ice cream in your pj's and sticking your tongue out while eating an oreo flurry. always a class act, kace.
Thanks now I’m craving Don & Bert's cheese fries and an extra thick b&w milkshake ;)
omg, i woulda punched Louise! You look GREAT ! also I totally get you on the crib DD is over 2 now and I have no plans to move her to a big girl bed right now. she's not climbing out and she's happy in there..if there is no need to rush it, then why rush it ?!
We had Rex in a big boy bed at 20 months and it was fantastic. We have steps right outside of his room as well but we have a gate that locks him in his bedroom until we come and get him. That makes me feel better in case he wakes up before us and it keeps our dog out of his room which was the original purpose of the gate.
@ Katie- LOVE their cheese fries! nom nom nom
@Kari- We were thinking about a gate too...those steps just outside his room make me so nervous!
We had O in his crib until after we moved (he was past 3) then we converted his crib to a toddler day bed....then I got preggo so we bought him a big boy bed (he was past 4 at this point). O never tried to climb out of his crib (or bed for that matter) so I didn't feel the rush to move him.
He loves his big boy beds (bunk beds...not sure WHAT we were thinking) and we rarely have an issue with him not staying in bed.
Don't be scared of the 'big boy' bed. The Mouse has been in a full size one for over a year now and has done really well with it :)
I picked out the same bedding for Eli!! It is funny that our kids have a lot of the same clothes too since our boys have the exact same birthdays and our girls are about three months apart! So fun! And great pool pics!
Yay for cleaning! I think that's so funny that you have kept Carter "contained" for nearly 3 years! Landon started to crawl out so we had to make the jump sooner than I would have liked.
Good luck with the transition. I bet C-man will LOVE his big boy bed!
Your kids are adorable! I personally love the tutu bathing suit, what fun! Can't wait to hear how the big boy bed transition follower.
I think Carter needs Louisville Slugger bat with his name on it for his big boy room! Cute pics!
@ Audrey- He already has one ;) It's on the shelf above the bookcase along with a signed baseball from my good friend's brother who is a starting pitcher for the Padres =)
AWESOME! Go Padres...or Phillies. Or, Cubbies if you live in KY and have no hometeam MLB team!
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