01 June 2011

Wordless{ish} Wednesday

Just a few pics from our Memorial Day BBQ! My parents pool isn't opened yet, so we improvised...Time for tractor rides!
And what's a Memorial Day BBQ, without some baseball?
Happy June! {OMG!}

Thank you for keeping me in the top 10 for so long!
LOVE you guys!
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Olivia Grace said...

They are so beautiful! Looks like an awesome day!

molly said...

Looks like you guys had a grand old time!

Steph said...

Love the tractor rides!

Claire {Beaktweets} said...

What a fun day! I posted photos of our baby pool today, too. It was a good weekend for it!

kacy said...

ohhhh send me the picture of me and brynn. we're hot.

Southern Wifey said...

awww, the kids all look so cute in the back of the tractor. i have a pic when i was real little on a back-hoe with my grandpa up in NJ. I love memories like this, and i bet theyll never forget moments like this.

[sweet life of a southern wife]

Tammy said...

How cute to see them all in the little pool & the tractor wagon! Looks like a ton of FUN!

Anne U @ hot coffee mama said...

Cute baby swimsuits.

Anonymous said...

Looks like they had lots of fun!!! Popping by and following you from the blog hop. Have an awesome day! And when you get a chance come on by and check out my blog.
The Epic Adventures of a Modern Mom

katrina adams said...

looks like a super fun day!!! can't believe it's june already, either. this year is flying by....

Anonymous said...

LOVE the picture of Brynn splashing in the pool!!

LLA_Princess said...

so cute! loved those baby pools when the kids were younger. Of course my 9 year old just asked for one again, haha

Nikki said...

What a fun day! Love the splashing baby! Cute pics :D

Kristin said...

Haha I love the one of Brynn hollering in the kiddie pool! So sweet.

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