So, today's the big day. My big
sister Kristi is nearly 20 weeks pregnant {due 11.11.11!} and has her big ultrasound this morning. Today I find out if I'm getting a new...

...and I can't wait! =) I'll be sure to post the results as soon as I hear! In the meantime, do you think Ben & Grace are getting a little sister or a little brother??

If you ask them? Ben wants a brother named "Just Bob" because we already have an "Uncle Bob" and Grace wants a sister named "Brynn II"... LOVE them.
Join the Your Three Words Blog Hop!

Have a lovely FATHER'S DAY weekend everyone!!

You guys are seriously the BEST readers ever!
You helped get me to #9 and I LOVE YOU!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Now we're tied again, so can you spare another click? ;)
I say niece!
Oh, how fun. I say niece too!
Yeah, I have no clue! I want to say boy, but Kristi really wants a girl (a healthy baby of course, but if she could choose) and she always seems to get what she wants, lol.
We'll seeeeeee! =)
i'm guessing its definitely a human baby. fifty percent of the time it works every time.
True Kac, but with Kristi ya never know.
Brynn II has a nice ring to it :)
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