27 July 2011

Wordless | Link up!

And then there was 1.

Vote for almost -30lbs!
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MaryBeth said...

Yay!!!!!! You are SO close! You can do it!!

Andrea said...

You are amazing! I remember when you first started this journey, it doesn't even seem like that long ago!

lar1203 said...

so close- way to go!

Gina said...


esahm said...

Congrats! That's awesome! I'm a few pounds behind you, but this inspired me to workout this morning.

molly said...

Goooooooo, Jenni! You can do this!

Melissa {AllSewnUp} said...


Brandi said...


Unknown said...

Ooh! You're sooooo close! Great job. :)

Melissa @ Growing Up Geeky said...

Wow, great job!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh!! Good job!! I am stuck...life has ahold of me and my motivation. :(

I know that 1 pound will be gone by next week for ya! YAY!!!

Marina@EBMR said...

wow!great going!!

Unknown said...

Amazing! You are truly inspiring! Thank you for being so open and sharing all the details of your journey!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the linky! Iam following you and would love a follow back,
have lovely day,
~meg~ :)

Shannon said...

and then there is 1!!!! congrats- you can do it!

Hope said...

fantastic news..you should be proud of your self.. soft hugs

Good Girl Gone Green said...

Congrats that is fantastic!

Lynn said...

Stopping by from the Wonder Wednesday blog hop :)

Great job on your weight loss!! Some friends and I are starting a "Feelin' Fab Friday" blog hop this week - you should come over and check it out.

Life by Cynthia said...

That is Awesome! You're an inspiration to me!

Catch My Words said...

You've lost 29 pounds! Congratulations!


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