Because I took a ton of pics this weekend during Carter's birthday extravaganza {that's how we do} I thought I'd combine my Wordless post with my Week{end} in iPhone pics...
Saturday: {7/16}My birthday boy...

"How old is Carter!?!" {on the way to his party}...

Do pirates play baseball? Why, yes. Yes they do. {@ Bounce U}

and I made dinner on Saturday night...

Chicken Fresco. It was NOM.
Sunday: {7/17}Early morning cuddles...

Carter reading through some of his birthday books...

Look, it's a Carter-sized pool!

Someone hates the grass, huh?

"Oh my goodness... new shoes just like Poppy!" {new Adidas shell tops from Aunt Kacy!}

Peanut Butter Tastycakes... Carter Man's favorite! =)

He's very big on singing "happy birthday." Especially to himself.

Passed out with his new soccer ball...
Monday: {7/18 aka Carter's actual birthday ;}Someone loves his gift from daddy & bubba...

Mama was driving a little too fast to see Cars 2... {look for a "help pay for mama's speeding ticket" sale in
my shoppe soon. I'm serious.}


Time for lunch at Friendly's...

nom nom nom {and Carter insisted on wearing his pirate shirt again!}

Passed out at Grammy's house...

Spending some time with my girl.... we went for a walk in the 100 degree heat. Bad idea.


Birthday cake #3!

Cuddling with his new Carter-sized dinosaur... named Dan. {He loves the show Dino Dan.}

There you have it. Our
Week{end} in iPhone pics! Do you think Carter is just a bit spoiled!?! We had a GREAT weekend, but it was rather hard to explain to our little 3 year old today that it was no longer his birthday. ;)
Link up your Wordless posts below...
Happy Wednesday!

Vote if you like having birthday extravaganza's too!
Aww, I love the pictures! My little man's name is Carter too :)
Do you have a recipe for the peanut butter tasty cakes? Chicken fresco?
Can u email them to me?
Looks like he had a fun weekend and birthday!
Well, happy belated birthday. Such a big boy and he looks so happy. I also like the baby's expression in the Someone hates the grass shot.
love all the pics of him holding up three fingers. happy birthday carter! looks like your weekend was a blast!
(except for the speeding ticket part... boo)
Love the pics. Linked up, finally got my blog revamped and don't mind sharing! love the morning cuddle pics too, how cute!
Sorry about the speeding ticket mama!
Looks like a great birthday celebration - except for that whole speeding ticket thing.
Looks like he had a great birthday!!
The DH saw some of your pics over my shoulder last night and thinks you're awesome because you are Phillies fans (he's from Philly and we both went to college there) :)
Lovely pictures, looks like a fun birthday!
Happy Birthday! And it looks like someone had a fun packed week-end!
What a fun few days celebrating Carter's birthday! He is in good company with July bdays-mine was the 15th! I'm 31 and we had 3 celebrations too (hard to juggle schedules).
Just wanted to say that I love that pic of Brynn *disliking* the grass. You could sub her out for my son, Jack! He's the same way. Sometimes (rarely) he'll sit in the grass and hold one leg up-it's hilarious to see :)
Wonderful family photos! Thanks for sharing!
cute pics
new follower from hop
Awwww! Happy (belated) Birthday to your CUTE little man! :)
WW: Pelicans on the Mississippi
Happy birthday to your little guy!
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