First of all, that's like a little punch to the ute. Hubs & I have agreed upon the fact that we are more than likely aboard the two and through boat. It makes sense for us, especially financially. {How do insurance company agents sleep at night?!?} And I'm happy about this decision...well, about 80% happy. I think all Momma's regardless of being done or not still yearn to feel their child grow inside them. To say "Soup OR salad? Um both. I'm pregnant, duhh." But I'm heading out of the mombie sleep deprived stage & that, my friends, is a good feeling. I feel like I'm ready to move onto the next chapter of parenting.
Secondly, I have wife guilt. Although it was common knowledge that it was all Dustin's doing when it came to our 2nd baby being a girl, I was the one being told that "Dustin needs his boy." I had to at least try one more time for that. People gave him sympathy head cocks to the side for crying out loud. Excuse me?!? I was an innocent bystander during this whole process. Apparently incubator equaled culprit. No reason to points fingers at my egg. She was accepting of any visitors.
And finally, I become a bit smooshy when I hear Brookie asked me for a bruhder. Now I know a lil birdie influenced this idea (yeah you, Mom), but she says it so darn sweetly, it almost makes me want to give her one just to satisfy her request.
I'm not going to lie. When I see a Mommy with her son, I do long for that. I think I even ovulate a little at the sight of a lil guy running towards his Momma for snuggles. Everyone knows the sterotype that every woman wants a daughter & every man wants a son. But as a woman with 2 daughters, that I of course am smitten kitten with, I'd love a son. Get dirt under my polished nails digging for buried treasure in the backyard. Throw some cheerios in the toilet as targets for potty training practice. Overalls & newsboys caps? Swoon. But would I ever want to trade what I have? Not in a bajillion years. I don't feel like I'm missing out by not having a boy. It's more like realizing it wasn't meant to be for us to have one. Nothing to be sympathied over. No smile & nods necessary nosy lady at Kohls, thanks.
And Dustin? Ohhh I know he'd love a son. But? He fits in just fine with being a daughter Daddy. Masculine shmasculine, this man serves a mean cup of air.

Don't forget to check out Ashley's adorable blog! Thanks so much for taking over for a day, Ash!
Thanks for having me, Jenni! xoxo
Of course Ash! Love your post, love your blog, and love you chica! ;)
Love the post, Ashley! Does your husband know you posted that pic of him tea-partying? It's priceless.
OMG I love the tea party picture! That is precious! I love me some Stauffers!
He does now :) But thinks that since he used his mandatory hair accessory as a pirate patch, that it makes the picture much more manly. Yes honey...yes it does.
love your guest blog! your girls are adorable!
Lovin Ashley and her blog! Shes an awesome guest poster!! =)
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