27 March 2012

Call for Sponsors | April

I love me some chubby legs and feet! =)

If you'd like to become a sponsor the month of April, I'd just need your ad button, link to your shop/site/blog, and payment via PayPal. That's it... I have all sizes available so book now!

Before you jump on this delightful opportunity, here is a little more info on my ad options and blog stats:
Monthly Pageviews: 75,000
All-time Pageviews: 990,000+
Google Friend Connect: 1,850+
{Public- 1,065+ | Private- 785+}
RSS Feedburner: 1,400+
Twitter: 1,070+
Facebook : 840+

Ad Boxes2
I also have text ads that are available for 30 days, 90 days or 1 year increments! Email me for details.

Order now... just pick your ad size & month:
Month of pending sponsorship:

Again, just email me your link and ad button and pay via PayPal above. Easy peasy. I look forward to working with you! =)


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