Shirt & Shorts: Motherhood
I look so ginormous next to the Three Little Pigs house, right? We went to Storybook Land yesterday and the kids had a blast. More on that later though ;)Okay, so I don't even really know where to start with this update. I guess I'll just start with my appointment on Friday and go from there...
Well my OB is awesome, it's official. Friday was the first time I saw her since this whole mass thing began {which was only TWO WEEKS ago but feels much longer!} She came in to the room and gave me a big hug! I adore her. I knew she would make me feel better, and that's exactly what she did.
After going over a few "routine" things {my BP was still "fine," she's not making me take the 3 hour GTT because my fluid levels have been in the normal range the past two ultrasounds, and the fact that I actually lost weight this week... hmm, I wonder why?} she then went over basically the two possibilities for this mass and MRI situation.
She said that (1) it could be absolutely nothing. Which is exactly what she thinks it is. Just a "benign variant tumor or cyst" and they wouldn't do a thing right now or even after delivery. It would basically just go away on its own {or not... it's just kinda... there.} I could still have a vaginal delivery and they wouldn't do anything differently. <-- Um, sign me up for that.
Or (2) we could get the MRI results and still not know what this mass thing is and, in that case, they'd want to do a biopsy.
With option #2: They can't do a biopsy while I'm still pregnant. So my OB said that her and my high-risk doc at MFM would come up with a plan to possibly deliver the baby early {36ish weeks} in order to biopsy.
Yeah, I am NOT okay with that.
If they don't know what it is and both the baby and myself are fine, I am not risking an early delivery for this stupid mass. Nope. I won't do it. I'm not going to have a baby in the NICU with underdeveloped lungs {and whatever else can go wrong} and this turn out to be nothing at all. So I told my doc that I don't want to deliver before 38 weeks if it's not absolutely 100% necessary. She was fine with that, but said let's just see how the MRI goes and take it from there. She's hoping we're worrying about absolutely nothing at all and she doesn't want to get ahead of ourselves or cause undue stress {too late.}
So now on to this morning.
The MRI was possibly the worst thing I've experienced in my entire life. Not really, but it was bad. Very, very bad.
First, ummmmm, how did I not know that an MRI can mess with balance and motion sickness!?! I felt like I was going to throw up everywhere. Add to the fact that it was 5,000 degrees {<-- the temp in the room gets higher every time I tell this story. Justsoyouknow.} and I officially felt like I was going to die. Well, maybe not die, but pass out.
It was terrible.
And the babe. The poor babe. He/she was jumping around my belly like crazy. And I was trying my best not to move while I was cooking from the inside out.
Let's just say I'm just glad it's over.
While counting out the last ten minutes {I'm not kidding} I officially decided that I'm not doing any more tests on this mass until after this baby is born. I feel terrible putting the babe through this and then on top of all this stress {for hopefully nothing at all}... I just can't do it any more. Nope. I'm done.
So yeah. Now we wait. The hospital said it would take 2 days to get the report to my MFM doc, but she has direct access to the reporting system at the hospital, so I'll call later today and see if she has any news for me. If not, hopefully I hear from someone tomorrow. We'll see.
I'll keep you guys posted.
And with that, I want to add that the babe is still perfect and passed his/her BPP with flying colors again on Friday. My sweet little over achiever.
Pregnancy: 30 weeks <-- how is that even possible?
Weight Gain: 20 pounds
Sleep: I've been sleeping rather well despite all this mess going on. We're staying very busy though! Last night, while watching a movie and cuddling with Carter, he yelled at me for snoring in his ear. Oops ;)
Gender: We're team green, so we'll find out in September!
Health: BP was fine at my last appt, which I was super happy about. My swelling is still fairly in check even though it was 105 on Saturday. So lovely. If we can get this mass thing under control, my health would be fabulous, I think!
Movement: Feeling him/her constantly. I love it!
Belly: Measuring about 2-3 weeks ahead right now, still no linea negra and my belly button has been out for
awhile. Here's my standard belly shot... {and I got a new iPhone case!}
For comparison, here's my 30 week belly shot with Brynn!
Next Appointment: Biophysical Profile: this Friday, July 13th at 30w5d.
Next Appointment: Biophysical Profile: this Friday, July 13th at 30w5d.
Glad your OB Dr is on the same page with you. Sending happy thoughts!!!!
(oh and for the MRI, yeah had to do that with Lexie {for other reasons}, and it was the WORST THING EVER!!)
I guess, I am what you might call a "closet follower", have never commented (I don't think)...anyways, I am coming out of the closet today. I am so sorry you are going through this. I also had a MRI with my second baby bc of severe headaches that they weren't sure were related to the pre-e and HELLP I had with my first child. Anyways, they found a "cyst" in my brain (while I was pregnant)...thank goodness I was incubating a baby or I may have gone crazy, but it was nice to focus on the baby. After he was born I had another MRI to see if it had grown (it hadn't), but it was all nerve-wracking nonetheless and since I had a crazy/early/crash c-section/seizure/44 day NICU stay with my first child, I already had enough to worry about. Pregnancy is TOTALLY CRAZY, what it does to us. I am thinking of you and praying for you and keep reading your updates, and love your sense of humor. I hope everything is smooth sailing here on out and you get good news when they call.
Also wanted to say that you look great!
So sorry you had to go through that. Hoping that everything is okay <3
sending prayers to you and your family....sounds like you're doing a great job staying positive and hanging on to hope!
I'm sorry you had to go through that! I'm so glad to hear that baby is still doing great, and you look great!
My oldest son was born at 36w6d and spent 2 nights in the level 2 nursery for observation. I know you don't want baby to be born at 36 weeks, but just in case he/she has to come, I'm sure everything would still be okay! I also have a 29 weeker but that's another story entirely. You and baby are in my thoughts and I'm sending you tons of positive vibes!
so glad your OB is along your lines. Hope everything turns out to be nothing!
oh momma. I'm so sorry you have all of this worry in your heart - I believe it will all be okay! Sounds like you've got an amazing doctor and a strong and healthy baby - please keep me updated! Sending you lots of love!
I am hoping no news is good news??!!!
I am hoping no news is good news??!!!
Here's hoping that is nothing!!!!
I love your name choices. :)
Here's hoping that is nothing!!!!
I love your name choices. :)
I'm so sorry about the extra anxiety with the mass. I'm happy that everything is going well otherwise and that baby is safe and sound.
I'm very impressed with your weight gain for this pregnancy. I was at about three times that amount for my first. I'd love to hear what you are doing and any tips you have for keeping your weight gain in a healthy range since I'm trying for #2.
I'm so sorry about the extra anxiety with the mass. I'm happy that everything is going well otherwise and that baby is safe and sound.
I'm very impressed with your weight gain for this pregnancy. I was at about three times that amount for my first. I'd love to hear what you are doing and any tips you have for keeping your weight gain in a healthy range since I'm trying for #2.
Hey Jenni!
Very early in my pregnancy they found 2 masses on my right ovary, each a little larger than a walnut. I worried myself sick about it, while they kept a watch on them with the Ultrasound machine (to make sure they were not growing). Just last month they told me the masses were just gone, or at least they could not find them. YEAH, what a relief! Naturally, they will be doing more scans after our little boy is here in November (just to make sure).
I hope you too will find out your mass is getting smaller or just goes away on its own! I have a good feeling, everything is going to be fine!
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