As far as updates, I had a BPP and OB appt on Friday right before I left. The BPP was perfect... the babe was moving constantly and it was difficult for the tech to even get a heart beat because the baby just wouldn't. stay. still. :)
I then headed over to my OB appt and actually had my first internal and GBS test. I'm happy to report that on Friday {34w5d} I was only about 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. Whew. I would have been a little nervous if I was sitting at 4cm already like I was with Brynn at this point. Especially since I'm 8 hours away and missing all my appointments this week. My doc gave me a few tips for traveling this pregnant, handed me a copy of my chart {ya know, "just in case"} and sent me on my way. :)
Pregnancy: 35 weeks
Weight Gain: 26 pounds
Weeks until September 10th Induction: 4 weeks from today! {We're less than a month now, people!}
Sleep: Doing pretty well. No pregsomnia lately, but I think it's because I'm just so tired.
Gender: We're team green, so we'll find out in September!
Names: Reid Joseph or Emerson Mae {see the name post here!}
Feeling: You mean, besides the contractions, achy belly & constant reflux? Pretty good.
Health: My BP was great on Friday... woo hoo!
Movement: Oh, you know, just watching my belly do the salsa. No big deal.
Belly: Measuring just about 3 weeks ahead right now, have the start of a very light linea negra, and my belly button has been out for awhile. For comparison, here's my 35 week belly shot with Brynn!
Oh, and because everyone is making fun of my t-shirts this week, I just thought I'd give you a little glimpse of what they look like.
Basically? They don't fit. And they haven't for awhile.
Next Appointment: Biophysical
Profile & Growth Ultrasound: Tuesday, August 21st at 36w2d. OB Appointment: Friday, August 24th at 36w5d.

my cousin delivered her baby four weeks early around this time last year at the outer banks hospital while on vacation. its a great story to tell! good luck! ;)
my cousin delivered her baby four weeks early around this time last year at the outer banks hospital while on vacation. its a great story to tell! good luck! ;)
Even thought your t-shirt don't fit, it is still a very cute baby bump! It looks great at the beach because it just looks like you are smuggling a beach ball under your shirt ;)
Glad to see an update - after a little silence I thought maybe you'd had that baby already!
Oh wow yeah for being dilated...I'm
Barely there!!
I'm struggling with the sitting and staying as well - I can only imagine if I was on vacation and at the beach! You look great! :)
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