Tankini: Seraphine
So, we're officially back from OBX and can I just tell you? I'm so happy to be home. Of course, we had a wonderful time on vacay with my fam. Wonderful. But now, I'm ready to meet the babe.
And with only THREE WEEKS TO GO? That's a very good thing.
Nesting has officially kicked into full gear. I can't wait to start getting ready. {Which is good because I have done nothing but buy this baby a hat. I'm serious.} I have a shopping list going and it's, of course, getting really long. I need new bottles for the babe, some nursing stuff, white onesies, a new bathtub, stuff like that. Little stuff that adds up super fast, but nothing that a single trip to Babies R Us can't handle either.
As far as clothes? Well this baby literally has nothing to wear. Nothing. I refuse to buy gender neutral clothing, so I may send my mom and sisters out with my debit card while I'm in the hospital, just to get a few things to hold us over until we can really go shopping post baby. While I do have clothes saved from both Brynn and Carter, they're off season {for now} so the babe will definitely need some clothes of its own to get started!
Some other things on the old "to-do" list? Break out the infant car seat, the swing, the bouncey seat, the play mat, etc and make sure everything is washed and sparkling for the new babe. I also want to start packing my hospital bag {check out my "what the hell do I pack?" list here} as well as get some things ready for Brynn and Carter's bags {and I guess, figure out where the heck they'll be staying. Ahem.}
Yep. Lots to do. And only 3 weeks {hopefully!} to do it. Yikes.
Things just got real.
As far as updates, I have nothing for you, since I missed all my appointments and ultrasounds last week. As of 34w5d, I was 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. We'll see how much I've progressed this Friday. I also have a growth ultrasound {on both the baby and the cervical mass} tomorrow morning. I'll keep you posted!
Pregnancy: 36 weeks
Weight Gain: 26 pounds
Weeks until September 10th Induction: 3 weeks from today!
Sleep: Doing pretty well. No pregsomnia lately, but I think it's because I'm just so tired.
Gender: We're team green, so we'll find out in September!
Names: Reid Joseph or Emerson Mae {see the name post here!}
Feeling: You mean, besides the contractions, achy belly & constant reflux? Pretty good.
Health: My BP was great at my last appt on Friday... woo hoo!
Movement: Oh, you know, just watching my belly do the salsa. No big deal.
Belly: Measuring just about 3 weeks ahead right now, linea negra is slowly getting darker, and my belly button has been out for awhile. Here's my standard belly shot...
And, for comparison, here's my 36 week belly shot with Brynn!
Next Appointment: Biophysical
Profile & Growth Ultrasound: tomorrow, August 21st at 36w2d. OB Appointment: Friday, August 24th at 36w5d.

despite how big that beautiful belly is you look so great for being this far along in your pregnancy! After about 35 weeks, I was wearing the same clothes & miserable! Can't wait to find out who the little munchkin is!!
Your are getting so close! My LO came a few weeks ago at 35wks 5 days. He was scheduled to come this Friday the 24th at 39 weeks by c section. Sometime they have a plan of their own, though! :)
I have had so much fun since I found your blog! I am also expecting our 3rd child (I am 33 weeks), and had to laugh when you posted that all you had bought was a hat! I am SO right there with you:) You are making pregnancy look beautiful and easy, while keeping it real. Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to meet your new little person:)
Since we don't know the gender either, and I don't do gender neutral clothes, I've gone out and bought a few items for both boy and girl to get me through the first few days until I can get out and shop for this baby! We are within return periods, so go shop! :)
I will go on record that I think you will actually go into labor with this baby. ;) oh, and I see you mentioned nursing stuff - are you breastfeeding this go 'round?
These updates are so great! Such a nice reference for other preggos and if you ever have any more kids. By the way, you look darling!
Sounds like you have some things to go buy but that is always fun! Looking forward to when you introduce this new little babe to all of us!
Sounds like you have some things to go buy but that is always fun! Looking forward to when you introduce this new little babe to all of us!
Jenni! I love your packing list for the hospital bag. I bookmarked it and will start on this next week. Thank you so much!!
You make pregnancy look beautiful! I just had my third a few months ago and hang on to that hat, mama, it's a wild ride! :)
How do you make it look so easy?? Maybe I need a trip to the beach. :P
I'm due in six weeks and am glad to know I am the only one who has a long list of things to buy. We have a couple of outfits, but otherwise, nada. We gotta get on that... Glad you had a good vaca before your LO arrived. Love the pic of you and your sister!
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