That sounds much older than 32, doesn't it?
I don't know where I thought I'd be in my life by the time I hit 33. Most people think in milestones of 30, 35 or 40, etc.
I do know that I hoped to have 3 kids by this time.
So close.
Like "one month from tomorrow" kind of close. {What the hell?}
And so, I declare it the year of three's.
What a fantastic year it will be.
With that, here's an adorable video of my sweet Brynnie Girl singing Happy Birthday.
We lost power a few weeks ago during a storm and she thought all the candles meant that it was someone's birthday {Clearly. I mean, duh! It had to be.} She then proceeded to sing in front of every lit candle in our house...
It doesn't get much cuter than that, people.
Here's to a great year...

happy birthday girl! go figure the one time i'm in jersey for a week and you're at obx! man! 33 is a great number!!!
Happy birthday! She is too cute.
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday! My boyfriend is turning 33 in four months and he agrees, it sounds so much older than 32!
Happy Birthday!!! 33 is so young!!! I'm 34 & still feel young...well, until I think about having more kids....then I feel like I'm pushing 60! Enjoy your day & count your blessings!!!!
Happy happy birthday! Have a great time celebrating on the beach!
Happy Birthday from one Jenni to another! I've followed your blog for a while but just started blogging myself. You rock! Enjoy your day!
I turn 33 in October and was telling a friend today how OLD that feels. Much older than turning 30 felt. SIGH.
Glad you're so close to your 3-babies-at-33 goal. Happy Birthday Jenni!
Happy Birthday! I'll be joining the 3's club in a couple days. :)
Happy birthday! Hope it's great! So far 33 has been wonderful for me! Wow only a month to go- crazy!
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