We found out yesterday that, due to her increasing blood pressure, my little sister Kacy is being induced on Monday.
Yes, this Monday.
As in, the same day as me.
At the same hospital.
With the same doctor.
We are beyond excited. I mean, this whole time we were lucky enough to be pregnant together, all while knowing that, being due just 4 days apart, there was a slight chance our babies could share a birthday.
And now? We {most likely} know they will.
How insane is that!?!
Our family is thrilled. What an exciting day it will be! Although, I may or may not need to steal some narcotics from the hospital while we're there. I think my parents may just have a heart attack. {They're so nervous!} Poor things!
In other news {as if there could possibly be "other" news}...
I had my very last OB appt yesterday. Everything looked good. I'm still 5cm dilated {I was thankful I wasn't more!} and she didn't even tell me how effaced I was because she was in shock at just how low the baby was. I think he/she is practically hanging on by a thread in there. Ha!
Oh, and also? The babe had another growth spurt. I was measuring 4 weeks ahead as of last week, but now? 6 weeks. Ahem.
And after having my very last ultrasound/BPP today and hearing that my fluid levels were "on the low side" and I'm still measuring 6 weeks ahead? Oh. my. gawd.
Bring on monster baby #3.

Oh wow! That is crazy! Can they put you in a room together? Maybe you can get a discount that way! ;)
That is so exciting. Can't wait for your update Monday. I'm still voting girl.
That is so exciting. Can't wait for your update Monday. I'm still voting girl.
That is awesome that you 2 will be having your babies the same day!!!! Best wishes to both of you and your family!!!!!!
How exciting!!
That is unbelievable for your family! My MIL was freaking out having babies 2 months apart - your poor mother! ;)
How exciting to have cousins share a birthday! Can't wait to get the big update!!!
Super exciting news!! I hope that both of you have very smooth deliveries! Best of luck to you both!
That is so exciting! People couldn't do that even if they tried. Best of luck to you both for smooth, quick, painless births and the healthiest of babies!
Have a wonderful weekend!
how amazingly wonderful!! :)
Holy cow, I can't believe that lol! This will be one Monday you and all your readers will look forward to lol! I know it may not mean anything, but I'm betting you'll deliver first since you are halfway dilated already...cheater! Lol!!! Is your sister team green too, can't remember???
Wow! That is awesome. Maybe you can be in rooms next to each other! What fun for your family :)
How wonderful, jenni! What a special bond you and your sister and those babes will share!
How amazing that your babies will share a birthday! I see a news story in the works. Best wishes for an easy delivery for the both of you.
Oh my gosh - how fun that you and your sister will be going through it all together!!! I'm a little jealous but mostly excited.
Also? I better NOT still be pregnant on Monday. (I'm a week overdue today.)
How exciting!!!!!! My sis and I are due 8 weeks apart and I secretly regret not getting pregnant sooner ;) You guys will have so much fun!!!!!
That is so cool!! Congrats to you and her! Can't wait to see pictures of the two! You'll have to get a shot of them together in the hospital!! Good luck Monday!!!
Holy moly~ I cannot imagine how stressed your parents are... But how AWESOME that they will get two amazing gifts in one day :) I'm DYING to know if Emerson or Reid will be making their appearance tomorrow.. I can't wait to hear.
Sending many thoughts and hugs to you from MN for a safe and healthy delivery :)
That is so exciting!!!
I have been following your Instagram posts and twitter updates like mad!
I feel I should introduce myself: I'm Molly from Ohio. I'm a proud Auntie to 2 nephews and 1 niece!
And I'm not a momma myself. Yet.
Best wishes to you and your little family! Thank you for the blog updates!!!
Oh my gosh how fun and exciting!!! I love the sis picture! :)
For Love of Cupcakes
OH my gosh! That is soooooooo exciting!! Can't wait to see the good news!
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