09 October 2012

WW: Announced.

I apologize in advance if this post makes your uterus ache for a baby.  You have been warned. ;)

Now that we have our newborn pictures back, I'm so excited to show you the birth announcements that I designed for Reid and {my niece and Reid's birthday twin} Aubrey!  

Let me know what you think... =)  

All announcement photos were taken by Stephanie Glover Photography

And Aubrey's...
 I mean... Aubrey's hair.  SO CUTE!  I just adore her sweetness. And that smile??? :::dies:::

In other news, Reid?  He's ONE MONTH OLD!  How is that even possible!?! Here's a picture of my little pumpkin in his 1 month tie ;)
Sigh.  I just adore him.

Overall, things are going so well.  He's a sweet baby and he's a good sleeper, for the most part {however, we've had a few rough nights, as expected.}  Most of our issues stem from breastfeeding, but we both seem to be doing better with it and I'm hoping to make it to my first goal of 6 weeks {1.5 weeks to go!} and that we'll finally be on the other side of this hill. {Please tell me it gets better at 6 weeks.  Pretty please?} My next goal will be 12 weeks and then we'll take it from there.  Hopefully I can make it 6 months, but we'll see.  Baby steps.

In other news, Reid was just diagnosed with reflux {Carter had it too, but we dodged a bullet with Brynn!} and I'm hoping his new meds will help with feedings as well.  Poor baby screams in pain after nursing, even after a change in my diet and some other things we've done to try to avoid medication.  I'm hoping the Zantac helps!

He's really starting to be awake more and I love it!  He's talking and starting to smile when we talk to him.  Carter and Brynn just adore him and are such good little helpers!  Carter is already asking for another baby... a girl.  I told him we could always just steal Aubrey.  He was perfectly fine with that.  Sorry Aunt Kacy!
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Wordless Wednesday | Link up!

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Samantha said...

They are both adorable!

The Best of Both Worlds said...

Adorable! You did an awesome job!

alicia said...

These are awesome! Great job!

Unknown said...

Just perfect!

Kristi Bonney said...

So freaking cute! Excuse me while I convince my husband that we need to pay to have my tubal ligation reversed. Dying of the cuteness!

Ai Sakura said...

such beautiful birth announcements!
and yes, they are so darn cute!

Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Join in: Wordless Wednesday Linky Party

Charlotte said...

They are so adorable! Reflux is horrible. Hope he settles soon. x

Annie said...

Those are beautiful and your baby girl is precious! beyond precious! What a wonderful photo shoot, those pictures will be treasured for forever :)

Dominique Goh said...

Love the newborn shots..so cute!!

Tabitha Blue said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE and totally making my uterus ache. Thanks a lot!!! hahaha. :)


Unknown said...

Adorable!!!!! love!:)

Anonymous said...

They are so cute! It definitely gets better after 6 weeks! Stick with it mama! Trust your body and your baby. I remember with brynn you had said you were not a breast feeding mama....what changed your mind this go 'round? It's so awesome!

Jennifer @ Pushing the Lemons said...

Those look amazing!

Sofia @ From PDX with Love said...

So so cute!! Complete adorableness! :D

Sweet Little Lovings said...

Those announcements are too perfect! I love them!

OrangeHeroMama said...

oh deliciousness!! and yes, my uterus was totally crying!

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

LOVE the announcements! Great job!!

Mimi N said...

Those are wonderful announcements. Hope everything goes well with the Zantac. My coworker dealt with the same issue with his daughter at the same age. He said the meds did a wonderful job!

Molly said...

Keep going with the breast feeding. It will get easier and easier until eventually you will realise that giving up will just make life harder again. Bottle feeding can be such a pain.... you need so much stuff whereas now... well all you need is you!!!!


Sara said...

Congratulations! Great job with breastfeeding. And yes, it absolutely gets easier! It's so nice not to have to worry with bottles and to always have milk available for your baby. I think the first 6 weeks are the most challenging so once you hit that it should be more manageable. Good luck!

Gina Kleinworth said...

So adorable!!!! & Oh yes- baby fever for sure.

Unknown said...

I love them both!! Great work!!
Glad to hear everyone is doing well! Adorable little man you have!!

Chelsey - The Paper Mama said...

Stop the cute.

Amber said...


Jessica Gibson said...

They are both adorable!! Love the announcements, so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

So cute! As for breastfeeding I think it should get easier at the 6 week mark. You're doing great mama. I am so impressed by your willingness to try it this time!

cynthia said...

aww, he is a little doll! :) such cute pics. i love how bendy they are. hehe
happy wednesday! thanks for hosting.

Jessica said...

Adorable announcements! Adorable babies!

The breastfeeding turnaround for me has always been 8 weeks. Good luck!

Stephanie said...

They are both so adorable.

As for nursing, I had a TOUGH time and fought through it in the beginning (threatening to quit every day). At 6 weeks, it was like the easiest thing ever and we continued until I wasn't pumping enough at 7 months. It gets so so so much better. Stick with it.

Anonymous said...

Love them both, Stephanie did a wonderful job with the pictures!

The girls said...

They're such beautiful babies! On another note, they were born on my daughter's (3rd) birthday. Great day.

Six weeks was a breastfeeding turning point for me. Up to that point, I was miserable and in tons of pain. At six weeks (almost exactly), the cuts and cracks finally healed and it got easier. Hang in there.

Paula said...

So cute! Aubrey shares a birthday (different year) with my son. :) Thanks for hosting!

Charlie and Harrys Daddy said...

Super cute :-) we are expecting our third in 6 weeks and cant wait to meet our baby. Ive started to follow you will be nice seeing your posts

Unknown said...

Oh my, these are super cute! Great job!! :)

K said...

Both super cute babies and how fun that they're born the same day??

renae said...

Your family and new baby are so cute!!!!!!!!!!! I just joined you! I found you via Alicia's Wordful Wednesday. Umm, and I invited my sister, Mary at merry dot dandy to join you too. She is a cool sister and we started blogging at the same time earlier this year. Your site has a darling blog button and hop button. When I first started my template had those same garlands on it. see we have that in common. lol. please take a sec and see if you want to join my site, too. I'd love it!

Sarah Halstead said...

Oh my!! Too adorable!! Can't believe he is a month already.

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