This year, however? Things are... different.
Well, for one, we're not going to OBX. We've decided to stay local and head to Ocean City, NJ. We used to vacation in OCNJ all the time, but for the past 9 or so years, we have enjoyed heading down to the fabulous beaches of Corolla, NC. And honestly? You can't beat the gorgeous houses. But this year, however, there aren't as many family/friends going for various reasons, so we decided to stay local. And, while I'll miss OBX tremendously, I have to admit that I'm really looking forward to the one hour drive to OC with 3 kids as opposed to 7-9 hours {depending on traffic & bathroom/food stops} to get to OBX. {Mamas, are you with me on that?? I thought so.}
So, yeah. We have a change of scenery this year, less people going {17 as opposed to 28, give or take a kid} but, obviously, the biggest and most heart-breaking change of all is...
My dad won't be there.
This is our very first family vacation without him. It hurts my heart to think about him not being there to collect shells with the kids, cook pancakes in the morning, jump waves with Carter, eat Pringles on the beach... hurts. my. heart.
So, yeah. We thought a change of vacation-scenery might do us some good this year. We'll see.
With all that change, I questioned whether or not we should even do our family t-shirts this vacation. When I brought it up to my family, they thought about it too and together we came to the conclusion that... yes, of course we should keep up this tradition. Not only for us, but for the kids. They love having matching t-shirts and they wear them proudly. And so do we. Why not continue something that makes us happy?
So, with that, here are the shirts...
Did you notice the wave? =) My sisters and I just didn't feel right leaving my dad off the shirt this year, so we wanted him to know that he's still with us... always. The quote, obviously from Finding Nemo, has been somewhat of our motto this year. Just keep swimming. It also works well for the beach though too, right? The hashtag is just a little stupid inside joke. We think we're funny. ;)
So there you have it... our annual family t-shirt. We leave this Saturday and we can't wait! Vacation can't come soon enough for this family. We need it.

Very cute! I love that you included your dad- I would have done the same.
Love the shirts Jenni, and what a great way to have your dad with you! Enjoy your week in OCNJ!
I love the shirt and I love how you included your dad. Very special.
I am proud of you jenni d! I may be having a really hard time with this shirt and with everything, but I am so very proud of because I know papa joe is smiling right now. Love you! xoxo, reenie
So fun!! I love it when a family has a fun (maybe a little cheesy) tradition! Live it up!!! :)
The shirts are adorable and so sweet.
Enjoy your trip. I hope you come home relaxed and refreshed :)
The shirt is perfect Jenni! Such a great way to honor your dad.
Such a cute idea. I don't have a "family" yet since I'm not even getting married until next month, but this is a wonderful idea that I'm storing back until I can use it!
Thanks so much for sharing!
That is amazing! What a great tradition, love love love the wave :)
Love the shirt! Great way to include your Dad! Wishing your family a beautiful & relaxing vacation.
Love the shirt and the tradition, and word to the 1 hour travel time as apposed to the 7-9 hour one! The wave is the perfect touch. ♥
Love it! I love how you are honoring your dad because he will be there with you!
Oh, Jenni. How very sweet. I know it will be hard without your dad there but he will be there in spirit. In every wave that crashes. And in your children's laughter :) ((hugs))
Is Bobby.. Your Bob? I was freaked a little thinking he was left out LOL!! HAVE A GREAT TIME!! ENJOY! Love the shirt and the motto :)
Great idea having a family shirt. What a wonderful tradition - and the fact that you still included your dad was very sweet. I think it's pretty cool that your kids like them too - not like others who think they're too cool to wear one!
adorable shirts!
Thank you for sharing and hosting.
Liebe Greetings & Wishes to you Wieczora (◔‿◔) | my photoblog
what a wonderful way to include your dad in the shirt. I love family vacation tradition! So fun! Enjoy the beach!!! We just got back from a weekend beach trip and it was fun as always. Wish it could have been longer but then again there is never enough time when it comes to the beach in my book!
I'm so glad you found a way to incorporate your dad. It's perfect!! I remember how you talked about him last year forgetting to submit the paperwork for the house you all always stay at and I think somehow it was a sign- you guys wouldn't have been able to go there without him. I hope you guys have fun at Ocean City and no hurricanes! LOL!
The "just keep swimming" hash tag... has a lot of meaning. Not sure if you know Talia Joy and her story but it make me cry every.single.time.
Love the shirt!! Hope you are having fun.
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