So, last Thursday I hit 32 weeks {which means I'm 32w5d today... oops! I suck at updating this time.} On Friday I had my monthly growth ultrasound. My belly has been measuring about 4 weeks ahead, which is typical for me. So when they started the growth ultrasound, I knew the baby would probably be measuring ahead as well. NBD.
What I did not expect, was for the tech to tell me that baby girl is currently in the 100th percentile.
Yep, she weighed in at 6 pounds. At 32w1d. Awesome.
Now I know growth ultrasounds can be "off" and that this weight is just an estimate. But still. 100th percentile? That's big.
The MFM doctor told me, once again, that I need to do the 3 hour gestational diabetes test and that she's recommending that {again} to my regular OB. I told her that I've already delivered 3 big babies with no GD in the past and that I also passed the 1 hour GD test twice this pregnancy {and I wasn't even CLOSE to failing it} but she insisted. I guess, to her, people just can't have big babies. SIGH. I have an appointment with my regular OB this Friday and plan to talk about it with her once again. Hopefully she agrees with me {she did the first time they recommended I take it} and doesn't make me suffer through that mess {it makes me feel so sick.} But, of course, if she wants me to take it, I will. I'd just rather not.... ya know, since I don't have GD and all. Just big babies. Grrrr.
During the ultrasound, they also found a Choroid Plexus Cyst on baby girl's brain. I know that these can be quite common, but it still worries me a little. {I mean, anything less than "your baby is absolutely perfect" will worry us mamas, right?} However, the MFM doc assured me this was NBD, especially with it just showing up at this point in the pregnancy. Hopefully the CPC resolves itself soon, but even if it doesn't, it absolutely has no affect on brain function at all. We'll just keep an eye on it at my weekly BPP ultrasounds.
Here's pic of my chubby girl...
I still think she looks a lot like Reid! Guess we'll see :)
Pregnancy: 32 weeks
Weight Gain: 26 pounds
Sleep: Meh.
Gender: It's a GIRL! {Check out the reveal post.}
Feeling: Achy, especially when I walk too much {i.e. during Christmas shopping... boo!}
Health: See ultrasound results above. Can't wait to talk to my OB this week!
Movement: Ouch. That's all I got for you. OUCH.
Belly: Measuring 4 weeks ahead now. NBD.
For reference, here are my side-by-side weekly belly pics with Reid and my first 20 weeks with Emmie Mae.
Next Appointment: OB Appointment & MFM Biophysical Profile Ultrasound: Friday, December 13th at 33w1d.

How on earth are you almost 33 weeks?! I! Some people's pregnancies fly (like yours!) and other's seem to drag and they seem to be pregnant forever!
My son had choroid plexus cysts on his brain before he was born as well-they were completely gone by the time he was born with no lasting effects. I also know two other babies who had the same thing. Try not to lose any sleep over it :)
My sister has big babies too (4 of them at last count) and no signs of GD. Big babies happen :)
Another beautiful ultrasound pic! I would LOVE to have a huge baby - mine are always preemies, so I'm praying for a 12 pounder this March!! Hey, quick question - waaaay off topic - where did you buy Reid's cute little hat with his name embroidered on it? I remember seeing that when you posted his birth story, but can't seem to find anything like it. I'm sure you're going to use the cute little Emerson hat you weren't able to use last time around, right? So excited for you, girl!!
32 weeks already?! WOW!! Time is flying so fast!! And oh my gosh, look at that perfect squishy face! I love u/s photos :)
Such a cute top - as a fellow pregnant mama who could use a little pick me up, where oh where di you find it?
you are the cutest! can't wait to see your {non-GD just big} squishy baby girl!! ~Jenn
@Shannon- Etsy! And yes, I'm using the Emerson hat left over from Reid, ha!
@LBN- Target... and it's SO COMFY. It's almost like a soft fleece and it's long so it covers the bottom of my belly, WOOT!
She is adorable! LOVe IT! you are beautiful! So exciting!!
Hopefully everything works out with the conversation with your OB about the glucose test. I had no signs of GD with first pregnancy and had GD with baby number two who was born at 6 lbs. When I was preggo with baby #3, I passed the one hour test with flying colours at 28 weeks but then baby started growing too fast around the 34 week mark. I had late onset gestational diabetes and thankfully he didn't go over the 9 lb mark. You just never know and it might not hurt to have it checked out if your OB does
suggest you do the test. look great for being preggo, working full time and chasing three kids. I am so envious:)
Love her cute little chubby face. Love me some big babies.
Can't believe you're 32 weeks! Time is flying.
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