In just a few short hours, we will begin this next phase of our lives, and as ready as I am, I also know that I will miss being pregnant. {Not enough to ever want to do it again, mind you. Ahem.} But I'm certainly having mixed feelings about these final hours of pregnancy. I just can't believe that I'm almost done. I've spent over 36 months of my life being pregnant, yet the end is almost near. I will never again feel my baby move inside me. Never again feel the excitement of hearing "it's a boy!" or "it's a girl!" Never again have my baby all to myself for an entire 9 months. Never again meet my baby for the very first time or hear that first cry.
But, being done with pregnancy, also means that I will enter a new chapter in my life. One that I am able to enjoy with my family.
My whole family.
Watching my babies as they grow. Being there with them as they learn new things, play new sports and make new friends. Celebrating birthdays, going to school plays and soccer games and dance recitals. Helping them with their homework and talking to them about their day. As much as I love the baby stage that Reid is in now, I can't help but get excited about having the types of conversations with him {and Emerson!} as I do now with Carter and Brynn. Each year gets better and better as I watch my kids grow in to people. Real people that have ideas and thoughts and imaginations and conversations. And it happens right before our eyes.
So, while I know I will certainly miss being pregnant, I'm ready to be done. To move on and enjoy our life as a family of 6.
To feel whole.
In just a few short hours, I will have met my very last baby. And I can't wait for that moment.

Love this. Like you, we are done, done and DONE. But...I always think about never hearing "it's a boy! it's a girl! ('s boys! it's girls! it's TWINS!" again. Never meeting them for the 1st time again, never going into labor again. I loved all of that so, so much. But you're absolutely gets better each year. Good luck tomorrow! I will be checking for the news (and pics!). ~Jenn
We too are done. My husband had a vasectomy about 10 weeks ago and our baby girl is already 7 months. I did not enjoy pregnancy, as much as I tried to. Good lunch with the birth. 4 is hard to imagine lol we only have 2. Http://
You're killing me. Seriously. Love this post and I feel exactly the same. Once again, best wishes tomorrow. So excited for you all.
So very exciting (and a fantastic post). I look very forward to your IG feed and a new blog post introducing Emerson to us all. Wishing you well tomorrow morning! Congratulations.
this is so sweet. congrats!
I cannot wait to see her sweet face! :) I adore your little family and admire you from afar :) (Well, not too far...we're from near Pittsburgh) Good luck tomorrow! <3
First time poster here, and I am 11 days away from my due date with number 2. It will also be my last pregnancy and I love how you put into words the parts of pregnancy that will be missed. I had never thought about I have had this baby to myself for 9 months and may only have 11 or so days left and this makes me quite sad. Thanks for reminding me about all the good and fun I have experienced already with this little one.
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