Okay, so my usual reminder: You'll want to pack like you and your husband are taking a weekend vacation some place very exciting and then bringing back an adorable mini version of yourselves as a souvenir.
Not too difficult, right?
After doing this THREE times now {oh my gawd, am I really about to do this a forth time??} here is the most updated version of my hospital bag packing list. I hope you find it helpful!
For Mama:
- Pillow
- Slippers
- Flip Flops
- Comfy clothes- zip up hoodies, nursing or regular tanks, nursing or regular/sports bras, comfy shorts/pants, PJ's and undies {I can't stress the importance of wearing your own clothes... they make you feel human again, especially when you have visitors. I even went out and bought cheap granny panties for the hospital. I bled on NOTHING. I can't imagine sitting around in a half-opened hospital gown while 36 people are in my room with me.}
- My Breast Friend/Boppy {great for learning how to nurse with the lactation consultant present or even propping/holding the baby if you don't plan to nurse}
- Nursing Cover {if you're having a lot of visitors}
- Lanolin {although sometimes the hospital does supply this}
- Nursing pads
- Laptop/charger {I had plenty of time to be online in the hospital, especially at night when the nurses came in and checked on me every 10 minutes}
- Camera/charger
- Phone/charger {I never received or sent more texts in my entire life...yes, even while I was in labor. Make sure you're phone is completely charged at all times and ready to go.}
- Video camera
- Toiletries {travel size work best} of shampoo, conditioner, body wash {plus a loufa}, toothpaste, hair spray, lotion, face wash, face wipes, deodorant, etc
- Toothbrush
- Razor {yes, I shaved in the hospital}
- Hair dryer
- Flat Iron {yes, I actually used mine... What? You're a temporary celebrity.}
- Make-up {see above}
- Hairbrush and extra hairbands
- Insurance information
- Copy of your birth plan
- List of people to call/text
For Baby:
- Coming home outfit
- Onesies
- Hat
- Cozy warm blanket
- Car seat with base installed in the car that you bring to the hospital ;)
For Daddy:
- Pillow
- Comfy clothes
- Flip flops
- Toiletries {again, travel-size work best}
- Toothbrush
- Razor
- iPad/charger
- Kindle/magazines
- iPod/headphones
- Debit card/cash {for food!}
- Snacks
You can also find the printable version of this list here.
Good luck!!

Another thing for dad's to remember - Advil! My husband got a bad headache and the hospital couldn't give him anything.
This is great! We forgot so many essentials the first time around and had way too many things we didn't use. The second time around went much smoother! In addition to what you packed we included a small journal or notebook to help us track breast feeding and diaper changes, also we wrote little notes to our kids in them & had all their visitors sign them- basically like a baby book but not their actual baby book. I still write down things about each boy in their notebooks as keepsakes; and also Gatorade! I was so dehydrated and didn't use an IV during birth so this was super essential both times around!!
So excited for you guys, love your blog and have been reading since Brynn was the one on the way!!
Thank you for this!! I got my preadmit papers last week (at 16wks) and started to panic!
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