Now, it's not that I have OMGNOFREETIME. I do have some free time. But that time usually occurs between 9-10pm and I'm too tired to do anything but watch Bachelor in Paradise at that point. {Oh, don't judge.}
But now? I think I know what my problem is... Or was. I think I know what my problem was. I was trying to catch you up on my life since my last post and it just. wasn't. possible. So, let's just start small.
This post right here? This is my first post back.
I'd love to tell you everything that has happened lately. Like, Carter... he's in 1st grade now. Brynn? She just started soccer {and loves/hates it... more on this later.} Reid just turned two last week. TWO. And Emerson? Oh, my sweet girl. We lucked out in the baby department, you guise. That girl is so sweet and loving and PATIENT. She's the best.
As for me, I'm working on myself right now. I'm trying to lose this baby weight for good {I started Medifast today! I've had success in the past and I hope I can do it again. More to come on this.} I also recently got promoted at work, which has been keeping me quite busy, but also makes me so excited. I just celebrated 10 years at the university that I work at and it's crazy to think back to when I first started. How much my life has changed in the past 10 years.
Back then I was a just-turned-25-year-old in a 2-bedroom apartment with a city view. I had an amazing boyfriend, could go out whenever I wanted and was about to start grad school. Shortly after I started working, I got engaged, planned a wedding, finished grad school, got married, bought a house, renovated ALL THE THINGS, had a baby, turned 30, had another baby, celebrated 5 years of marriage in Disney, lost a baby, had another baby, lost my dad, sent my first baby off to kindergarten, had ANOTHER baby {OMG, now I know why I explain my past life in kids... "oh, that was totally 2 kids ago."} turned 35, and just sent my first baby off to 1st grade. That's a lot of stuff in 10 years. A. LOT. And I'm so excited to see what the future holds for me and my sweet, "little" family.
So, yeah. I'm back. And I guess I should redesign the blog. My header is totally 1 kid ago, you guise.

Best Day Ever!! I have missed you so much. Thank goodness for Instagram!!
Yay! Welcome back!
So excited to have you back!!
Hooray! Welcome back! Thank goodness for Instagram.
So happy you're back!! But yea...time for a header update, lol!!!
PS. We need some pics from Aubried's birthday party!
YAY! Glad you are back and you are doing Medifast again. I need some encouragement. :)
So happy to see you back, love!
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Jenni is BACK! glad to have you back!!
Very excited :) I've been following you since baby #3 and I live nearby in Mullica Hill (don't worry I'm not a crazy stalker)! I hope you blog an update on your house. Did you end up selling/renting? Are you still living with family currently?
And yeah, I'm a BIP fan too. How is it THAT good??
I don't know how you do it all with 4 little ones {and make it look effortless!} but I'm so glad to see you back! I love keeping up with your sweet family on Instagram.
Welcome back!
Hurrah! Glad to have you back!
So glad you're back. Yay!
So nice to see an update from you! I check you blog every now and then..... PICS PLEASE of those beautiful babies!
Maybe I need to do that too! 10 lbs left of that darn baby weight!
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