Showing posts with label Baby IV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby IV. Show all posts

24 February 2014

Survival Mode

Oh, hey.  I'm still here.  You have no idea how many times I've tried to post in the last FOUR WEEKS since I had Emmie.  {Yep, she's 4 weeks old today, ahhhh!}  The problem is, when you're nursing almost constantly, it's quite difficult to get on your computer.  And when you hate doing anything but scrolling Instagram and Facebook from your phone, it'll take you 4 weeks to write any kind of post.

Unfortunately, this is not the post I wanted to write and I so wish I had more time.  I want to tell you all about the last 4 weeks.  {What a whirlwind!} How life with 4 is going. {It's easier than I thought it would be!}  How Carter, Brynn & Reid just ADORE their new little sister. {It's amazing.}  How the other kids, especially Reid, are adjusting to this big change. {Reid is a little monster now and in to everything. But so damn cute.} How breastfeeding is going this time. {Better now!}  How I'm really not getting any sleep. {Typical.}

But for now? This little check-in will have to do.

In the meantime, please follow me on Facebook and Instagram {especially IG} as I have been trying to post daily updates there!

Oh, and one last thing... I had Emerson's newborn pictures taken {by the wonderful Stephanie Glover Photography} when she was 6 days old and I plan to post them all soon.  But for now...

emerson newborn-5
emerson newborn-18 edit 4

LOVE. I'm one lucky mama.

Be back soon.  Promise.

29 January 2014

Emerson Mae: A Birth Story

First, I want to say thank you for all of your love and support on Monday.  I know a lot of you were following my sister's Instagram updates and I truely appreciate all the healthy vibes you sent.  They worked!

I wanted to try to type this up as soon as I could before I completely block out labor and delivery from my mind forever. Ha!  I knew this baby girl was on her own schedule, and she definitely showed me and everyone else who is boss.  I'm expecting her to give us a run for our money for many years to come ;)

So here it is... the birth story of our sweet Emerson Mae:

Things progressed beautifully at first.  I was at the hospital by 6am, started the antibiotics by 7am and was checked for the first time at 8:45am.  I had already progressed to 7cm on my own, so my OB decided to wait until 10am to start the pitocin and 11am to break my water so that I could get a full 4 hours of antibiotics to treat the GBS. She advised me to get the epidural soon after starting the pitocin as well, just in case things progressed faster that what we expected.

Around 11:30am my BP started going crazy.  It kept dropping significantly (I had gestational hypertension going in too, so it started really high) and it stayed in the double digits on the top and bottom the entire time. It made me feel TERRIBLE. I was light-headed, dizzy, my arms and hands were tingling.  And every time I tried sitting up it would drop again. I spent a lot of time getting fluids and slowly trying to raise my bed so that I could sit up.

It finally worked and by 1:15pm, I had progressed to 10cm and was 100% effaced and was ready to start pushing.  I remember thinking "whoa, this is going so fast!" 

Famous last words, right?

After I started pushing for a bit, baby girl would not come down.  She was transverse and her shoulder was stuck.  My OB decided to wait and let her labor down a bit on her own so that I didn't spend hours pushing.  I completely agreed.  At 2pm we tried pushing again.  No dice.  Homegirl was not having it. By 2:30, we decided to wait a little longer while I laid on my side trying to get her to turn.  At that point my epi stopped working and I was feeling EVERYTHING.  They were able to give me a bolus at 4pm, but from 2:30-4pm I basically thought I might die from the pain.  I just wanted to push and I couldn't because she was stuck so all I could do was lay on my side and breath/scream/cry through the contractions.  It was awful.

Once I got the bolus, it took about 10 minutes for it to take affect.  When I finally got a chance to look at the clock, I knew that my OB would not be delivering my baby (she was off the clock at 5pm and I knew she had somewhere to go. We just didn't think there was even a chance that I'd still be laboring at that point.)   She came in to see me and I started to cry. I was just so frustrated and we both thought that it would have gone much smoother/faster than this.  I mean, this was baby #4.  Everyone did.

But there was just no rushing my baby girl.

My OB and I talked about her size and she was confident that I could deliver vaginally, but I asked her at what point we'd decide that was no longer an option.  Honestly, I was absolutely exhausted at that point and I was doubting if (1) she would ever turn and drop and (2) if I had the energy to push any longer.  Together, we came up with a plan.

They let me rest from 4-5pm, which I appreciated so much.  I had a real moment here because I finally accepted the fact that I was no longer running the show. Baby girl was the boss from here on out and I was okay with whatever we had to do to get her here safely. From 5-6pm we did some practice side pushes to try to get her to turn/drop and get her shoulder unstuck then I rested again and labored down until 6:45pm. 

Around that time, I finally started feeling differently. Like MAYBE there was a chance to deliver this baby girl.  And soon.  The OB on call came in (she delivered my niece Aubrey so we knew she was awesome) and she was.  She was simply amazing.  She made me feel like I could deliver this baby girl without having a c-section.

I started pushing again at 7pm and I FINALLY felt like we were making progress.  All day I felt like I was pushing for no reason, but this time was the real deal.  Baby girl was finally ready.

After just 17 minutes of pushing, Emerson Mae came into the world kicking and screaming.  She was born on January 27, 2014 at 7:17pm weighing 9lbs 15.22oz and 21in.  (No wonder she was stuck!) She has a full head of DARK (what??) hair and is absolutely beautiful!  She looks like a mix between her 2 brothers right now and it is so sweet.  And, let me tell ya, watching my FOUR babies meet for the first time is a moment that I will never, ever forget.  My heart bursts with joy.

I'll be posting L&D pictures as soon as I can, but wanted to quickly share her hospital picture that was taken yesterday at not even 24 hours old.

We are so in love!  Our hearts are so full and our family is finally complete.  Welcome to the world, sweet Emerson Mae, we've been waiting for you.

27 January 2014

It's my baby's birthday!


This is so surreal.  It's my forth time and yet it's still so surreal.

I'm feeling great.  I'm not nervous or scared or anxious.  I'm ready.  Let's get this show on the road, huh?

Don't forget to follow along on Facebook and Instagram, as I'll likely be posting baby announcements there first. {Let's face it... it's easier.}  You can also follow my sister, Kacy, here... as I'm sure she'll be sharing some L&D antics as well. That's how she rolls.

So, yeah.  It's baby day.  EEEKKK!!!  Catch ya on the flip side.

26 January 2014

In just a few short hours...

In just a few short hours, I will have this baby girl.  We will be a family of 6.  I will deliver my 4th baby and we will finally be complete.

In just a few short hours, we will begin this next phase of our lives, and as ready as I am, I also know that I will miss being pregnant.  {Not enough to ever want to do it again, mind you.  Ahem.}  But I'm certainly having mixed feelings about these final hours of pregnancy.  I just can't believe that I'm almost done.  I've spent over 36 months of my life being pregnant, yet the end is almost near.  I will never again feel my baby move inside me.  Never again feel the excitement of hearing "it's a boy!" or "it's a girl!" Never again have my baby all to myself for an entire 9 months. Never again meet my baby for the very first time or hear that first cry.

But, being done with pregnancy, also means that I will enter a new chapter in my life.  One that I am able to enjoy with my family.

My whole family.

Watching my babies as they grow.  Being there with them as they learn new things, play new sports and make new friends.  Celebrating birthdays, going to school plays and soccer games and dance recitals. Helping them with their homework and talking to them about their day.  As much as I love the baby stage that Reid is in now, I can't help but get excited about having the types of conversations with him {and Emerson!} as I do now with Carter and Brynn.  Each year gets better and better as I watch my kids grow in to people.  Real people that have ideas and thoughts and imaginations and conversations. And it happens right before our eyes.

So, while I know I will certainly miss being pregnant, I'm ready to be done.  To move on and enjoy our life as a family of 6.

To feel whole.

In just a few short hours, I will have met my very last baby.  And I can't wait for that moment.

24 January 2014

39 Weeks and Some Last Minute Stats!

39w1d today and just had my very last OB appointment.  EVER. Like, for real.  Ever, ever. I promise.  I also had my last BPP ultrasound as well... here are the details:
  • I didn't ask how far ahead I was measuring today.  I was 7 weeks ahead last week and I figured what the hell's the difference at this point, right?  
  • I was still sitting at 6cm, so that's great news.  While every other 39 weeker in the world is hoping for progress, I, my friends, am not. 6cm is a perfectly fine starting point for my induction, and at this point, I just really want to make it to Monday.  
  • "Feet up all weekend." Doctors orders.  No problem. {Well, except that I have 3 kids. And I'm watching my niece and nephew on Saturday night too.  Hmmm. 5 kids under 6 should be no problem at all, right?}
  • My BP was high again today.  My OB is worried and we're both glad that I only have to make it 3 more days.  She gave me a list of signs/symptoms to be concerned about {all of which I'm aware of, having had pre-e twice before} so we'll just take it easy and try to make it to Monday.
  • Baby IV did amazing at her BPP today.  No problems meeting any of the requirements, so that's a plus.  Good job baby girl!
  • The tech did a quick growth ultrasound along with the BPP.  My OB and MFM just wanted a few measurements to get an idea for Monday's induction. Homegirl weighed 9lbs 10oz today.  No big deal.  And I'm not saying that sarcastically.  I thought she'd be around 9lbs 8oz on Monday, so that's pretty spot-on.  I guess we'll see!  {Now watch her be my smallest baby! Fine by me! Ha!}
Can't believe I'll be meeting my 2nd daughter in just a few days.  EEEKKK!!! The kids are all beyond excited.  Everyday Brynn asks me "Is Emersom finally coming TODAY mom??"  Carter has a countdown going to Monday and always says "I wonder what she's going to look like??  I think she will have blue eyes and yellow hair and look just like Brynn!"  It's so cute.  Reid doesn't really know what's coming, of course, but he sure loves rubbing my belly, giving it kisses and saying "ahhh, baby!"  That kid is too sweet.  I think he'll really love her.

So excited to meet my final baby... the one who will make our family complete.  We love you so much already, my sweet girl.  See you soon.

Pregnancy: 39 weeks  

Days until 1.27.14 induction:  3 days

Weight Gain: 35 pounds

Sleep: Reid's molars are coming in.  Enough said.
Gender: It's a GIRL!  {Check out the reveal post.}

Name: Emerson Mae {Check out my original name post here and the reveal post here.}

Feeling: Ready! 

Health: Watching my BP, trying my best to take it easy with 5 kids in the house this weekend and hoping to make it to my induction on Monday!

Movement: She is a crazy person and it is so painful at this point. OUCH.

Belly: Measuring 7 weeks ahead. My biggest belly yet.

For reference, here are my side-by-side weekly belly pics with Reid and my first 20 weeks with Emmie Mae. 

Next Appointment: ALL DONE!!  I'm to report to the hospital at 6am on Monday! YAY!!!!

23 January 2014

Let's talk hospital bags.

So, I've posted this list before I had both Brynn and Reid but wanted to post it again for those wondering what the hell to pack in your hospital bag.  I don't have much to add to it because, for once in my life {or, um, 3 times so far, I guess?} I did it right.  I packed and didn't forget a single item. I did, however, include a printable version below for those that like crossing things off your list {and let's be honest? Everybody loves to do that. AMIRITE?}

Okay, so my usual reminder: You'll want to pack like you and your husband are taking a weekend vacation some place very exciting and then bringing back an adorable mini version of yourselves as a souvenir.

Not too difficult, right?

After doing this THREE times now {oh my gawd, am I really about to do this a forth time??} here is the most updated version of my hospital bag packing list.  I hope you find it helpful!

For Mama:
  • Pillow
  • Slippers
  • Flip Flops
  • Comfy clothes- zip up hoodies, nursing or regular tanks, nursing or regular/sports bras, comfy shorts/pants, PJ's and undies {I can't stress the importance of wearing your own clothes... they make you feel human again, especially when you have visitors. I even went out and bought cheap granny panties for the hospital. I bled on NOTHING. I can't imagine sitting around in a half-opened hospital gown while 36 people are in my room with me.}
  • My Breast Friend/Boppy {great for learning how to nurse with the lactation consultant present or even propping/holding the baby if you don't plan to nurse}
  • Nursing Cover {if you're having a lot of visitors}
  • Lanolin {although sometimes the hospital does supply this}
  • Nursing pads
  • Laptop/charger {I had plenty of time to be online in the hospital, especially at night when the nurses came in and checked on me every 10 minutes}
  • Camera/charger
  • Phone/charger {I never received or sent more texts in my entire life...yes, even while I was in labor. Make sure you're phone is completely charged at all times and ready to go.}
  • Video camera
  • Toiletries {travel size work best} of shampoo, conditioner, body wash {plus a loufa}, toothpaste, hair spray, lotion, face wash, face wipes, deodorant, etc
  • Toothbrush
  • Razor {yes, I shaved in the hospital}
  • Hair dryer
  • Flat Iron {yes, I actually used mine... What? You're a temporary celebrity.}
  • Make-up {see above}
  • Hairbrush and extra hairbands
  • Insurance information
  • Copy of your birth plan
  • List of people to call/text
Some stuff the hospital had for me: Peri-bottle, Dermaplast numbing spray, Tucks, ice pads, maxi pads, mesh undies {though I wore my own after the first day...I just wanted to feel normal!}

For Baby:
  • Coming home outfit
  • Onesies
  • Hat
  • Cozy warm blanket
  • Car seat with base installed in the car that you bring to the hospital ;)
Some of the stuff the hospital had for the baby: diapers, wipes, Triple Paste, blankets, nasal aspirator, pacifiers, etc.

For Daddy:
  • Pillow
  • Comfy clothes
  • Flip flops
  • Toiletries {again, travel-size work best}
  • Toothbrush
  • Razor
  • iPad/charger
  • Kindle/magazines
  • iPod/headphones
  • Debit card/cash {for food!}
  • Snacks
Bob and I fit everything into our travel/carry-on-size wheely suit case. I then packed all the baby stuff in the diaper bag, all the toiletries in a cosmetic bag, and all the electronics together in a laptop bag.

You can also find the printable version of this list here.

Good luck!!

20 January 2014

38 Weeks!

38w4d today and I really can't believe that I will have this baby girl exactly one week from today!  EEEKKK!!!  Here's a picture my sister took of me on Saturday at my little surprise sprinkle that my family had for me {so sweet!}

I was in complete shock over this, by the way.  I mean, let's be real... it's my 4th baby.  Yet, they still wanted to celebrate her as if she were my first.  I've said this before, but we really didn't buy much at all for this baby girl and a lot of the things we're using for her we got when we had Carter.  And while it's nice that we've got our money's worth out of some of those baby necessities, it is so lovely having some NEW things as well!!  We got a new Boppy, Rock-N-Play, diaper bag, UGG slippers {for me!} blankets, clothes, towels... just so many wonderful things.  And diapers.  Oh, the diapers.  Thank you, thank you to my wonderful family!  This baby girl is so lucky to be coming in to a family like ours, that's for sure. I love you all!

Here are a few appointment updates from Friday morning:
  • Baby IV almost failed her BPP ultrasound for lack of movement.  She usually passes that part of the test the first 10 seconds of every ultrasound.  But she just. wouldn't. move.  Homegirl was sleeping.  I hope she sleeps like that on the outside too.
  • When my OB laughed at my belly measurement for a second week in a row, I had to ask.  7 weeks.  I'm measuring 7 weeks ahead.  NBD.
  • My BP was elevated and I now officially have Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) / Gestational Hypertension (GHTN). I had pre-eclampsia with both Carter and Brynn, so this is not unexpected.  However, I was always fine with Reid, so I thought I'd luck out this time too.  And, I guess I did in some regard, since it's developing so late in my pregnancy.
  • After an internal my OB said I was "a good 6cm, but she didn't know if she could call me a 7 yet" to which I immediately replied "Don't.  Don't call me a 7."  I just can't handle that.
  • I got my induction orders.  I am to report to the hospital at 6am on January 27th.  Because I am GBS+, 6+cm dilated and have short labors they plan to start my antibiotics immediately, wait 2 hours to start the pitocin and then wait another hour before breaking my water.  My OB just wants to make sure that I get all of the antibiotics required to treat the GBS before actually delivering the baby. She ended the appointment by saying "you'll have a baby by lunch."
Yeah, so that's that.  One more week!

Pregnancy: 38 weeks  

Days until 1.27.14 induction:  7 days

Weight Gain: 35 pounds

Sleep: I was just thinking to myself how good I've slept this week.  And then the last two nights I was up all night trying not to puke up stomach acid.  Lovely, right?  Done.  So done.
Gender: It's a GIRL!  {Check out the reveal post.}

Name: Emerson Mae {Check out my original name post here and the reveal post here.}

Feeling: Ready! 

Health: BP is on the rise now and I can feel my swelling getting worse and worse.  Just trying to make it to the 27th at this point.

Movement: It's so painful.

Belly: Measuring 7 weeks ahead. My biggest belly yet.

For reference, here are my side-by-side weekly belly pics with Reid and my first 20 weeks with Emmie Mae. 

LAST Appointment: OB and Biophysical Profile Ultrasound: Friday, January 24th at 39w1d.

13 January 2014

37 Weeks and We Have a Date!

Whoa, would you look at that thing?  That belleh has a mind of it's own, I swear. So ginormous.

Um, anyway. 37 weeks.  Woo hoo!  I have a few appointment updates for you...
  • When I last posted, I was about to go to my growth ultrasound at MFM for baby girl.  All is well with her, but she was estimated to be about 8.5 pounds at 36w4d.  That's considered "above the 99th percentile" for anyone that didn't automatically assume as much. Ahem.
  • On Friday, I had my OB appointment with my regular doctor, who was surprised at how "small" the baby was. (She be cray.)  Seriously though, she just thought Baby IV was bigger than that at this point, and honestly?  My OB has guessed my kids birth weights every time, so I tend to believe her.  Which, of course, makes me even more nervous.
  •  She laughed at my belly measurement (I didn't even ask what it was, but I was measuring 6 weeks ahead the week before, so...) 
  • She then checked me for dilation.  6cm.  Yep.  Pretty typical for me, really. She didn't even mention my effacement, but I'm assuming it was 80% or more, considering I was 80% the week before.
  • My OB and I talked everything over and she gave me 3 possible induction dates and left the choice up to me.  January 23rd, January 24th or January 27th.  I'll explain below.
Anyway,  ever since my severe bleeding issue after Carter's birth (see here and the cause here) my OB doesn't want me to go too far past 39 weeks.  (I also had pre-e with Carter and Brynn and a cervical mass with Reid, giving me "high risk" status with both Reid and Baby IV's pregnancies.)  I mentioned already that I'm 39 weeks on January 23rd and we were all set for a January 24th induction and then this happened.

So, at my appt on Friday, my OB told me that I could be induced with another OB at the practice on January 23rd (39w0d) or January 24th (39w1d) but if I wanted HER to do the induction, then I'd have to wait until January 27th (39w4d).  So while I was really hoping for a January 24th induction for several reasons (i.e. it's a Friday, it's convenient, Bob would have a full 2 weeks at home with me post delivery, we wouldn't have to worry about getting Carter to school, etc) none of those reasons even compare to having my own OB in charge of my induction/delivery.

Here's the thing... I really like my OB.  I trust her.  I trust her medical choices. I trust her delivery style. I trust her techniques.  She's delivered all 3 of my babies thus far. She didn't force me to go right to a c-section with Carter when he was measuring ahead and I wanted to try an induction first.  She handled my post-delivery drop in blood pressure (after having pre-e) and bleeding issues perfectly.  Brynn's delivery was problem-free (despite a short stint in the NICU because she came so fast.)  When Reid was sideways, she helped me push him out with no interventions and no tearing.

I mean... this woman is amazing.

So, obviously, I'm going to choose her over any date or convenience factor in the world.

While I'm very confident with my decision, I'm also a little nervous.  This baby is measuring even further ahead than any of my others at this point and, if I wait until January 27th to deliver, this will be the longest pregnancy for me.  Only by 4 days, but still.  The longest.  And, if I think about this baby girl being the same size as Brynn and Reid (9lbs 3oz at 39w0d) then it's really not a big deal for me.  She'll just be slightly larger than that.  Whatever.

But then, I think about her being the same size as Carter (ya know, since she's measuring bigger than he was at this point).  And I cringe.  Carter was 9lbs 5oz at 38w0d.  So this pregnancy would be approximately 12 days longer than that one.  Do you know how much more a baby can grow in 12 days? I don't even want to think about it.

Then again?

She could be a teensy, tiny little thing (and clearly, by that, I mean 8 pounds, something).  You just never know.  So I don't want to make any delivery decisions based on her possible size either.  We'll just see.

And also?

She could actually come on her own.  I mean those things happen during pregnancy.  Not with any of my pregnancies, of course, but who knows.  Maybe one of my kids won't actually have to be forced out.  Then deciding on an induction date won't even matter.  I could have any joe schmoe off the street delivering her at that point.  And at 6cm and 80%+, I'd say I'm well on my way.

But I'm also 99% sure I'll make it until January 27th.

2 more weeks, people!  TWO. MORE.

Pregnancy: 37 weeks  

Days until 1.27.14 induction:  14 days

Weight Gain: 34 pounds

Sleep: The acid reflux.  The achey belly.  These are not good for sleep.
Gender: It's a GIRL!  {Check out the reveal post.}

Name: Emerson Mae {Check out my original name post here and the reveal post here.}

Feeling: Crappy, but more ready now after this weekend! We got SO MUCH done and I've done just about everything except setting up the swing and installing the carseat (which is IN the car... it's just not installed yet.)

Health: BP has been pretty good, baby girl is passing all of her BPP's, I passed my 3 hour GTT.  Everything is good.  She's just big.  I'm just big.  But everything is good.

Movement: Homegirl be cray.

Belly: Measuring at least 6 weeks ahead. Maybe more.  When your OB just laughs at your belly measurement, it is not a good sign.

For reference, here are my side-by-side weekly belly pics with Reid and my first 20 weeks with Emmie Mae. 

Next Appointment: OB appointment and Biophysical Profile Ultrasound: Friday, January 17th at 38w1d.

06 January 2014

36 Weeks!

Happy New Year! 

Let me just say that I am SO EXCITED that it's 2014.  And I'm still pregnant.  2013 was such a difficult year for me and my family for obvious reasons (i.e. going through all the "firsts" without my dad being the #1 thing) and I just did not want to have a baby that year.  Call me crazy {go ahead, you can!} but I'm just excited to make it to 2014.

Andplusalso?  We were married in 2006 and our other kids are 2008, 2010 and 2012, so... 2014 just makes much more sense.  #obviously

No, really... you can call me crazy again.

So 36 weeks, huh?  I'll actually be 37 weeks in just a few days.  And there's so much going on now too; I really don't even know where to start.

How about a picture or two?

35 weeks on Christmas Eve:

36 weeks on New Year's Eve at a wedding in Ocean City, NJ:

Let me just tell you... finding a dress to fit THAT belly was not an easy task.

So here are a few key updates:
  • I had my first internal and GBS test at my 35 weeks appt.  I was 3-4cm dilated and 80% effaced.  Woo hoo!  Here we go with the early dilation again! {Reminder: I was 6cm dilated for weeks with Brynn and 5cm dilated for weeks with Reid so this is not new.}
  • At this appointment, I also took the 3 hour glucose test because my doc at MFM was all "OMGABIGBABY." It was awful and I can't wait to see her tomorrow at my growth ultrasound so I can say "I PASSED THAT SHIT!" For some reason she just doesn't want to believe that some people actually just have big babies.  I do not, nor have I ever, had gestational diabetes.  #takethatMFM
  • I had my 36 week appointment this past Friday and I'm now 5cm dilated and still 80% effaced.  WOOT.  #kidding 
  • I also got the results of my GBS test and I'm positive.  AGAIN.  I can't catch a break.  I obviously know that GBS is NBD {I had it with Carter and Reid but did not have it with Brynn.}  It's just another thing to kinda worry about with being so dilated. {If I go into labor on my own? Forget about it.}  I'm sure I'll make it to my 39 week induction with no problem {just like I always do!} but, it does delay the induction process because my OB won't even start Pitocin until AFTER I receive all of the antibiotics {which takes a good 3-4 hours.}  That's because my labors tend to go really fast and she just wants to make sure I'm good to go before we even start. I mean, I get it.  But it doesn't mean I have to like it.
My next OB appt is actually with MY doctor, so I'm excited to hash out a plan with her.  As of right now, my induction will either be January 24th or January 27th.  She's trying to get her  hospital schedule changed back to the 24th, so we'll see how that goes!  I'm crossing all my crossables, that's for sure.

As for me, I'm just starting to come out of denial that a baby is actually coming soon.  Like a real baby.  That I have to take care of. 

This past weekend we started clearing space to put her stuff and also ordered some new things for her {umm, like pajamas and onesies and a blanket.} I still need a few more things and I'm getting the carseat from my sister {ours expired in July so I'm borrowing Aubrey's Britax Be-Safe!}  I also need to pack my hospital bag and figure out where the heck my kids are staying {which really depends on WHEN I'm being induced because Carter has school during the week}  So yeah... we're getting there.

Pregnancy: 36 weeks  

Weight Gain: 32 pounds

Sleep: I'd sleep great if I wasn't puking up stomach acid.  Sounds lovely, right?
Gender: It's a GIRL!  {Check out the reveal post.}

Name: Emerson Mae {Check out my original name post here and the reveal post here.}

Feeling: Done. 

Health: Everything looks good, so that's really all I can ask for!

Movement: Homegirl be cray.

Belly: Measuring 6 weeks ahead, woo hoo!
For reference, here are my side-by-side weekly belly pics with Reid and my first 20 weeks with Emmie Mae. 

Next Appointment: MFM Growth & Biophysical Profile Ultrasound: Tuesday, January 7th - OB Appointment: Friday, January 10th at 37w1d.

23 December 2013

34 Weeks

And on my way to 35 weeks in just a few days.  How did this happen??

Here's my 34 week belly pic...

Just wanted to update you guys on a few things!  My 33 week OB appointment was very... interesting.  Here are the highlights for you:

- My belly is now measuring 6 weeks ahead.

- Based on that, combined with the fact that Baby IV weighed in at approximately 6 pounds at my 32 week growth ultrasound, my regular OB is "encouraging" me to make the 3 hour glucose test.  She doesn't think I have gestational diabetes (nor do I considering that I've passed the 1 hour twice this pregnancy, have had 3 large babies and have never had GD) but since my MFM doc wants me to take it, she said I might as well do it "just in case."  UGH. In an effort to refrain from acting like a selfish brat, I gave in.  I take it this Friday.  But ugh.  Effing terrible.

- My induction was originally scheduled for Friday, January 24th (39w1d) but my OB's hospital schedule changed so now we're looking at Monday, January 27th (39w4d).  I know it's only an extra 3 days, but she might as well have told me that I'm going to be pregnant forever.  It's fine.  But I think it just upset me b/c I've been in a lot of pain lately and finding out I now have to take the 3 hour GTT?  Blah.  I'll survive. ;)

Other than that, my weekly BPP ultrasounds have been going well, my fluid levels have been in the normal range and my blood pressure has been decent.  All good things.  I have another growth ultrasound on January 3rd (36w1d) so we'll see how big this girl is again soon.

Pregnancy: 34 weeks  

Weight Gain: 28 pounds

Sleep: Meh. Pregsomnia is kicking in.
Gender: It's a GIRL!  {Check out the reveal post.}

Name: Emerson Mae {Check out my original name post here and the reveal post here.}

Feeling: Achy and my acid reflux is out of control.  Trying to enjoy these final weeks of pregnancy while simultaneously wishing they were over.

Health: BP is good. Baby IV is good. Everything is good.  Just hoping I pass the 3 hour GTT.

Movement: Homegirl be cray.

Belly: Measuring 6 weeks ahead as of my 33 week OB appt.
For reference, here are my side-by-side weekly belly pics with Reid and my first 20 weeks with Emmie Mae. 

Next Appointment: OB Appointment & MFM Biophysical Profile Ultrasound: Friday, December 27th at 35w1d.  I'll have my 3 hour GTT and my first internal with the GBS test as well.  So exciting, right?

10 December 2013

32 weeks and in the 100th percentile.

So, last Thursday I hit 32 weeks {which means I'm 32w5d today... oops! I suck at updating this time.} On Friday I had my monthly growth ultrasound.  My belly has been measuring about 4 weeks ahead, which is typical for me.  So when they started the growth ultrasound, I knew the baby would probably be measuring ahead as well. NBD.

What I did not expect, was for the tech to tell me that baby girl is currently in the 100th percentile.

Yep, she weighed in at 6 pounds.  At 32w1d.  Awesome.

Now I know growth ultrasounds can be "off" and that this weight is just an estimate.  But still.  100th percentile?  That's big.

The MFM doctor told me, once again, that I need to do the 3 hour gestational diabetes test and that she's recommending that {again} to my regular OB.  I told her that I've already delivered 3 big babies with no GD in the past and that I also passed the 1 hour GD test twice this pregnancy {and I wasn't even CLOSE to failing it} but she insisted.  I guess, to her, people just can't have big babies.  SIGH.  I have an appointment with my regular OB this Friday and plan to talk about it with her once again. Hopefully she agrees with me {she did the first time they recommended I take it} and doesn't make me suffer through that mess {it makes me feel so sick.}  But, of course, if she wants me to take it, I will.  I'd just rather not.... ya know, since I don't have GD and all.  Just big babies.  Grrrr.


During the ultrasound, they also found a Choroid Plexus Cyst on baby girl's brain.  I know that these can be quite common, but it still worries me a little.   {I mean, anything less than "your baby is absolutely perfect" will worry us mamas, right?} However, the MFM doc assured me this was NBD, especially with it just showing up at this point in the pregnancy. Hopefully the CPC resolves itself soon, but even if it doesn't, it absolutely has no affect on brain function at all.  We'll just keep an eye on it at my weekly BPP ultrasounds. 

Here's pic of my chubby girl...

I still think she looks a lot like Reid!  Guess we'll see :)

Pregnancy: 32 weeks  

Weight Gain: 26 pounds

Sleep: Meh.
Gender: It's a GIRL!  {Check out the reveal post.}

Name: Emerson Mae {Check out my original name post here and the reveal post here.}

Feeling: Achy, especially when I walk too much {i.e. during Christmas shopping... boo!}

Health: See ultrasound results above. Can't wait to talk to my OB this week!

Movement: Ouch.  That's all I got for you.  OUCH.

Belly: Measuring 4 weeks ahead now.  NBD.
For reference, here are my side-by-side weekly belly pics with Reid and my first 20 weeks with Emmie Mae. 

Next Appointment: OB Appointment & MFM Biophysical Profile Ultrasound: Friday, December 13th at 33w1d.

25 November 2013

30 Weeks!

Well I hit 30 weeks last Thursday, and OMG.  I can't believe it.  Less than 9 weeks to go now until my family is complete :)

Overall, I'm feeling okay.  Just really tired and achy.  My belly is killing me and if I try to do too much, my body lets me know. I'll get bad contractions like whoa.  But baby girl is still doing amazing in there! 

I have weekly biophysical profiles (BPPs) now, so I get to see my sweet pea quite often.  For those that don't know, a BPP is an ultrasound that includes a nonstress test and tasks that the baby must successfully complete within a 30 minute time frame.  The tasks include: fetal movement, fetal tone, practice breathing, amniotic fluid volume and fetal heart rate. Failure to complete these tasks will result in a fun little trip to L&D. Woo hoo!

My first BPP last week took the entire 30 minutes because homegirl did not want to do her final task of practice breathing. She seriously waited until minute 29 of 30.  I was in the middle of talking to the tech about what will happen when I head to L&D when she FINALLY got her stuff together.  

And immediately after?  This.

Hand on the forehead.  She has it so hard, right?

So at my 2nd BPP on Friday morning, I was ready to be there the entire 30 minutes (and possibly head to L&D after).  However, I was in and out of there in 4 minutes.  Seriously.  She took 4 minutes to complete all 5 tasks, including the practice breathing... and all while having hiccups too!  I didn't even get a picture of her because she was so fast!  Awesome.  I had weekly BPPs in 3rd tri with Reid as well and he was always done in like 10 minutes, so I'm glad she's getting a little faster too.  

We'll see how it goes next week though... I have a feeling she wants to do things on her own time. ;)

Pregnancy: 30 weeks  

Weight Gain: 24 pounds

Sleep: Getting better!  Reid is finally sleeping again so that means I have too!  I still need to wake up to either pee or take Tums {good times!} but I'm sleeping pretty well overall.  This week, anyway ;)
Gender: It's a GIRL!  {Check out the reveal post.}

Name: Emerson Mae {Check out my original name post here and the reveal post here.}

Feeling: Fine.  Tired and achy, but fine. 

Health:  Great!  Baby girl looks good, BP has been steady. My fluid levels were high 2 weeks ago, but the past 2 BPPs showed fluid levels within the normal range (but still on the high side).  They'll continue to be checked weekly.
MFM still wants to me take the 3 hour GTT test due to my high fluid levels, however I talked to my OB last week and she said we'll hold off for now considering I passed the 1 hour TWICE this pregnancy.  Higher fluid levels could mean gestational diabetes, but I've never had it before and my fluid levels were high in my previous pregnancies as well.  I just have big monster babies... that's it. :)

Movement: Baby girl is 100% my most active baby.  She moves constantly.  She really responds to the kids voices as well... they love talking to her and feeling her move.  They're getting really excited about their new little sister!!

Belly: Measuring 4 weeks ahead now.  NBD.
For reference, here are my side-by-side weekly belly pics with Reid and my first 20 weeks with Emmie Mae. 

Next Appointment: OB Appointment & MFM Biophysical Profile Ultrasound: Wednesday, November 27th at 30w6d.

13 November 2013

WW: M Family Pics '13

On Sunday, we made our way to Prophecy Creek Park, just north of Philly, for our annual family session with the wonderful Steph, of Stephanie Glover Photography.  

Now, I'm going to be honest... when we left the park an hour after we arrived, I didn't think we'd get very many decent pictures out of the session.  And not because of Steph, obviously... we all know how talented she is.  But because of the fact that it was cold, WINDY LIKE WHOA {my hair was everywhere, let me tell ya} and the kids were just not having it.  Especially Brynn, who flat out refused to get in any pictures, especially those that included her two brothers. And we actually had the opposite problem with Carter who wanted to be in ALL THE PICTURES.  All of them.  Poor kid had to be physically removed from some of them. 

As we drove home on Sunday, I looked over at Bob and said that I'd basically call the entire session a success if we got one good family picture out of it.  Bonus if we got one of each of the kids.  Obviously not together... Brynn made sure of that.  Ahem.

So, you can imagine my surprise when I get an email on Monday night from Steph with a total of 60 pictures from our session.  Sixty.  What?  I expected four.

Steph, I can't thank you enough, once again, for your amazing work.  You're the best ever.

Here are just some of my favorites from our session this year...
jenni -4
jenni -5 jenni -7 jenni -10 jenni -11 jenni -14 jenni -15 jenni -19 jenni -20 jenni -21 jenni -22 jenni -26 jenni -27 jenni -28 jenni -29 jenni -30 jenni -31 jenni -33 jenni -34 jenni -35 jenni -37 jenni -40 jenni -41 jenni -47 jenni -48 jenni -49 jenni -50 jenni -51 jenni -54 jenni -56 jenni -59

I still wish it wasn't so damn windy {Bob may or may not have been injured by my hair during this shoot} but I just love the way these turned out.  If you're in the Philly area and looking for a miracle worker a great photographer, don't forget to check out Stephanie Glover Photography!

And for those interested, here's a link to the outfits we wore for this session... so glad I changed it to the grey and purple, I just love this color scheme with the fall foliage!

Happy Wednesday!

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