Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts

05 November 2010

Your Three Words

As opposed to my completely free weekend about a month ago, this one is filled to the brim with fun stuff!

Last night I was lucky enough to score box seats to the Flyers/Rangers game. Flyers won 4-1! It's always nice to see a Philly team beat a NYC team ;) What was even better than the game was this...
Unlimited Chickie's & Pete's Crab Fries. Yum.

Tonight, I'm headed to the Melting Pot with good friends of mine. Girls Night Out! I can't wait to catch up with Deanna {who just had twin boys and now has 3 -boys- under 3!!} and Christine {who recently found out she's pregnant with a baby GIRL!} So exciting.

Tomorrow, of course, is our family photo session with Steph. Not only is it my family that is having our photo's taken, but my sister, Kristi's, family will be there as well! What are the chances of getting 4 kids {all under the age of 4!} in a picture together? A picture that they are all actually looking at the camera at the same time? We shall see!

On Sunday, Bob and I are headed to the EAGLES game!!!! I feel so lucky to be going to both the Flyers and the Eagles all within 4 days of each other. We're headed to "The Linc" for the 4pm game on Sunday against the Colts. I'm sure there will be some tailgating, and possibly even a trip to Chickie's & Pete's next door to the stadium for an early dinner... Yes, I love their food that much. =)

Yeah, so that's my crazy busy weekend! What does everyone else have planned??

Don't forget to join the Y3W Blog Hop!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! And stay tuned for the card design giveaway next week!

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13 March 2009


Look what showed up at my work on Wednesday.... :)I even won the Phanatic game {I placed my little Phanatic on Jamie Moyer...out of all players...and won a Phillies travel mug...yay!} The season opener is right around the corner and we can't wait. We have tickets to the last home spring training game on April 4th at 1:05 against the TB Rays {I miss Pat Burrell already.} The home opener is the next day {which, sadly we'll be watching from home...or likely someones house party!} and then we have tickets to the second game of the season on April 7th.She sure is pretty. GO PHILS!

19 February 2009

Guess what we bought yesterday?

Spring training is in full swing {pun intended} down in FL and our World Series Champs will be back on the beautiful field at Citizen's Bank Park on April 5th for their home opener.
Of course, it's near impossible to get tickets to the home opener since it's strictly for season ticket holders and the lucky bastards that win the ticket lottery. Anyway...we got ourselves tickets to the second game of the season on April 7th!!!
This makes me happy for many reasons:
  1. It's free t-shirt night.
  2. We're going with 8 other people. Good times.
  3. I'm not pregnant this season.
  4. I can get Chickie's & Pete's crab fries.
  5. It will be Carter's first game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because we watched almost every single game last year when I was pregnant (most of them on TV, but we did make it to 10-15 games) I have a feeling that Carter will immediately recognize the voice of Harry Kalis. Too cute!

Anyway, I'm very excited that it's almost Phillies season again. :)

12 January 2009

Lucky Charm

Who is the EAGLES lucky charm, you may ask?...
....THIS GUY! :)

30 October 2008


No. Words. Necessary.

27 October 2008

Tonight's the night.

The atmosphere here in the city of Philadelphia is a little crazy today. Even walking into my building I saw nothing but a sea of red shirts and hats. Lots of smiles and high fives. You would never have known that it was 7:30 in the morning.

My boyfriend is pitching tonight. I have my Hamels shirt on and I'm ready to go. Work is having a Phillies pep rally at noon today (I work for the 4th biggest employer in Philly.) Everyone is so ready.

Carter's ready:
Ben's ready:
Even Kai is ready:
Are you ready? I wonder if they'll close our office on Wednesday for the parade? ;)

16 October 2008

wOOt wOOt

Way to go boys :)
My boyfriend, Cole, w/ his MVP trophey.
Gotta love the goggles.

Onto the World Series!!!!!

06 October 2008

Phightin' Phils

We are beyond excited about the Phils moving on to the NLCS. Bob and I, along with Scott and Lauren, went to the game on Thursday night (their last home game before heading to Milwaukee) and it was out of control. And let's not even discuss the fact that I could finally drink after attending games all season while being the DD because I was pregnant. It was nice.

Sadly, I forgot my camera, but here is a shot that I took with my phone from our seats in the Hall of Fame Club. This was right before Shane Victorino's grand slam (he's up to bat in the pic)...
We're going to the second game in the Dodgers series this Friday and I can. not. wait.


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