Showing posts with label Holiday's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday's. Show all posts

04 November 2013

Well, hello 3rd tri...

I know I say this over and over again, but really?  Can you believe it?  Can you believe that I'm in 3rd tri already?  Because I sure can't.

Every week when I take my belly picture, I email it to myself from my phone.  And every week I put in the wrong subject for how far along I am... I think I put "22w" this time and I'm all "wait a second, that's not right, is it?"  I don't know if it's denial or just utter disbelief. {Or, ya know... stupidity.} 

Whatever it is, I am shocked about it.

So yeah, on Halloween day, I entered into the elusive 3rd trimester.  And hopefully my last trimester of ever being pregnant too! {What? I'm serious this time.}  Here's a belly pic my sister took before heading out to Carter's school parade and class party...
And my standard picture...
My mom thinks that shirt is super creepy {which I guess is the point, right?} but I think it's kinda cute.  I know I got a lot of compliments on it so it must not have been all that bad.

Pregnancy: 27 weeks  

Weight Gain: 22 pounds {Well crap, another big jump in weight.  Stupid Halloween candy. I honestly fear for my weight gain this pregnancy... I also have Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years ... with a wedding on NYE... to look forward too before I deliver.  Yeah, this isn't going to end well for me.}

Sleep: So tired, all the time.  And I wanted to stab Benjamin Franklin yesterday.  So what, the guy created electricity and is a pillar of our society, especially in Philadelphia. Pfft, big deal.  It's HIS fault my kids were up at 5:30am on a Sunday morning.  #longestdayever
Gender: It's a GIRL!  {Check out the reveal post.}

Name: Emerson Mae {Check out my original name post here and the reveal post here.}

Feeling: Pretty good!  Still having dizzy spells here and there, but I've been so busy that I haven't really had time to think about how I'm feeling, honestly.

I am really looking forward to my ultrasound at MFM this Friday.  Can't wait to see baby girl again and also check how she and my cervix are both progressing.  Hoping it's still at least a 3 right now! 
{My cervix measured a 2.7 at 18 weeks and a 3.0 at 19 weeks... we need it to be above a 2.5 at the very least, but above a 3.0 is preferable!}

Health:  BP looked pretty good at my appointment on Friday.  I also had my 2nd glucose test... I really hate that crap.  I don't necessarily think the drink tastes all that bad {don't get me wrong, I don't think it tastes GOOD either} but I just hate the way it makes me feel for the rest of the day. So blah.
Andplusalso?  Probably not the best idea to schedule the GTT for the morning after Halloween. I'm just saying.  My results don't seem very promising. {I should know by tomorrow if I passed.}

Movement: Homegirl be cray cray.

Belly: Measuring 3 weeks ahead as of my appt on Friday.  I'm sure we're well on our way to measuring 5-6 weeks ahead really soon. NBD.
For reference, here are my side-by-side weekly belly pics with Reid and my first 20 weeks with Emmie Mae. 

Next Appointment: Ultrasound: this Friday, November 8th at 28w1d. OB Appointment: Friday, November 15th at 29w1d. 

30 October 2013

WW: Halloween Costumes

Sorry I've been slacking here lately, things have been completely crazy at work and at home {3 sick kids FTW!} but I wanted to share with you our Halloween costumes for this year!

As always, I let Carter and Brynn pick whatever they wanted.  Carter's was a no brainer... he's been completely obsessed with Star Wars lately and the first words out of his mouth were DARTH VADAR!  Done.

Brynn was pretty easy this year too.  I showed her several costumes online that I thought she would like {Doc McStuffins, Sofia the First, etc.} but as soon as she saw the "princerella" costume she was hooked!  Sweet.

Obviously Reid is way too little to pick by himself, so while I was looking through different options online {a monster, a dinosaur, etc.} someone came over to help.  And I bet you can't guess who made the final decision on Reid's costume...

I have to tell you... Carter did a great job, because Reid is the cutest little Yoda around!

I'll be sure to take lots of pictures of the kids tomorrow too!  Carter has a parade at school and I also got picked to go into his classroom to help out with his party after the parade {I'm so excited about this!}  Then we're heading over to my sister, Kacy's, house for a big dinner/party and some trick-or-treating around her neighborhood.  This is a tradition we started last year and I absolutely love it because I get to see all of my nieces & nephews in their costumes as well, and the kids just LOVE being able to ToT together.

I hope everyone has a safe {and warm} Halloween tomorrow!

30 April 2013

WW: Reid's Baptism

As stressful as it was leading up to the big day, it turned out beautiful.  The weather was perfect, the food was delicious and the kids didn't destroy the church.  What more could we ask for, really?

But can I be honest with you for a second?  I had such a hard time in the few days leading up to Reid's Baptism and party.  The entire time I was trying to clean, make lists, shop and get things ready, all I could think about was my dad.

This has, by far, been the hardest time for me to date.  Harder than Christmas.  Harder than New Year's.  Harder than anything leading up to this point. There was just a huge, gaping hole in my heart all week and boy, was it hard to handle. I miss my dad every second of every day, but it really hits home when you hold family events like this.

So yeah, there's that.

But the event itself went really well and the food was amazing.  We had some of it catered, but the yummy main dishes were made by my mom, mother in law and a good friend of the family and I am just the luckiest person in the world to have so many wonderful people in my life {that are also good cooks... BONUS!}

I don't have any pictures of the party {way too busy running around} but here are a few pics from the ceremony and just after.  The weather was a perfect 72 degrees =)


I love this sequence of Reid with his Godparents, Chris and Reenie! He's a lucky guy =)
I still want to get a few pictures of just Reid in his gorgeous outfit, but I had no time on the day of.  Hopefully this weekend so that I can order Thank You cards with his sweet little picture on it =)

Happy Baptism Reid Joseph! You are so very loved.
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02 April 2013

WW: Easter in Pictures

{I apologize for my lack of posting this week, work has been INSANE.  So please forgive me as I distract you with all the pretty pictures. La la la.}

It's been quite awhile since I pulled out my big girl camera and actually took pictures. But this weekend? I did just that.  And it felt good.

We had two Easters this weekend.  The first was celebrated Saturday with Bob's family.  The second was Sunday with mine.  Unfortunately the weather totally sucked on Sunday and I didn't get many pictures besides the few I posted on Instagram, but Satureday was absolutely gorgeous.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend!
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