Showing posts with label Percentiles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Percentiles. Show all posts

19 March 2013

Reid is 6 months!

Oh, you sweet boy, you.
You have done so much since I last updated 2 months ago.  You have grown into the sweetest boy and you get cuter and cuter by the day.

We had your 6 month check up last week and you're still mama's chubby boy {it's just more for us to love, bud!}

Weight: 22.5lbs | 99%
Height: 27in | 75%
Head: 18in | 95%

Short, fat and bald.  Still.  And I love it! 

Everyone asks me if you're my biggest baby, to which I immediately reply "No way, Carter was HUGE!" But you're actually a lot closer to Carter's size than I thought!  Carter was still a bigger baby, but mostly due to his height, not so much his weight {compared to yours.} Here were Carter's 6 month stats: {Also? Thank gawd for my blog because I literally had no idea. Mom of the Year right here.}

Weight: 22 lbs 6 oz  | 100%
Height: 28 1/2 in | 100%
Head: 46 cm | 95%

So your height and head size are basically the same, but Carter was an entire inch & a half taller than you! I guess that's why you appear to be fatter bigger, sweet boy ;)

I then, of course, had to look up Brynnie, and guess what? You're bigger than her! But not by much. Here were Brynn's 6 month stats:

Weight: 21lbs 12oz | 97%
Height: 27in | 95%
Head: 45cm | 97%

Okay, back to YOU my sweet boy. Some other random stats: you're wearing size 4 diapers and 12 month clothing, although they're getting a little tight, if I'm being honest. ;)

At your appointment on Friday, you were totally flirting with the doctor the entire time and you were a huge fan of the tissue paper on the table...
 Reid wuz here.  Not exactly the best way to get your fiber though. Ahem. {And do you see the drool spots?}

You've had so many milestones these past 2 months.  Let's see...

You're eating food.  This is probably your favorite milestone ever considering that you've been staring us down at every meal for awhile now. So far, you have yet to find a fruit or veggie that you don't like!

This is your very first time eating...
See. You loved it immediately. 

You're sitting up.  This is probably mommy's favorite milestone thus far.  I love the short time between sitting up and crawling. It's my favorite stage!
And you have your Poppy's eyes, my sweet boy.  I see it all the time and it makes my heart smile. You have his eyes and his name, Reid Joseph... you're a lucky boy.

You also moved up to your convertible car seat.  You love it!  Now you can easily laugh at your brother and sister in the car and you have a great time looking out the window.

You're also holding your own bottle.  It's like you don't even need me anymore.
Real men totally use pink Rock-n-Plays. Just an FYI. {Thanks Aubs!}

We've also started to transition you into your crib.  It's going well for naps and we hope that we can start putting you in it at night by this weekend.  Since you're slowly {ahem, quickly} inching your way to your RNP weight limit, you need to move it on up there to the crib, buddy.
Mommy and Daddy spent a few hours reconnecting all the monitors to keep you safe. Now let's hope your first overnight trial run goes well! {Ha! Yeah, right. Send mama coffee.}

Also? I'm really going to miss sleeping right next to you. I'm sad just thinking about it.

Your most favorite thing to do is jump.  Jumpity jump.  Jump all day long.

Even when we're just holding you, you are constantly jumping!  Here you are showing Aubrey the ropes...

Let's see... you also celebrated two holidays these past two months... Valentine's Day & St. Patrick's Day {or just "patricks day" as Carter likes to call it}...
Handsome boy!

You adore your brother and sister.  And they completely adore you right back.   You just sit there and laugh at them... it doesn't matter what they're doing, you think it's the funniest thing you've ever seen. And they just love to take care of you!  They always want to give you hugs, hold your bottle and make sure you have a toy in your hand at all times.

Aubrey is your best friend.  You guys just love to stare at each other and we are so excited to watch the beautiful birthday twins grow up together!
I mean, the hand holding? SO CUTE!

I'll tell you what else you really love...  playing with your daddy...
... and cuddling with your mama...

And we love you right back, sweet boy!

Okay Reid Joseph, let's see how much you've grown!
Reid 6m
Reid 5m
Reid 4 Months
Reid 3 Months

So big! Can't wait to see what this next month brings... but not too fast now, okay?

25 January 2013

Reid is 4 months!

It's been awhile since I've done a monthly post for my ever-growing and super adorable baby boy.  Although I remembered to take his 3 month picture, Reid actually turned 3 months a few days after my dad's funeral.  I just wasn't feeling like blogging at all, which is certainly understandable, so I apologize to my sweet boy for missing a post.


Oh my dear, how you have changed my life.  You are so adorable and your smile is infectious.  You light up a room as soon as you enter it. We just love you so much! You're talking like a champ and you love trying to do raspberries with mama and daddy.  You laugh out loud so much and it just melts my heart.

Let's see... some general stats from your 4 month well visit {at 4m1d}:

Weight: 19 pounds | 99%
Height: 25.5 inches | 70%

So you're short, fat, bald, and extremely good looking {100%. Ahem.} You're wearing 9 month clothing and size 3 diapers.

"But doc... I don't understand how that happened."

Over the past 2 months, you've had some pretty big events and milestones...

You celebrated your first Thanksgiving! {And you wore the same exact outfit that Carter did on his first Thanksgiving! :}

Love those gorgeous blue eyes, baby boy! You made the cutest turkey ever!

You absolutely adore your brother and sister. And they love you right back... they always make sure that you're happy and love to talk to you, rock you and make sure you have your blanket and/or a toy to hold.

You love bath time and can't wait to get in the tub and kick and splash around.

We helped GG & Poppy decorate their house for Christmas and you went and picked out your very first Christmas tree!

You slept through it, but you were such a good boy when we went out to lunch with everyone afterwards!  You were flirting with the waitress. :)  You sure did an amazing job decorating the tree that night, though.

You still really {really} love your swing.  It will be a sad, sad day when you out weigh it {sorry buddy, but you're getting close.  Ahem.}
Cutest little toes ever!

You also celebrated your first actually did really well trying to open your presents, but you certainly had a lot of help from a {very} willing brother and sister!

You celebrated your very first New Year's! You fell asleep around 9pm on NYE, but mommy was very thankful for that considering she was sick!  Here's a pic of us on New Year's Day...

On January 2nd, we took you to the Children's Hospital to see a Pediatric GI about your reflux issues.  We made out pretty well at the appointment.  The doctor gave us some more recommendations and changed your meds.  Nothing really is helping, however, so we hope that it gets better in its own once you start eating solids in a month or two!

You're trying to sit up.  No really, you are.  It's insane.

But you love sitting in your little chair so that you can try to keep tabs on what everyone is doing around you...

You are also doing an awesome job with your toys!  You love to grab them, move them back and forth from hand to hand and try to chew on them.  {"Ohhh, okay. Now I get it."}

 But mostly?  You just love your cuddle time. You love to give kisses and hugs to everyone. You are just the sweetest baby boy ever and we are so lucky to have you!

Okay handsome boy, let's see how much you've grown!
Reid 4 Months
Reid 3 Months

So big! Can't wait to see what this next month brings... but not too fast now, okay?

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