Showing posts with label Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Questions. Show all posts

20 January 2012

Y3W | Your questions, answered!

Alright, let's see what we have here...

Tell me about your weight maintenance, how's it going?
I got this question few times so I'll put it first. Maintenance has been fabulous. No really, it has. I'm not going to lie, I've bounced back twice. Once after Disney and the miscarriage where I gained about 4-5lbs and then lost it again. And then once after the holiday's. It's hard not to give in too 1 or 2 cookies, especially when you have a mama that bakes like mine does! ;)

I do have a threshold. By gaining more than 5lbs, it puts me in a different weight bracket (i.e. I'm up to the next "10" on the scale) and that's a number I don't want to see again. So if I see my self straying a bit, I get right back too it.

But I must also mention that maintaining my has never really been an issue for me. It was always losing it. And now that Medifast has helped me do that, I'm doing an awesome job at staying at my goal weight. So YAY for that!!

Are y'all back on the TTC wagon?
Like I've mentioned before, we've always wanted 3 kids. Always. And we know that with that 3rd child, our family will be complete. This is something that we're hoping for very soon!

Did you know you are almost at 1,000 followers on GFC?? That's borderline celebrity- what are you going to do to celebrate, if you even decide to celebrate?
YES! I can NOT wait to hit 1,000. It's so exciting to me. Of course, just as I hit that slightly amazing number, GFC will be gone for some bloggers {i.e. all non-blogger blogs} which totally sucks. But it should still work on mine, so follow along publicly if you don't already! Maybe I'll do a big giveaway once I hit 1,000! =)

Are you going to blogher12?
Absolutely! BlogHer'11 was one of the most amazing experiences. I had the chance to meet awesome women that I've "known" for a long time and when we finally met {in real life}, it was like the stars aligned and our friendships were meant to be. I already have at least 2 of my roommates {ahem, Chelsey and Torie} and we're talking to our potential fourth now. I won't link her now, but she better go, damn it! ;)

Oh and? It's in NYC! Just a short drive for me. No time zone changes, no flying. It's perfect =) Not to mention that I get to road trip with 2 of my favorite people ever {Kelly & Steph!} I just can NOT wait.

Okay, so who wants to sponsor me?? ;)

Have you ever considered being a blog mentor?
No, because I don't even know what that is! But it sounds interesting. I just don't know if I'm good enough to be anyone's mentor at this point!

Do you use an RSS app to keep up with the blogs your reading?
I don't! Does anyone have any good apps they recommend? Honestly, I'm old school. I save the links to the blogs I frequent most, and I go to each of their pages individually. I just think blog reading is better that way =)

How on earth do you find the time??? Wife, mama, working, sister, daughter?? I swear, I struggle to get anything done!
Well I've been completely honest about this on the blog before... I actually think I'm a slacker. Let me explain. Yes, I work full time, but I am so lucky because my kids are with family. They are with my mother-in-law on Monday's and then my mom the rest to the week.

My mom teaches Carter everything. EVERYTHING. I can not take credit for much, as far as him learning what he needs to know for school. My mom teaches him his letters, numbers, colors and shapes. She taught him how to write his name, he knows the days of the week, the months, the date, the weather. She gives him homework {!!!} that we do together on the weekends. My mom is AMAZING. {Though she does catch some slack from us because Carter will now only eat the oval crackers and not the circle crackers... I mean, WHO TAUGHT HIM HIS SHAPES!?!}

Okay, and here's where the real slacking begins {continues?}... Our mom's? Well, after they watch our kids for us all day? They have amazing home-cooked meals ready for us when we pick them up after work. :::ducks::: Can you imagine such a thing? We are so so lucky. And we know it, so don't you worry! We know just how lucky we are and we are so thankful for our mamas! And it's awesome that we get to sit down and talk to them everyday.

So yeah... I'm a slacker. I don't do it all. I have help. Lots and lots of help!

You said you've been busy... what have you been up too?
Nothing much really. Just hanging with family. Visiting people.

Last weekend we went to a surprise 80th birthday party for Bob's Mom Mom. It was one of the sweetest things I've ever witnessed. The hall was packed with family and friends that she's collected over the years. I was nervous about surprising an 80-year-old {because, well, come on... she's 80} but as soon as she opened the door to the hall, we started singing "Happy Birthday" and she cried. It was amazing. She just looked so happy the entire party.
Isn't she the sweetest thing ever? Watch out though... I'm pretty sure I saw her dancing around with 80 $1 bills at some point during the party so... she's a feisty mama, that one. ;)

This weekend, I have a girls day planned with my sisters and mom. We're just watching The Help {we all waited so we could watch it together} at Kacy's house and then having dinner. YUM. Sunday is bowling with the kiddos {my sister Kristi's and mine} so that should be fun {and interesting.}

So yeah, we've just been busy! =)

You did a make-up post last month, can you talk about what eyeshadow colors/brands you use?
Those that use MAC products already know the answer to this one, but yeah... that's what I use. MAC everything. I just love their make-up.

Though I have 4 or 5 eyeshadow palettes, these are my favorites {L-R, T-B off the top of my head}:
Brown Palette:
1. Down Town Brown- I use this as an eye liner
2. Satin Taupe. My most favorite eyeshadow EVER.
3. Beauty Marked- great for your eye crease.
4. Honesty- Works great over Satin Taupe to give it more dimension

Black Palette:
1. Electra- Same as Beauty Marked, it's great for your eye crease
2. Black Tied- I use this as my black liner
3. Nylon- I wear this every. single. day. as a highlighter.
4. Swish- This color is just plain ol' fun.

If you use MAC eyeshadows and have a favorite go-to color, let me know! I'd love to try a few new ones!

I think this is good for now! If you have any more questions for me, let me know... I'd love to answer them if I can!
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Have a lovely weekend everyone!

16 March 2011

You've got questions? I've got answers.

Thank you for the questions you asked in my survey post and also on the survey itself. I also got a few questions via email, so I wanted to get some answered before you {and I} forget about them!

1. How many kids do you want to have?

I've always wanted 3 kids. Always. Not sure if it's because I'm one of 3 or not, but I just don't think 2 kids is enough. Even now, after having two kids, my family doesn't feel complete. Everyone always says that you'll know when you're done having children {basically because your uterus doesn't ache for another bambino and the thought of being pregnant again or having a newborn makes you sick to your stomach.} I'm not there yet. I want 3, for sure. Thankfully, the husband is on board for 3 as well. =)

2. And, if you want more, do you have names picked out?
Well, if you read my blog when I was pregnant with Brynn, then you'll know that if she was a boy, her name would have been Reid Jospeh. I LOVE that name so much and will definitely be using it if #3 is a boy. For a girl? Still working on that. Girl names are hard for me {except for the name Brynn… see question #4 below.} As of right now, I like Emerson Mae for a girl, with the nickname Emma Mae. =)

3. You found out what you're having with your first 2 babies, do you think you'll do that again?
I will 100% be waiting until birth to find out the sex of baby #3. I am very committed to waiting. I've done it the other way twice, and while I loved finding out, I think waiting just once will be wonderful too. I'm sure I'll need your help to wait though =)

4. How did you come up with your children's names? Were they simply names you liked or do they have family/sentimental significance?
When I was pregnant with Carter, we were going back and forth with boys names before we found out the sex. We were 100% sure of the girls name {Brynn} but had no clue for boys names. Bob and I both liked Ethan, Lucas, and Carter, but really didn't love anything yet. So, of course, we found out we were having a boy. Because that's what happens when you can't agree on a name. ;) After the ultrasound, we were driving home and I looked at Bob {who was driving} and said "He looked like a Carter." Thinking that he would call me crazy, he replied "I thought the same thing!" So we agreed that his name would be Carter Robert {after, Bob, obviously} and that was that. =)

The name Brynn was a name that I have loved since I was 11 years old. My sister had a friend on her soccer team with that name and it stuck with me. I'd hear it every now and then throughout the years and continued to love it. As soon as we got pregnant the first time, I brought the name up to Bob and I was thrilled that he loved it too! It was hard to come up with a middle name for Brynn, since it's one syllable and every family name we tried either started with a "B" or was one syllable as well. So we just used Sophia… A name we both loved, but wouldn't use as a first name.

5. As a fellow 2 parent working household.... What are some tips you can give this fellow mama?
Pffft…. No tips here, I can barely think straight or string two coherent sentences together. Bob and I both work full-time, but we're lucky. For so many reasons… we commute to work together and Bob works a block away from me. My mom watches the kids for us at her house Tuesday-Friday and my mother-in-law has the kids on Mondays. Our moms make us dinner. {Sad, I know… I'm a loser, but they're so amazing and we love spending time there.} Nights are very busy when we get home and I'd be lying if I said we give the kids a bath every night. Sometimes it's not even every other night. {Oops.} My house is a mess. Want to stop over for a surprise visit? You'd have to see stools on our living room couch so Kai doesn't sit up there while we're at work, dishes in the sink, mail on the counters, laundry on the floor. Should I continue? I'm not mother {or wife} of the year, that's a fact.

6. I'd like to know how your kids are w/ their foods, meals, and how you as a family are w/ cooking/meals/etc etc.
Brynn? Loves to eat. She will eat anything we give her. But I remember Carter being like that as well, so I know it doesn't last long. Right now? Carter is hit or miss. I could make him dinner one night and he'll eat every last bit of it. If I make him the same exact thing a week later he won't touch it. Then I end up making 5 different things for him and he will only eat cheese and crackers. Fine by me. His favorites are the toddler staples: chicken nuggets, pizza, french fries, goldfish, crackers, cookies, cheese sticks, yogurt, fruit bars, bananas, apple slices… Ya know, the usuals. He also loves fishsticks {ew} hotdogs and mac and cheese {sometimes…sigh.}

He rarely eats the same thing we have for dinner, so we always have to cook him something different.

7. I'm curious how you stay organized and still do a blog since you are busy w/ 2 little ones, a hubby, a house, and a very active social life :)
Organized? Not so much. I try though. I have reminders set on my work calendar and spreadsheets everywhere. I hang all invitations on the side of my fridge so I don't forget about all the parties Carter has to go too {he has way more friends then us!} I usually blog at night when the kids are asleep, on the weekends/during nap time, and if I get a free minute at work {lunch breaks, etc.} As far as my social life, we're very lucky to live near family and have a ton of babysitters. Last weekend at my parents anniversary party was the first time we almost didn't have a babysitter. Both sisters were going to be at the party, my in-laws were down in FL for spring training {GO PHILS!} and my sister-in-law {a college senior} was on spring break in North Carolina. Thankfully, she was coming back early for something else and ended up watching the kids for us too. We paid her in Chinese food, wine, and Dunkin Donuts {ahem, sounds good to me!}

Yeah so… we're lucky.

8. What are your favorite blogs (baby blogs or other)?
Most of my favorites are listed in my blog roll! I also check out a lot of photography sites like Jessica Claire and my wedding photographer, Laura Novak. I just love to get ideas or just browse through the beautiful images they take!

9. As a fellow formula feeding mom, did you ever feel pressure to breastfeed your babies?
Whew, this is quite a question. As I'm sure you've noticed, I don't broach the subject much, basically because I feel that it's a mother's choice and how they feed their baby really is no one's damn business. But I'll answer... ;)

Did I feel pressure to breastfeed? Yes. But I also felt just as much pressure to formula feed. What it came down too, was doing what's best for me, my lifestyle, and my babies. I don't feel I need to justify my reasons to anyone and I am very confident in my decision. And my babies? They're healthy. They're happy. And they're fed. That's all that matters to me. Just feed your babies. =)

10. What is Brynn's first birthday theme and how is the planning going?

I got this questions several times and I PROMISE a post is coming VERY SOON about everything I have planned so far for little Miss Brynn's party! I really can't wait to share it with you!!! Oh, and there will be lots of pictures =)

#10!! You guys are awesome!
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23 February 2011

And the survey says...

Seriously. Enough about me. I talk about myself on here all the time, but now I want to know more about you. I want to know what you're looking for in a blog. Why you continue {or don't continue} to come back. Is this your first time here or are you a JFTB regular? I want to know. I need to know. {Especially with the amount of lurkers that I have... come out and join us already ;}

So, can you do me a teeny favor? Take my survey real quick? I promise it's quite painless. Just want to know a few things about you. And it's 100% anonymous, so please be {brutally... okay maybe not brutally, I don't feel like crying today} honest.

Also, I haven't done a questions post in awhile, so let me have 'em. Leave a comment either here or on the survey {the last question!!} or email me with your questions and I'll answer them for you. Nothing is off limits! Is there a topic that you want me to talk about on here? Want to know my favorite thing to do on a Monday night? {Bachelor + wine... duh.} Anything at all that you're wondering about?

Let me have 'em.

Thank you, my dears.

Can I get two clickity-clicks for the blog?
Bouncing back and forth from 15 to 16 is quite exhausting. ;)
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11 August 2010

Questions for Jenni (Part III)

1) I don't think you mentioned your dog in a little while, but how is he doing with the new baby?
Aww, Kai is wonderful. He is such a good "puppy" and is excellent with both babies. Carter just ADORES him and every time he sees him he runs over to pet him while yelling "Kai Kai!!" He's also very good with the baby, and I have to stop him from licking her face! Brynn just stares at him and smiles. Kai gets very upset when Brynn cries though...

2) I love your blog and always read your posts! I know this is a weird question but I thought I would ask it anyways..Are you breastfeeding Brynn? If not, what kind of formula do you give her?
Well, this is a touchy subject and one that, I'm sure you've all noticed, I've kept off the blog. But to answer your question, I decided to formula feed Carter and Brynn for several reasons.

We started Carter off with Similac Advance, but due to severe acid reflux, we had to switch him to Similac Sensitive {ready-to-feed... he couldn't handle the powder.} He was on that for a few weeks, to no avail. We finally decided to give in and put him on liquid Zantac along with adding a tiny amount of rice cereal in his bottle to help thicken the formula. That, combined with the Sensitve formula and Dr. Brown's bottles, worked like a charm. If we took something out of the equation, like the rice cereal or Zantac for example, his reflux would act up again.

Because of that, we decided to start Brynn on Similac Sensitive from the start {the ready-to-feed formula only, not the rice cereal or the Zantac, of course!} Thankfully she is doing well with it and she doesn't have signs of having acid reflux. Woooo hooo!

3) What's your favorite room in your house?
Our kitchen. We worked SO HARD on it and I just love that everything in it was designed by US {of course we had a ton of help from my father-in-law and dad too!}

4) Are you still doing the Shred? Have you changed your diet too?
Oh, the Shred. I've been slacking ever since I returned to work. It's just hard to find time to do it. I really, really want need to get back on it though. I haven't lost a single pound since I stopped. When I return from vacation, I plan to really crack down and come up with a routine for both working out and eating better. It's kinda hard now with working PT from home {as part of my maternity leave} to really come up with a solid routine...everyday is different. I return back to work FT on Monday though, so I think it will be a little easier then! At least I hope...

5) I have a hard time taking care of one child, working full time, spending time with my husband, taking care of the house and exercising! I couldn't imagine doing it all with 2 babies! Any tips?! :)
I am, by no means, an expert on this topic, as I'm still adjusting myself, but... {thankfully} I don't think it's been that difficult having two babies in the house {as opposed to one.} It's obviously very time consuming, but as I mentioned before, it was a lot easier {emotionally} going from 1 baby to 2 because you've already changed your entire life to accommodate having a child.

Sigh. The house. I try to do my best with keeping things clean and organized {which was a lot easier when I was on maternity leave} but I think I've adapted a new motto...

We can't both look good. It's me or the house.

{Crap. Didn't I just confess that I wasn't exercising?}

And, lastly, as every mom knows, spending time with your husband often gets pushed to the side when a baby {or 2} enters your world. Bob and I do try to plan date nights {we actually just had one on Sunday for my birthday... and another one last night to the Phillies game} but it's actually a rare occurrence. Not only is it exhausting just thinking about going out on so little sleep, but then comes the problem of a babysitter. We're VERY fortunate to have a plethora of babysitters in our family and it's fairly easy to ask someone to watch the kids for us so that we can spend time together. But, for many parents moms, then comes the problem of...
  1. Feeling bad that someone else is watching your kids.
  2. Hoping that they're actually being good for whomever is babysitting.
  3. Trying not to let 1 and 2 affect your date.
Good luck with that.

6) Oh I forgot I wanted to ask what your favorite wine was. And while we are at it your favorite beer too ;)
Pinot Grigio is, by far, my favorite type of wine. As for brands, I absolutely LOVE Santa Margherita, but it's a bit pricey, so I usually buy Cavit Pinot Grigio. Yum. But I'll drink anything ;)

As for beer, I love Miller Lite and a few of the Sam Adams specialty beers, like Summer Ale and October Fest.

I just got thirsty all of a sudden.

7) What is the characteristic you most admire in others?
Sense of humor. By far. I love spending time with people that can make me laugh.

8) What do you imagine you will be doing with your life in 10 years?
Hmm, good question. I imagine that I will be working at my current job {or a similar job} at the University or teaching elementary school {I'm licensed to teach in both PA and NJ.} No matter what, I'll definitely be in the education field.

9) What is your favorite "day-trip" to take with two kids?
I would say the park or the zoo, but we all know what happened the last time we went there. I honestly haven't taken many day trips with both kids. We have been super busy this summer with birthday parties and BBQ's that our weekends are pretty jam-packed.

We're hoping to go to Storybook Land soon though!

10) Who inspires you and why?
My parents.

They're just really good people. And I'm not just saying that because they're my parents. They are truly amazing people... caring, loving, giving, honest, and fair. You can count on them for anything.

I think my dad is an inspiration to all that know his story {which you can read here} and there are currently 35-year's worth of daycare kids and parents trying to give my mom Sainthood status. Kidding. But she sure does deserve it.

Yep, my parents. Without a doubt.

Okay, it took me, literally, all day to answer these, so I'll do more later... Please, keep the questions coming!

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04 August 2010

Questions for Jenni (Part II)

More answers to your questions...

1. Do you have a routine with both babies?
Yes! Carter is very {very} routine oriented {just like his mama!} so we have a routine for everything. While on maternity leave, we would go crazy hang out in the mornings- watch movies or play with toys, etc. I'd start lunch around 11ish, we'd eat around 11:30, then I'd change Carter and we'd watch baby crack Baby Einstein sing-a-longs from 12-12:30 ending with "Twinkle, Twinkle" {Carter's favorite} and then I'd put him up for a nap. He never fought me on this because he knew the routine. We'd do our usual handshake of "sweet dreams, kiss kiss, high five" that Carter made up and then he'd go right to sleep.

As for Brynn, she'd eat every 3 hours. It usually didn't interfere with the lunch/nap routine that we had, but sometimes it did, which just pushed everything back a little bit. No big deal.

After Carter's nap, he'd get a snack and juice and we'd sit and watch Ellen together =) This is really the only show of mine that I can get him to watch and it's obviously because there is so much music/dancing.

At night, Carter gets his bath around 7pm and his milk around 7:30 and he sits with me while he drinks it. We then go upstairs for "cuddle time" and we read Goodnight Moon. He usually falls asleep in my bed and then I take him down to his crib where he sleeps the rest of the night.

Brynnie Girl is a bit young for a real routine, but she usually eats every 3 hours. She has 3 wakeful periods, one in the morning, one in the afternoon {usually during Carter's nap}, and then again after dinner. During those times, she LOVES to talk and smile, hang out on her activity mat, do some tummy time, and hug and kiss her mama :) We tend to give her a bath later {around 9ish} so that she can eat and then go to bed for the night. Sometimes she wakes up around 4am and sometimes she doesn't. I think she's well on her way to really sleeping through the night for good =)

2. What do you find hardest about 2 under 2?
The hardest part of having 2 under 2 is, by far, when they both need you at the same time. It doesn't happen all that often {maybe once a day} but you can only do so much. Sometimes one has to cry while you're helping the other one. It makes me sad {and I always say things like "Mommy's coming Carter" or "I'll be right there Brynnie, hold on girlfriend!"} but really, you're only one person. Unless it's a true emergency, the other baby will be just fine for a minute until you're able to get there...

3. How do you do bedtime with both kids?
Well I sort of answered this in #1, but I usually have Carter and Bob will take Brynn. We're both involved in bath time with the kiddos, but after Carter is finished with his milk, I take him up to cuddle while Bob spends some time with Brynn. Once Carter's asleep, I'll come back down to hang out with Bob and the baby.

Brynn is still sleeping in our room, so we'll give her a bath later and then take her up to our room to feed her. She usually falls asleep soon after eating, so I'll just put her in her bed next to me. I'm not sure when we'll be moving her to her room. I'll probably start to transition her to her crib {we'll start with naps} sometime after vacation.

4. Would you mind if I used Brynn's nursery design for my own nursery one day?
Absoutely not! =)

5. Can you do scrapbooking templates for 9designs?
Email me and I'd love to create something for you!!!

6. I'm with everyone else who thinks you should blog full time. Can you blog everyday... please?!
I try my best to blog at least 3 times a week. I start to feel disconnected if I don't! I also enjoy going back and reading what was going on during each month, so it's a great way to keep myself informed as well =)

I'll try to blog more though! I also want to start coming up with topics that have nothing to do with pregnancy, labor, delivery, or my kids, but it's hard when it consumes your life. The mama's out there know what I'm talking about. I promise to try, though =)

7. What's your favorite holiday?
Christmas. By far. I start to celebrate Christmas sometime around October 1st. I'm not kidding. My college roommate actually had a rule that I couldn't put up Christmas lights or listen to music until after Halloween {which limited me to only listening to Christmas music in my car. And in the shower.}

8. When did you know your husband was the one? :)
From the first night I met him. It may sound strange, but I knew right away. It was November 2, 2001 and I had gone to a party with a friend. Said party happened to be at Bob's house. Well, I ended up talking to him the entire time... he was so funny! We exchanged phone numbers and AIM screen names {classy} before I left and on the drive home, I remember thinking that I couldn't wait to see him again.

The next night, he invited me to the movies {via AIM} with a group of friends {to see 13 Ghosts... I effing hate scary movies, but I went anyway because I was so excited} and I made sure to get in the movie line right behind him so that we could sit next to each other in the theater.

One thing led to another and I ended up hanging out with him everyday for a week. The following Sunday, November 11, 2001, we decided to start dating, officially. =)

We've been together ever since, with no break-ups or anything in between. Bob proposed on Thursday, May 26, 2005 and we were married November 11, 2006!

9. If you could live anywhere where would it be?
Southern California. The only reason: I hate snow. But honestly, home is where my family lives... so where ever they are, that's where I'll be.

10. What is your favorite food?
I get made fun of a lot for this... To me, there are only 4 food groups: chicken, pasta, french fries, and cereal. Kidding. Sort of. {Why am I not losing weight?}

I really don't like to try new things. Ordering different items off the menu? No thanks. I pride myself in ordering the same thing at the same places. Over and over again. I could probably eat the same thing every night and be fine with it {as long as it's in the aforementioned food groups.}

But, to answer your question, my absolute favorite food item/meal is my mama's homemade spaghetti and meatballs. Even the smell of it is "home" to me. Yum.

And, now I'm hungry.

More answers to your questions asap... Keep 'em coming!

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02 August 2010

Questions for Jenni (Part I)

Last week, I decided to do a questions post and I'm so glad I did... you guys came up with some really good questions! I guess I'll start from the top...

1. How did you become friends with that awesome chick over at A Grande Life?
Steph and I actually met on The Bump over 2 years ago, when we were pregnant with our boys. I think we took a liking to each others' smart-ass comments around the 2nd trimester and we've been IFF's* ever since. We now talk everyday on G-Chat, see each other often, and she takes all my wonderful pro-pictures now! =)

{*IFF=Internet Friends Forever... it's what Bob calls any person that I've met on the interwebz. He thinks it's funny, but I've actually met A LOT of awesome girls from my Knot/Nest/Bump days.}

2. Have you ever thought about going to BlogHer, the big blogging conference for women?
I actually never even heard of this conference until Steph brought it up to me last year. It was something that I was considering until I got pregnant with Brynn. I'm still not sure what it is... I'll have to look into it {as well as the cost!} but if we can get a group together, I think it would be so fun to go! Good question, Mol!

3. Do you have any dreams to become a full-time blogger and quit your day job?
The short answer: No.
The long answer: Not really.
The honest answer: I don't think I'm that good. I do this more for myself, than anything. I use blogging as a way to keep a record of things that are going on in my life and keep family and friends informed. If I entertain a few people a long the way, then that's great. But I really don't see myself being a full time blogger in the future.

4. Do you want more babies?
Absolutely. Bob and I have always wanted 3 babies. Maybe it's because we are both one of 3 kids, or maybe it's because I could never imagine myself stopping at 2... but we 100% want at least one more baby. We also plan to keep the sex of baby #3 a surprise. I hope I can do it!! =)

5. If so, what would you name your next child?
That's a good question. I have no idea! I really like the name Dillon for a girl and I absolutely {without a doubt} LOVE the name Reid for a boy. Bob likes Dillon, but hates Reid. I'll really have to do my research for names next time b/c (1) we've already used our favorite boy & girl names and (2) we're not finding out what we're having so we'll have to come up with a name for each!

6. What do you do for a living?
I'm an Academic Advisor for a large University in Philly. I've been doing this job for 6 years and I love it. It was actually a very weird path that led me here... I graduated with a BA in Psychology and my first job out of college was at a psychiatric hospital. It was interesting but VERY scary. Bob hated me working there and actually encouraged me to find something new. I then became a Social Worker for the ARC... a very rewarding job, but it being a non-profit company, the pay was awful.

I then decided to go to grad school {while working FT for the ARC} and get my MS degree in Education. During my very first class, I mentioned where I had went to school {a small college in Richmond, VA} and a girl in my class {Erin} asked me if I knew her roommate, Angela. Ang and I played soccer together and she was my little sister in my sorority. It's so funny how 2 people come together. We ended up talking everyday and Erin told me about a job opening for an Academic Advisor position in her office. One thing led to another and I ended up getting the job {which also allowed me to go to grad school completely free of charge! Well, besides the taxes you have to pay on the tuition costs, but they're much cheaper than paying for school!}

So yeah, that got long. But I advise freshmen and sophomore Engineering students and I absolutely love it.

7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hmm, good question. Five years from now, I'd love to have a new house with my husband {still Bob, of course} and 3 beautiful kiddos! I'd likely still be working in my same {or a similar} job at the university. Bob also works here, so I told him at least one of us is here for life so that our kids can go to school for free! {What? College is expensive.}

8. What's your favorite color?
Blue. It's always been blue. And while we're at it, my favorite number is 9.

9. How did you first know you were pregnant...test, feeling, sypmtoms...for each of your gorgeous lovies?
With Carter, I had NO CLUE. I didn't have a single symptom. Bob and I had been trying for 2-3 months at that point. I had decided to take an ovulation predictor test to see if that helped, but it ended up being negative the entire month. I thought there was no chance of me being pregnant, but I decided to take a pregnancy test 3 days before my period. I was completely SHOCKED when it was positive. I remember looking at it with a blank stare and then I had to sit down on the side of the tub. I then ran up to tell Bob {it was bright and early on Sunday morning, November 18, 2007} I told both of my sisters right away {within minutes} and shared the wonderful news with our families 3 days later on Thanksgiving. =)

With Brynn, my belly knew before I did. It started growing at a rapid pace and I knew the day before I tested that I was pregnant. We were away at a wedding that weekend, so when we left bright and early on Sunday morning, I ran to the store and bought a test. Positive. A beautiful positive. It was Sunday, September 20, 2009. We then shared the news with our families the following Sunday.

You can read the whole story {with videos} here.

10. Let's combine all of Kacy's questions, shall we...
-Who is your favorite sister? Not Kacy
-Who is the funniest person in your family? Not Kacy
-Who is the best looking person in your family? Me, of course.
-Who is the coolest person in your family? Definitely not Kacy.

And, on that note, we'll save the rest for next time. If you have more questions for me, feel free to ask {either in the comments section of this post or here.}

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23 July 2010

Y3W: Questions for Jenni

ask me anything!

This is something that I've been thinking about doing for awhile, but I just never got around to posting it, I guess. Or maybe it was because I just never thought anyone would be interested in knowing anything else about me. I'm not sure.

Either way, my friend Kristal finally inspired me to do this post so... do you have any questions for me? Anything at all? Perhaps you asked me a question in a post that I just never got around to answering... or maybe there's a topic on here that I never addressed. If so, post it in the comments section and I'll do my best to answer each of your questions!

So, by all means... ask away =)

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